When we visit the Shapecrafter, we may want to also ask how they manage Frenzy'ing a Berserker. Or avoid that topic entirely.
We should just learn shapecrafting. Spend the whole time studying what they do. Ask for the most time consuming and difficult crafts. Learn another new art. Apply it to all who join us.

More paths to power! More, more!!
We should just learn shapecrafting. Spend the whole time studying what they do. Ask for the most time consuming and difficult crafts. Learn another new art. Apply it to all who join us.

More paths to power! More, more!!

Shapecrafting very explicitly literally drives you permanently insane as the sacrifice needed to access it. I'd be fine with learning Skald stuff...we can afford to talk weird (the sacrifice needed there is speaking in poetry) if it gets us power, but not shapecrafting as we can't afford to have our ability to think, reason, and interact with others compromised like that.
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It would be cool if we could learn shapecrafting but not go insane. Maybe there's a different price possible.
We may ask, but not until after we get actual shapecrafting done. For Abjorn as well if he wants any. Maybe some of our sworn retainers.

Looks like a good idea, we are doing Odr Infusions for our retainers too right?

And i don't remember if we are asking Vagn if he wants to be a huskarl again. After fighting at our side for so long and seeing all the benefits, maybe he now wants to swear.

We should just learn shapecrafting. Spend the whole time studying what they do. Ask for the most time consuming and difficult crafts. Learn another new art. Apply it to all who join us.

More paths to power! More, more!!

Shapecrafting makes you become a paranoid lunatic, this would be pretty bad for Halla since one of her best resources is her charisma.
It would be cool if we could learn shapecrafting but not go insane. Maybe there's a different price possible.

Trying to avoid sacrifices doesn't tend to end well in Norse cultivation. We know the price, if we want the power we almost certainly need to pay it. I don't think we want to pay it, so we avoid that particular power. There are plenty of other available options.

Looks like a good idea, we are doing Odr Infusions for our retainers too right?

Those who are willing. So far that's just Tryggr and Stigmar. We'll see if that number expands going forward.

And i don't remember if we are asking Vagn if he wants to be a huskarl again. After fighting at our side for so long and seeing all the benefits, maybe he now wants to swear.

We have not yet...it's on the agenda, but I think we give him an additional gift or two first, so in a turn or two.
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It would be cool if we could learn shapecrafting but not go insane. Maybe there's a different price possible.

Maybe, maybe is different for Odr Cultivators. First we would need to learn more abaout Shapeshifting. Then we could start making theories and plans.

I still think the best path to power is syncretizing with other Cultivation Systems. We can try to incorporate techniques of other cultures into Norse Cultivation, if we suceed it would be great.

I am particulary interested in Eston and Finnish Cultivation.
Shapecrafting very explicitly literally drives you permanently insane as the sacrifice needed to access it. I'd be fine with learning Skald stuff...we can afford to talk weird (the sacrifice needed there is speaking in poetry) if it gets us power, but not shapecrafting as we can't afford to have our ability to think, reason, and interact with others compromised like that.

As a woman who fights for a living we are clearly already insane by Norse standards, and thus we will obtain this Power with no loss.

Okay, okay, maybe not. But it'd be funny. And I'm not that concerned about a bit of insanity personally. It would be fun and adds flavor! But I suppose not a flavor everyone agrees sounds delicious.
Okay, okay, maybe not. But it'd be funny. And I'm not that concerned about a bit of insanity personally. It would be fun and adds flavor! But I suppose not a flavor everyone agrees sounds delicious.

Shapecrafter insanity tends heavily towards the 'completely nonfunctional as a normal human being' level. The sanest shapecrafter we ever met was Horra, by a lot, and he had bombs implanted in the heads of almost everyone he knew, a mad scientist lab full of dead bodies, a broadside capable elephant-horror made of human flesh, and an obsession with revenge stronger than even the Norse would consider reasonable. In addition to neglecting his kids to the point they turned on him and being a complete piece of shit, of course.

And every other shapecrafter we've met or heard of is even worse than that (not morally, mind you, but in terms of how functional they are). Horra could put up a good front of seeming normal...he's the only shapecrafter we've seen or heard of thus far who can do that much.

Halla is eccentric and odd, and I don't object to her becoming more so. I object to her becoming so obsessed with weird subjects she neglects her family or so paranoid she tries to put bombs in the heads of her loved ones, and both of those are real worries (Hirkir very much wanted to put bombs in his family's heads). Shapecrafting is not 'does a few weird things' kind of crazy it's clinical paranoia combined with bizarre obsessions and mad scientist tendencies you cannot control. It is a deeply unfun kind of crazy.

Per Blackhand this is inevitable as one becomes a shapecrafter, and IF confirmed it as the sacrifice for their power.
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Maybe, maybe is different for Odr Cultivators. First we would need to learn more abaout Shapeshifting. Then we could start making theories and plans.

I still think the best path to power is syncretizing with other Cultivation Systems. We can try to incorporate techniques of other cultures into Norse Cultivation, if we suceed it would be great.

I am particulary interested in Eston and Finnish Cultivation.
We are pretty much locked into the norse cultivation stats, though, which means that we can't learn to do their techniques as they do. The best we've got is figuring out how they do things, and then using that as inspiration on things to attempt from within our own paradigm.

Like, look at Sten.
- Endurance is the same, he's got Hamr and Hugr, he's got orthstirr (and the derived stats of frami/virthing/saemd) and hamingja. That's all stuff he left the house with.
- He's got Rhythm. That takes the place of Frenzy.
- He's got Magic Capacity. That takes the place of our Hugr Capacity. It is probably slightly different.
- He's got Vaki and Henki, which appear to be replacing Odr.
- He's got Haltija and Itse. It looks like at least one of those is filling the slot for Fylgia, though I'm not clear on the other.

This opened some serious doors for him in Finnish cultivation, but it closed those doors in Norse cultivation. That's just how it works.
We are pretty much locked into the norse cultivation stats, though, which means that we can't learn to do their techniques as they do. The best we've got is figuring out how they do things, and then using that as inspiration on things to attempt from within our own paradigm.

This is not quite true. Specifically, it's true of Internal cultivation resources, but not external ones. Like, you can't have Odr and Zeal, but you can get Fervor on top of Odr and Orthstirr.

Of course, what you can do with external resources is limited. Of the differences on Sten's sheet I think only Vaki and some Tricks to go with it would be there without the internal cultivation and alternate stats.

- He's got Magic Capacity. That takes the place of our Hugr Capacity. It is probably slightly different.

Notably, his Magic Capacity is vastly higher than the Capacity of any Norseman with similar stats without an Owl Fylgja. One of several tradeoffs the Finns seem to make for not getting Infusions, or at least not as easily as the Norse (Sten had no Infusions). A refilling Henki Pool may also be on the list of advantages, looking at it.
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We are pretty much locked into the norse cultivation stats, though, which means that we can't learn to do their techniques as they do. The best we've got is figuring out how they do things, and then using that as inspiration on things to attempt from within our own paradigm.

I already know we can't have the same powers of other Cultivation Systems, what i meant i replicating them using the Norse paradigm or incorporating those rare techniques that are not mutualy exclusive.

This is not quite true. Specifically, it's true of Internal cultivation resources, but not external ones. Like, you can't have Odr and Zeal, but you can get Fervor on top of Odr and Orthstirr.

Of course, what you can do with external resources is limited. Of the differences on Sten's sheet I think only Vaki and some Tricks to go with it would be there without the internal cultivation and alternate stats.

This is kinda what i meant, yes such things might be more limited but trying to incorporate them into our Cultivation style or even into our family Cultivation style might be worth it.

Like, having extra resources is always better. And if we can add more abilities compatible with the Norse paradigm it would be great.
Hey Halla!

1) Did Rikard ever ask you how you slipped from his stone hand grapple trick? If he did, did you answer? Would it have been un-norsely to ask/answer?
2) Did you ever find out the literacy status of your siblings..?
3) Are Ironmasks Ironmasks all the time or do they have offdays?
4) Now that Tryggr and Stigmar have demonstrably not exploded from Odr Infusion, are your other retainers more interested in them?
a) Does your family/friends assume that your Hamr Infusions for Tryggr and Stigmar are, Shapecrafting, Seidr, or Just Halla Things?

@Imperial Fister
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[X] Charge him 2000 oz. of silver for 950 units of Healing Clay and 50 of Restful Clay, Along with laying out our thoughts on the Blood Infusion thing and if he can give us some insights as to how we can properly make use of it ourselves.
[X] Make sure to tell him the context in which we discovered the Drysalt/Dorri connection (our father's murder).
[X] Head to the Shapecrafter's den
Random thought: since orthstir decays, couldn't we weave it into pockets to bank it and then unravel them later in life when needed?
Random thought: since orthstir decays, couldn't we weave it into pockets to bank it and then unravel them later in life when needed?

I don't think it decays as a percentage of your pool, it decays an absolute amount, so this would only be useful if you drop to zero, which is wildly unlikely.

Like, if you have 1400 and lose 400, whether you have 100 in Pockets or not doesn't effect your losses.
I think Orth Decay will start hitting your pockets if they're the last bits of Orth you have.
Good thing Halla remembered that "information gathering" often involved torture, at least, in this time period.
Probably what Eric suffered was still fresh in her mind.
No man may lie before me
No matter if its a twist, hugreida or cultivation effect, i WANT this.
also, obligatory "But i am no man!" :V
Jarl Erikaer Corpsemaker's words are filled to the brim with unflinching fact as something unfurls in the shadow of his soul. You swallow as you brush up against the edge of his soul and feel the impossible vastness that lies deep within. He dwarfs you in more ways than physical, that much is a simple reality.
Oh, he can expand/project his soulscape, huh? Neat.
Oh wait, its the same weight stuff we could have gotten at Horra's trial, isn't it? After Logi unleashed his own.
He chuckles as he snatches up a cup from the table and replaces the empty canteen with it, "You did better than most, to your credit. Certainly better than that Lidrun of the Red Scarf." He nods over your shoulder and, as you follow his gaze, you find yourself staring into the yellow eyes of a convulsing Lidrun as she writhes on the floor.
We need better perception.
And anti teleport stuff.
And stealth breaking.
So many things....
Rising to his feet, he steps around the high seat to where Lidrun seizes in the shadows. "I don't much like eavesdroppers, Lidrun of the Red Scarf," Erikaer says with casual disdain as lightning leaks from his words. "I'll let you live, but this secret stays here with me." His hand presses against Lidrun's face as he pulls the stolen words from her soul. White, silky strands of wispy energy trails from his fingers as Lidrun's convulsions fall flat as her breathing evens out. With a flexing of the hand, he crushes the secret between his fingers as the shadows swallow Lidrun, depositing her beyond the limits of Jurgdby.
Oh gods, there was so many things to do... AAAAAARgh, i am late, aren't I?
To the rest of the comment!