[X] IRS - Part 2 VA
- [X] Ultramarines
- [X] Atherena
-- [X] 1 Charge of Adaptive Gene-Seed
-- [X] 1 Charge of Potent Gene-Seed
Current Traits
-Restless Dreadnoughts (Planetary Mutation/Flaw?): The Dreadnoughts of this Chapter are restless, unable to enter the hibernative slumber such ancients usually do. Though this lack of sleep does not impair them, to your surprise, a lack of anything to do with their minds will eventually cause burnout, similarly to the cases that occur with the likes of the ancient Leviathan Pattern Dreadnought.
-Blessing of Wisdom: This Chapter's Librarians occasionally receive precognitive visions of actionable and shockingly accurate nature, though they do not have any control over when these visions are received.
-Venom of Stone: The venom of a strange snake like creature native to the planet of Atherena, this toxin is capable of transmuting any organic matter it impacts into solid stone. You suspect psychic nonsense is involved, but it clearly isn't outright Psyker powers - the snake doesn't even need to still be alive.
-Owls of Wisdom: This Chapter occasionally receives back up by enigmatic, owl-like entities. They aren't Daemons, but little else is known about them - they don't stick around.
-Ideology Spread: Occasionally, this Chapter will spread its own ideology to another world, instead of simply leaving once their duties are complete.
-Hatred of Word Bearers: This Chapter hates the Word Bearers and everything they stand for with a burning passion.
-Law Masters: The Space Marines of this Chapter are typically educated in the affairs of the law, both on a planetary level and in the vagaries of the Lex Imperialis.
You let out a pained sigh as one of your juniors sprints past with yet more of the paperwork needed to ensure the new Chapter won't have to deal with corrupt Governors using loopholes to escape punishment. This was not one of the requests you actually wanted to do, but even Mars's hand can be twisted with enough soft power - and, in turn, Mars can twist your hand. Still, the fact this request was even considered leaves you deeply annoyed.
Hopefully, you won't have to make another Chapter for the sole purpose of helping the wider Imperium deal with its own utter incompetence anytime soon. Although given how things have been going since the Primarchs all left on their various quests... Bah.
[ ] Write in Name
[ ] Write in or post a picture of the chapter colors.
[ ] Write in chapter symbol.
[ ] Write in chapter creed. (Optional).
1 Charge of More Terminators
2 Charges of Extra Training
Normal Training Options
[ ] Scout Training: The Chapter's Marines are given more advanced training in the art of scouting, and as a result more of its Marines remain as dedicated scouts - even after being promoted from the rank of Scout Marine proper. They afford greater reconnaissance and intelligence gathering abilities, as well as improved capacity for stealth warfare.
[ ] Librarians: The Chapter's Librarians are particularly well trained, and have far greater resistance to the temptations of the warp. They are far less likely to fall to Perils of the Warp, and offer more potent psychic support.
[ ] Entrenchment: The Chapter is better at erecting and maintaining fortifications than average.
[ ] Blademasters: The Chapter's Marines have honed their skills with the blade, and are among the finest swordsmen in the Imperium.
[ ] Deepstrikes: More so than even other Space Marines, this Chapter has gained a mastery of the orbital strikes Adeptus Astartes are famous for.
[ ] Marksmen: Even among Space Marines, the marksmanship of the Chapter is top of the line.
[ ] Spear Training: The Chapter is especially well trained in the use of spear and javelin like weapons, this does not cover staves or polearms however.
[ ] Chaplains: The Chapter is blessed with more Chaplains than average among its numbers, and higher quality as well. Treachery and corruption will find it far harder to grow within their ranks.
[ ] Apothecaries: This Chapter has extra Apothecaries among its ranks, greatly improving the health of the Chapter overall and raising the odds of Marines surviving severe injuries.
[ ] Techmarines: This Chapter has more Techmarines in its ranks than normal, improving the quality of their equipment and allowing them to create a greater quantity of advanced wargear.
[ ] Boarding Specialists: The Chapter's Marines are truly masters at boarding voidcraft - even by Space Marine standards.
[ ] Counterintelligence Training: The Chapter is proficient in the art of detecting and thwarting enemy infiltration attempts.
[ ] Artillery Masters: The Chapter are masters at employing artillery in times of war, both on offense and defense.
[ ] Politics: This Chapter has grown adept at manipulating the surrounding political landscape. A sad necessity, in the increasingly politically driven Imperium.
[ ] Terminator Training: The Marines of this Chapter are supremely skilled in using the legendary Tactical Dreadnought Armour, more commonly known as Terminator Armor.
[ ] Space Hulk Operations: Through extensive practice, the Marines of this Chapter are masters at fighting in the unique conditions of Space Hulks.
[ ] Elite Assault Marines: The Assault Marines of this Chapter are a cut above the average, quite literally. Their greater skill offers enhanced fast assault and close quarters ability to the Chapter as a whole.
[ ] More Champions: This Chapter has more Champions than most can claim.
Normal Equipment Options
[ ] Extra Assault Packs: The Chapter has a great number of Assault Packs, letting them retain a greater number of Assault Marines in each Company.
[ ] Heavy Weaponry: The Chapter is well supplied with heavy weaponry, and can field a larger proportion of Devastator squads.
[ ] Specialist Ammo: The Chapter has a ready source of specialized bolter rounds, letting them bring the best possible ammunition for any engagement.
[ ] Extra Rhinos: Though many would call them simple metal boxes, the Rhino is a capable transport and this Chapter has some to spare.
[ ] Extra Thunderhawks: The Chapter has access to additional Thunderhawks, of both Gunship, Transporter and Annihilator models, giving them superior heavy air power.
[ ] Extra Dreadnaughts: The Chapter has more Dreadnought hulls than normal, letting it field more of the venerable ancients… if it has enough wounded veterans to pilot them, of course.