Lorfi Chickenman, from another Jarldom over, has come to ask you about a problem he's having. He and his family keep coming down with a strange disease. It isn't fatal, but it is miserable to deal with.
The symptoms are as follows:
-Stomach cramps
Hey Lorfi, we have some questions to help diagnose your issue:
1) How often does this disease recur?
2) When did it start?
a) Did any notable event happen around that time? (ex: Moving houses, monster, angering a witch, a raid either way..)
3) Are the others in your household affected?
Somewhat unrelatedly this has been bugging me for a long while. I really need an answer.
Hey Halla/Blackhand,
Hasvir Hadinghero. Well okay, was he Framarr the Elder's nephew? Or kin?
This is all based on this one bit of evidence: Folkmarr saying he was second cousin twice removed from Horra Hasvirson.
Parentage goes:
Framarr the Elder's Father (Folkmarr's Great-Grandfather - Kinship end)
Framarr the Elder (Folkmarr's Grandfather)
Dorri (Folkmarr's Father)
??? Framarr the Elder's Father ???
??? Hasvir's Father ??? (Framarr the Elder's Brother?!?)
Hasvir the Elder
Horra Hasvirson (Second Cousins from Folkmarr)
Potentially meaning that when Framarr the Elder called in a hit on Hasvir the Elder, he was conducting kinstrife-by-proxy (!!!)
The second huskarl is named Rikardir Sniffles, after the frequent sneezing that afflicts him in the early summer months. He's got something of a stoop to his shoulders and is always rubbing at his red, puffy eyes in a futile attempt to wipe away the tears. A wood-handled longsax, cheaply forged but well-maintained, sits sideways in a leather sheath at the back of his belt.
That sounds like pollen allergy..
-[X] Try and befriend the Owlbear in our soulscape
Could we learn about Slavic Cultivation? And maybe what kind of stuff our Scholar was scholaring about?
--[X] Alloy/Magic Item Research (2 Work)
We should learn about Dorri and Logi so we can break their narratives when we kill them.
We should kill Dorri and Logi by this year, sooner rather than later, so they don't get new alliances or otherwise make problems for us. IF has said we are advantaged narratively when we take the initiative. If we get rid of Dorri and Logi earlyish we might actually have a good chunk of the year free to 'relax' with.