The big thing is, I don't think anyone has come up with a realistic scenario why a few squads more or less partial infantry equipment will make a strategic difference in the next couple of turns, or, indeed, ever. No one seems to have even tried to justify in detail why it actually makes a real impact on what we can do given our current situation and available resources.
I can justify why the shipyards are important to do now. Currently, Arach-Qin is selling an irreplaceable artifact for a miniscule fraction of its true value in return for our help. This could quite reasonably be seem as us predatorily taking advantage of their desperation to make a very unbalanced commercial trade.
By going above and beyond, we demonstrate that we're actually genuinely interested in alliance and friendship, we aren't just cynically ripping them off.
This is particularly important this turn as we're likely to meet up with a bunch of minor Craft and Exodite Worlds at the moot, and the leader of Arach-Qin having greater goodwill to us makes it more likely he'll say nice things, and encourage them to open negotiations to work with us. Having more options for diplomacy would be a good thing.
Additionally, having their shipyards fixed earlier means Arach-Qin's fleet is likely to be stronger earlier, making them more capable of defending themselves and going out to beat up the orks some more, weakening our enemies and stregnthening an ally, which are benefits all of their own
Perhaps these are only marginal difference, but it is a genuinely plausible difference to our strategic position.
What are the equivilent scenarios for why having some extra infantry wargear in our stockpiles and knowing how forges work a turn earlier are important? Particularly as we'll likely not be ready to properly use the information about how forges work for a couple more turns anyway.
Maybe, but the problem is we desperately need information about how much the infantry sized foundries actually produce EP wise per turn.
And so far, QM has refused to answer that question.
So our only real option here is to actually build some so we can get some data instead of wild guessing.
Something that is also needed to get an idea how costly it will be to equip our army (also if the shrine finishes, more ideas about if we actually get mass recruitment later on or if it is still 1 detachment per AP).
With that info we can actually start making plans based on our capabilities and lay a good foundation for our army that way.
We don't need to know that now, as we don't need to build infantry yet, and we haven't seem what the Warrior Shrine and Hall of Stewards do, and we have a couple of turns of seeker and bonesinger research to do before we can finalise our squad loadouts, which are also key things we need to know before we can really plan. We'll need to know this by turn 7. We don't need to know it by turn 5.
We certainly don't need to make two forges to learn this.
And I think you're outrigt wrong about this; I think Mechanis has been pretty clear that these are our primary production facilities, and what we're expected to be using to make equipment.
He told us that it was much slower than using BAP to make equipment, and that it produced a trickle over time. A BAP is worth 480 EP, so I think a forge is probably worth, say 50-100 EP per turn. Once we've built a large number of them it may be true, but in the short run I would only expect to make a few squads worth of gear a turn