Ingegärd was, as usual, moving swiftly through the trees, engrossing herself with the forest and wilds she had set up in. What wasn't usual about this expedition into her lands was the constant feeling of being watched, she had stopped several times to figure out if something was following her to no avail, something was seemingly stalking her.
Things were strangely silent, not even the howls of beasts nor creak of trees could be heard, a rarity for the jungle. The moon was full tonight, and yet its light reaches only to the canopy, the forest floor dark as ever.
Ingegärd was not one for fear, especially that of a forest, a place she's most comfortable in, but the silence was getting to her...
Perhaps she should get back to the loft.
Where was she? Ingegärd glared around, finding nothing but unfamiliar trees, how was she lost? Her Kunna combined with her sheer familiarity with the wilds meant that it was impossible for her to get lost, completely inconceivable!
She glanced up to get some bearings with the moon, only to find that, too, missing. She glanced down only to find the grass itself became clawing hands, all clasped together in some odd prayer, caked in blood and vine.
She couldn't move, two hands holding her legs in place.
In front of her lay a mushroom and moss-covered skeleton, it got up with surprisingly smooth motions, and without a sound gently clasped her hand in the same prayer millions of hands were doing below, bowed its head, and-
Ingegärd gasped as she woke up in her loft, drenched in sweat, she bolted up only to realize she could see the sun and hear the thousands of sounds of the forest. She sighed in relief, just a dream...
The wilds did have a way of getting to people, but it was best not to dwell on it. As she had learned over the years by simply ignoring a problem it would go away.