I'm still needing to catch up, what's this about Golden Grass?

All the food is poisonous, except Golden Grass, which is anti-poison, and no other anti-poison works on the other food consistently and long term, so if we do not feed people (especially children) the Golden Grass they'll start running into major effects from the poison real soon. So we made a law that everyone with good farmland needs to grow some and give any excess to the communal pool, which will be given to those who need it but can't grow it for some reason (you can also grow it elsewhere, but it isn't required).

It needs to be grown in sheltered areas, and this must be specified.

if there are issues I will hit them with my Atgeir.

No, like, it just won't grow probably. It needs a special growing environment from what IF was saying.
[X] Kare Sky-Dancer
-[X] Active Action: Hunt down The Void Eagle after making preparations.
-[X] Passive Action: Get the shapecrafter to appraise the gland I got from the Void Eagle.
-[X] Passive Action: build a fenced and roofed shelter off the side of my house and Grow Golden Grass there.
-[X] Passive Action: Do some long range airborne reconnaissance of the quarry using eagle Fylgja enhanced sight and extensive Ordstirr enhancement to make observations from as far away as possible to avoid detection, if the farthest possible range would put me at risk then I will not do this action.
-[X] Passive Action: cautiously explore my land.
-[X] Passive Action: Search the Mountains for the Void Eagle's nest.
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I want to try to make a brass necklace to inscribe runes on, since you guys have a fire kunna, it should be possible for you to make a necklace from brass even without a smelter. I'll give you a rune item you want in exchange, or in eclipsedstar's case, would you want meat-keeping sticks. Just need to put it in your passive action.

I can do it as a passive action, I think?
[X] Kare Sky-Dancer
-[X] Active Action: Hunt down The Void Eagle after making preparations.
-[X] Passive Action: build a fenced and roofed shelter off the side of my house and Grow Golden Grass there.
-[X] Passive Action: Inscribe "May the bird with a beak coated in frost be halted when it tastes my sting." On 5 arrow heads, making sure to show the resulting inscription to someone with proper literacy before using them.
-[X] Passive Action: Do some long range airborne reconnaissance of the quarry using eagle Fylgja enhanced sight and extensive Ordstirr enhancement to make observations from as far away as possible to avoid detection, if the farthest possible range would put me at risk then I will not do this action.
You don't have rune/literacy right, then you can't inscribe, also passive actions happen after the main action i'm pretty sure
All the food is poisonous, except Golden Grass, which is anti-poison, and no other anti-poison works on the other food consistently and long term, so if we do not feed people (especially children) the Golden Grass they'll start running into major effects from the poison real soon. So we made a law that everyone with good farmland needs to grow some and give any excess to the communal pool, which will be given to those who need it but can't grow it for some reason (you can also grow it elsewhere, but it isn't required).

It needs to be grown in sheltered areas, and this must be specified.

No, like, it just won't grow probably. It needs a special growing environment from what IF was saying.
it's anti-poison grass, and was only found in secluded areas. It's likely that the grass elsewhere was eaten by wildlife or Onigar
So, any expeditions where my Martial Style who works well against swarm of enemies would be helpful? I may have miss some information.
Summary coming later, in the meantime, I'd appreciate a collection of what needs summarizing because it's gotten too big for one person to go searching for.
So, any expeditions where my Martial Style who works well against swarm of enemies would be helpful? I may have miss some information.

The three planned expeditions are to take a look at the onigar, who are numerous but not weak, to hunt the Void Eagle which is solitary, and one to make contact with the other humans to the West. That last one is probably most likely to involve swarms, of the three, since it's going somewhere new, but still not very likely. You'd be welcome aboard on the Western trip, though.

Also, in an unrelated note, there was a rules change after you made your character and you have 1 PT spare...would you like to spend it?
Ingegärd was, as usual, moving swiftly through the trees, engrossing herself with the forest and wilds she had set up in. What wasn't usual about this expedition into her lands was the constant feeling of being watched, she had stopped several times to figure out if something was following her to no avail, something was seemingly stalking her.

Things were strangely silent, not even the howls of beasts nor creak of trees could be heard, a rarity for the jungle. The moon was full tonight, and yet its light reaches only to the canopy, the forest floor dark as ever.

Ingegärd was not one for fear, especially that of a forest, a place she's most comfortable in, but the silence was getting to her...

Perhaps she should get back to the loft.

Where was she? Ingegärd glared around, finding nothing but unfamiliar trees, how was she lost? Her Kunna combined with her sheer familiarity with the wilds meant that it was impossible for her to get lost, completely inconceivable!

She glanced up to get some bearings with the moon, only to find that, too, missing. She glanced down only to find the grass itself became clawing hands, all clasped together in some odd prayer, caked in blood and vine.

She couldn't move, two hands holding her legs in place.

In front of her lay a mushroom and moss-covered skeleton, it got up with surprisingly smooth motions, and without a sound gently clasped her hand in the same prayer millions of hands were doing below, bowed its head, and-

Ingegärd gasped as she woke up in her loft, drenched in sweat, she bolted up only to realize she could see the sun and hear the thousands of sounds of the forest. She sighed in relief, just a dream...

The wilds did have a way of getting to people, but it was best not to dwell on it. As she had learned over the years by simply ignoring a problem it would go away.
[X] Ragnarr's Turn Plan
-[X] Passive: Collect a large amount of his own Blood into his Fasts. Just...a bit every day until he has huge amounts of the stuff. This would have started as soon as he had Fasts to do it with, and shouldn't take all that much time each day. Dunno if I need to specify this, but I'm gonna.
-[X] Passive: Make Meat-Keeping Sticks for Gunnar, in pursuance of our deal.
-[X] Passive: Carefully farm Golden Grass trying hard to give it a sheltered place to grow in.
-[X] Passive: Work on building defenses around his home, including runework and the like.
-[X] Passive: Continue learning the native language
-[X] Passive: Spend time with his wife and family, especially his wife. They're not having another kid yet, but they're practicing
-[X] Passive: Have playdates between his children and appropriately aged ones from his blood-brothers and any family who are interested.
-[X] Major: Go on an expedition to the West to make contact with the people there. In prep for this, talk to our two guests about what their people have and want, and ask them if they wish to join us and thus rejoin their people.
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[X] Njal Ulfson
-[X] Major Action: Clear out Gefjosa's and Torgarr's plots of land with the help of Gefjosa.
-[X] Minor Action: Start growing golden grass, making minor sheltered spaces in the trees on my lot with my plant kunna
[X] Kare Sky-Dancer
-[X] Active Action: Hunt down The Void Eagle after making preparations.
-[X] Passive Action: Get the shapecrafter to appraise the gland I got from the Void Eagle.
-[X] Passive Action: Attend Moli's party.
-[X] Passive Action: build a fenced and roofed shelter off the side of my house and Grow Golden Grass there.
-[X] Passive Action: Do some long range airborne reconnaissance of the quarry using eagle Fylgja enhanced sight and extensive Ordstirr enhancement to make observations from as far away as possible to avoid detection, if the farthest possible range would put me at risk then I will not do this action.
-[X] Passive Action: cautiously explore my land.
-[X] Passive Action: Search the Mountains for the Void Eagle's nest.
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[X] Grid Frostdottir Major Action
- Join Kare's hunting group with Valo to hunt that Void Eagle they fought last winter

Just a bit of character writing, Grid really isn't doing any of the physical work that's been listed, she's having her Ice Golem's do all of that for her, making her house, setting up the farm, building the smelter and such.

[X] Grid Frostdottir Passive Actions
-[X] Set up farms on both of my cleared lands
-[X] Use my Mushling Spawnbag to grow a Mushling and have it set to work on my farms growing Golden Grass, specifically growing that grass in sheltered locations
-[X] Continue learning the natives language
-[X] Work on building defenses around her home, including runework and the like.
-[X] Grid has been busy establishing a place in this lands and has not spent a lot of time with her younger brother Vlos, spend some time with him.
-[X] Since Grid has the ability to go the to Spirit World now with Void-Step, ask the seeress what to expect in the spirit world and what important information she must be aware of, also if she should bring anything for an adventure to the spirit world
-[X] Hunt minor beasts and store their blood as blocks in my flygja to use to power my rune items
-[X] Create a Rune Necklace with a brass necklace that Skuli Draugrhater created and gave to Grid in return for a Rune Item that he wants. If the brass necklace could not be made then make it with wood. Inscribe onto the Necklace the runes "The person wearing this necklace, will transfer all damage they receive from an individual back to the individual that inflicted that damage upon the necklace wearer", use animal blood If I have it, if I didn't get any then use paint
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