[X] Hooknails climbs from his would-be-tomb, wrapped in a shroud of Berserkergang (Round 2, Bonus Rewards)

To mangle a paraphrase from Puss in Boots the last wish.

Go on Hooknails, get back up.
Get. Back. Up.

Edit: Also I gotta say, Thermic Reckoning was freaking amazing, that was a great update IF.
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Halla Skyfire has evolved into Halla Second-Sun.

Edit: Could also be Halla Outshines-The-Sun
"Because she's so beautiful?"
"Because she's so beautiful.... right?"
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I was planning on calling it today, so you folks could have the day to plan, but it's getting kinda late and I reckon I'll just ride the high of a good update for the rest of the day lmao
[X] Hooknails climbs from his would-be-tomb, wrapped in a shroud of Berserkergang (Round 2, Bonus Rewards)
So, considering this is 2 Finishers that have the theme of "charge up and release all at once" for the Stoker State, I guess we know a direction to go about finding/creating new ones.
[X] You find his scorched body at the bottom of a crater (End it here, with victory in hand)
[X] Hooknails climbs from his would-be-tomb, wrapped in a shroud of Berserkergang (Round 2, Bonus Rewards)

We ain't fighting Hooknail anymore. We're just fighting the mass of instinct and rage that's using his body for the moment.
So I was looking at the info tab for the Stoker State and I'm wondering if every Trick there has a Finale form. My first thought was Tinder Blades and how we could theoretically Touhou an enemy if using Stoker dice lets us use more knives.
Considering orth seems to be artificially put in place to help the humans, I assume dragons, like any Norse magical beast, uses Odr.
Dragon: ...Odr? You think I reduce myself to using Odr like you metal-clad monkeys do? You think we don't enjoy the truly refined distillation of power while you mortals content yourself with that basic swill and think yourselves grand? *scoffs* Dragons using Odr, what will they think of next?
Maybe Eitr is what they use? It seems like an appropriate thing for "weird alternate nega-energy"

Not voting because I'm honestly a bit torn. It looks like we're going for round two, and at one level I'm here for that, but the chance fo this endign in death is very real, and....

Oh. Wait. Viking cultivator. This is a challenge. There really is only one appropriate way to respond to those, isn't there?

[X] Hooknails climbs from his would-be-tomb, wrapped in a shroud of Berserkergang (Round 2, Bonus Rewards)

I'm willing to sacrifice "wise" on the altar of "in-theme". Let's go.
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