We could recruit more people into our Hird!

I mean, only people at Lower Top or higher would be useful in this context (we have lots of people at lower ranks) and there aren't really many available. Almost all people that badass are either already recruited by us, in Dorri's Hird, already serving in the Kyrsvikingar, or have their own farms (or plans to have them imminently). The only three where that's not the case to our certain knowledge are Skoll the Hasty, Sigfasti the Sparrow, and Eindride Laststanding. We can ask, but I bet all three are spoken for one way or another, and there'd be issues with Skoll or Laststanding even if they were available, given our histories (fewer with Eindride, admittedly).

But, since you mention it: @Imperial Fister what're those three people's situations? Already spoken for (likely Kyrsvikingar?), own their own farms, or what?
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Numbers matter! We could get Upper Middle people, they fight nearly as well as Lower Top people.

Arnfinn, for example. We had an opportuntiy to get Gorm but declined.
Numbers matter! We could get Upper Middle people, they fight nearly as well as Lower Top people.

Arnfinn, for example. We had an opportuntiy to get Gorm but declined.

The thing is, even Lower Top people are actually a bit marginal on the usefulness front as compared to that set of opponents...I wouldn't turn one down, but what we really need are people in Upper Top and above (and no, there are none available for recruitment). We likely already have enough Upper Middle (and below) people to keep some of Dorri's Lower Top people busy, leaving some of our Lower Top people to help us against his Top and higher people, but I doubt Upper Middle vs. Top fights are gonna go super well for the most part, to say nothing of trying to punch even further up.

Where we're really lacking is in people to go up against his 3 Near Peak people, as well as Dorri and Logi themselves (both at Peak). Upper Middle people will not help there, they'd just die. And Lower Top people would likely not help much more at that point, honestly.

Which is not to say I'm against recruiting Arnfinn in particular (he seems cool, I'd be down for that specific recruitment for that reason alone), but we're generally starting to hit critical mass on number of people to keep track of and additional ones, including him, are not super likely to be useful in confrontation with Dorri's hird specifically. If we're recruiting him, it's for other situations, not that one.
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But, since you mention it: @Imperial Fister what're those three people's situations? Already spoken for (likely Kyrsvikingar?), own their own farms, or what?
All three are are members of the Kyrsvikingar, though Skoll is a very new member
The thing is, even Lower Top people are actually a bit marginal on the usefulness front as compared to that set of opponents...I wouldn't turn one down, but what we really need are people in Upper Top and above (and no, there are none available for recruitment). We likely already have enough Upper Middle (and below) people to keep some of Dorri's Lower Top people busy, leaving some of our Lower Top people to help us against his Top and higher people, but I doubt Upper Middle vs. Top fights are gonna go super well for the most part, to say nothing of trying to punch even further up.
For the record, it's generally possible for people at a lower level to punch up one or two or even three rankings depending on the circumstances and variables. One of those variables is difference in numbers. A gaggle of Middles vs one Top is going to go poorly for the Top, if only because they run out of orthstirr before they run out of enemies.

Once you hit Upper Top, however, things change a little bit. Not so much because you're that much stronger or anything, but because you generally are experienced enough to realize what fights you can and cannot take and act accordingly. Few people in Upper Top are going to want to take on a Near-Peak or Peak even with numerical superiority, because they've got enough experience to have an understanding of the gap in power.

However, that's exactly why it's actually easier for a Near-Peak/Peak to fight a handful of Upper Tops than it is to fight a collection of Upper Middles, because the Upper Tops know the gap and know how fruitless their efforts will be—even if that isn't actually the case—so they go into the fight expecting to lose. An Upper Middle doesn't understand how big the gulf really is, so they go in expecting victory—though, perhaps, not an easy one.

And that makes all the difference.
However, that's exactly why it's actually easier for a Near-Peak/Peak to fight a handful of Upper Tops than it is to fight a collection of Upper Middles, because the Upper Tops know the gap and know how fruitless their efforts will be—even if that isn't actually the case—so they go into the fight expecting to lose. An Upper Middle doesn't understand how big the gulf really is, so they go in expecting victory—though, perhaps, not an easy one.

And that makes all the difference.

Interesting. And good to bear in mind for emergencies, but this very much sounds like atactic where the Upper Middle people may win, but only with heavy casualties, which is something I think we hope to avoid.
Interesting. And good to bear in mind for emergencies, but this very much sounds like atactic where the Upper Middle people may win, but only with heavy casualties, which is something I think we hope to avoid.
You're thinking like someone for whom casualties are permanent. You are Norse. Unless it is your Fated Day, death cannot hold you. Casualties are temporary setbacks, nothing more.

If the tactic works, if you win, then it's worth all the casualties you take. Odds are that they'll come back and, even if they don't, you wouldn't have had them for the next fight anyways.
You're thinking like someone for whom casualties are permanent. You are Norse. Unless it is your Fated Day, death cannot hold you. Casualties are temporary setbacks, nothing more.

If the tactic works, if you win, then it's worth all the casualties you take. Odds are that they'll come back and, even if they don't, you wouldn't have had them for the next fight anyways.

True enough, I suppose. But I suspect it takes quite a few to take out a Near Peak foe even then...
[X] Stigmar keeping up

Oh, Haydis... She wasn't happy at all with Kurt swearing himself into Halla's service, even with the fertility ritual in mind. If it weren't for Hallotta and Little Diggy—and her own forgetfulness—she may very well have divorced him on the spot! But, despite her anger, she held her tongue and kept her silence, not wanting to rip a nascent family apart.

Despite what some others may say, Haydis didn't marry him for his tongue. No, she married him—for it was clear as day that she was the one who initiated talks—for another reason entirely.

'I married you because you're safe, because you're not someone who goes out and gets killed on some distant beach, never to be heard from again. And then you go and do this, swear yourself into the service of a warrior so far beyond you that she may as well be a mountain to your pebble. What could she possibly need your sword and shield to do that she could not herself?'
@Imperial Fister This section is still the same as before aka directly contradicting what actually happened in prior updates.
"Sure is," you reply as you hurriedly return to your potion-making, having forgotten it while listening. "A feat like that deserves ample reward, how would you like to be a huskarl?"

Kurt tries to refuse, but Haydis isn't having it. With voice full of vim and vigor, she answers for her husband, "He'd love nothing more!"
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Noted. That's...less good, in terms of news, but we knew we needed help anyway.

That puts our forces (including Halfdan and his folks) at: 3 Upper Top, 2 Top, 4 Lower Top, 10 Upper Middle, 3 Middle or Lower Middle. Which still compares very badly to Dorri's Hird taken in isolation (they have, in excess of us, 2 Peak, 3 Near Peak, 1 Upper Top, 1 Top, and 1 Lower Top). Halla is still advancing, though...that helps but if we need to fight the whole hird we still need backup.
We will probably have the support of our family in Skane should we need it, no? At least, should we have enough time in advance to call on them. Their support should be more then enough to even the odds at least in terms of top-upper top people(don't know if they would send peak level fighters, though they definitely have several). Harborne might also be able to help, and possibly Hasvir, but those are more of a long shot
We will probably have the support of our family in Skane should we need it, no? At least, should we have enough time in advance to call on them. Their support should be more then enough to even the odds at least in terms of top-upper top people(don't know if they would send peak level fighters, though they definitely have several). Harborne might also be able to help, and possibly Hasvir, but those are more of a long shot

I mean, my whole previous two posts on the subject were largely listing people we could call in to help (notably: Gabriel, Torsten Twoshield if we can find him, Farbjorn and all his men, possible the Kyrsvikingar if Corpsemaker is sufficiently on board, and yes, our relatives from Skane). I was just noting that we do, in fact, likely need to call in such people if it comes down to open warfare.

If we can make it a duel, well, then calling in reinforcements is much less useful...that has its own issues, but it probably comes down to single combat at some point, so the more we can keep it to just that, the better.
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1. Is it appropriate to do weregild next turn? Or is that too soon?
Corpsemaker covers this in your conversation with him

2. On Discord, you said Abjorn's half-brothers are arriving next turn, so we need to spend an action initiating contact or is that happening no matter what?
They're arriving towards the end of the month, spend the rest of the month getting situated, and then, at the start of the following month, they'll approach you with their claim.

You may use an action to approach them first, should you so desire.
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I'm going to need 2 sets of dice rolled for your crafting actions, if you'd be so kind. (12 dice)

Sure, I'll do one of them.

That's 10 successes on the dice, so a minimum of 34 successes. Definitely enough to hit Wondrous.

Are we no longer doing separate rolls for runes? That's fine if so, but if we still are we probably need 4 rolls?
DeadmanwalkingXI threw 12 6-faced dice. Reason: Crafting Total: 45
1 1 1 1 2 2 4 4 6 6 5 5 4 4 4 4 6 6 3 3 4 4 5 5
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I'll roll the other one.
Oshha threw 12 6-faced dice. Total: 49
2 2 6 6 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 6 1 1 1 1 6 6 4 4 5 5 3 3