Yeah you could get away with that.
Well with this new info I am putting forward a version of the

[X] Plan: Think of the Children! (Now with Royal Progress)
-[X] Request Qoren to join you on your remaining royal progress. (This is a Minor Request)
-[X] Delay the actual wedding.
--[X] Until the beginning of spring. (This is a Moderate Request)
-[X] Ask that all of your children be allowed to claim dragons or given dragon eggs. (This is a Minor Request)
-[X] Request that all your children have the Name Targaryen, with Qoren's heir taking the Martell name upon succession. (This is a Moderate Request)
-[X] Request absolute cognatic inheritance of both titles to be spelled out in the agreement. The firstborn inherits the Iron Throne, the secondborn Dorne, regardless of gender. (This is a Moderate Request)
-[X] Request control over where all your kids, save Qoren's heir, are raised. (This is a Major Request)

And approval vote

[X] Plan: Don't ask for anything "Major".

[X] Plan: Think of the Children!
Now, since all we do here is to request issues that Viserys will bring up in negotiations, it is not a done deal that they will happen.
See, that's the part that makes this so confusing to me: the reasoning you bring up is "this is important because it's a legacy of the house thing". Which, fair enough. But if it's so important, why wouldn't Viserys bring it up on his own? Like, the guy is - far as I am aware - pretty concerned with both his legacy and his Valyrian ancestry. Two things that should put this pretty high up on his own priority list, no?

But, whatever.

The only thing I actually would care about is to get the rules of inheritance written down, but since this seems to be included in (most) plans and I don't wanna vote for any plan where I don't see a point in all of it, I guess I'll just sit this one out (not that I've been voting a lot before :D).
Seconding the Royal Progress amendment—edited my earlier voting comment.

[X] Plan: Think of the Children! (Now with Royal Progress)
-[X] Request Qoren to join you on your remaining royal progress. (This is a Minor Request)
-[X] Delay the actual wedding.
--[X] Until the beginning of spring. (This is a Moderate Request)
-[X] Ask that all of your children be allowed to claim dragons or given dragon eggs. (This is a Minor Request)
-[X] Request that all your children have the Name Targaryen, with Qoren's heir taking the Martell name upon succession. (This is a Moderate Request)
-[X] Request absolute cognatic inheritance of both titles to be spelled out in the agreement. The firstborn inherits the Iron Throne, the secondborn Dorne, regardless of gender. (This is a Moderate Request)
-[X] Request control over where all your kids, save Qoren's heir, are raised. (This is a Major Request)
Everything i really want as a priority in the marriage negotiations, i figure the rest can be wok out down the line [X] Plan: Think of the Children!
As a heads-up, I don't think the tally counter will count this if your vote is not its own line.

See, that's the part that makes this so confusing to me: the reasoning you bring up is "this is important because it's a legacy of the house thing". Which, fair enough. But if it's so important, why wouldn't Viserys bring it up on his own? Like, the guy is - far as I am aware - pretty concerned with both his legacy and his Valyrian ancestry. Two things that should put this pretty high up on his own priority list, no?

Well, he did arrange said Velaryon deal in canon. That was all him. Granted, Rhaenyra also had a worse "market value" at that time in canon and Corlys is an arrogant ass who probably demanded it, but still, the agreement was Viserys' doing.

But still, okay, I see what you mean now. It's something the discussion here has struggled with for a bit. In the same vein, why would we demand that all kids get a dragon if that is something the Martells would be very, very okay with, too? Etc etc. Ultimately, it is about negotiation priorities. Or well, what we would like to have as negotiation priorities. If we say we would like the full deal on the name issue, but Dornish succession and dragons for all kids, then that means we would like the negotiations to prioritize getting the name deal, and "conceding" to the Dornish on the issue of succession laws and the dragons.
[X] Plan: Think of the Children! (Now with Royal Progress)
[X] Plan: Don't ask for anything "Major".
[X] Plan: Think of the Children! (Now with Royal Progress)

I think having him on the progress is important in terms of introducing him to Westeros/allowing him to work his extremely high diplo on lords. Absolutely golden opportunity for a charm offensive.
I mostly want the Think of the Children plan, though I'm weirded out by the singular Major request (Kid Control), now this may be a more moral thing than anything else, but it just feels weird. I feel like raising children should probably be a group-effort? And while I get the point of the Qoren's heir mention is more about making sure that at least a child is raised Dornish, it also feels like choosing to ignore that child. Given how canonical Visery's acted with his children and grand-children I feel any fear that they will be sent away without our own acceptance feels exceptionally unlikely. Also because we're kinda suggesting that Qoren only gets to have free say with the second child, I'd expect them to go very Dornish, and I just know that in one way or another that is going to bite us in the back when our initial heir dies and our primed for Prince of Dorne child suddenly gets locked into being heir to the full 7 kingdoms.

Regardless, I think this is mostly a moral barb that I'm stuck with and the plan is fine with that request even though it is a major one. Also not going for the Progress variant simply because that could be discussed with Qoren later than necessarily being part of these discussions, imo.

[X] Plan: Think of the Children!