I just want it to be able to talk to us so we can use it as an observer in our soul scape to monitor things. Also I want to freak out Blackhand with the chicken.
[X] Let it slide, it sounds like your words convinced him anyways

No idea what we would even push for here, not to mention that does not sound like a dreng thing to do.
Let us part as good neighbors and hope we can help each other!

As for the fertility ritual... we have 3 kids on docket, right?
[X] Let it slide, it sounds like your words convinced him anyways

Getting a herd of super cows sounds nice and all but this feels both nicer and less likely to blow up in Halla's face.
Winter 10/Lost Herd? 3
[X] Let it slide, it sounds like your words convinced him anyways

While the temptation to utterly demolish the kid is certainly tempting, you manage to hold yourself back just enough for the situation to progress smoothly. Bullying the poor kid wouldn't help matters much, but it would've allowed you to exert some control over the exchange and, therefore, give you more of a negotiating platform.

Alas, it was not meant to be.

The child-vittra coughs and sputters for a moment as he manages to find his footing. It's as he starts talking, though, that a new, significantly older voice makes itself known.

"Alright, what's all this racket then?" A gruff, older man's voice booms from nowhere as you silently pat yourself on the back for your restraint. It would've been bad if the child-vittra's father saw you picking on his son, after all.

This is your chance, you realize as the child-vittra, presumably, turns to answer his father. Interrupt the son to get your side of the story told first, just in case you weren't convincing enough. Of course, you could also just trust that you managed to sway the child to your side.

Regardless, you have to make a choice here,
[ ] Cut the child-vittra off
[ ] Let the child-vittra speak


AN: Not much to say here, other then that I would like to finish this turn up today.

No moratorium, short vote
[X] Let the child-vittra speak

I don't think cutting the kid off is gonna make a good impression on their parents. We can gently correct them if they start saying something completely wrong.
[X] Let the child-vittra speak

Children are intelligent if inexperienced beings dammit, let them speak.