What we have to remember is that Berserkergang isn't something so overpowering that a user can just headbut their way through any opponent, remember that Audrikr said that it wouldn't be as good for us because of our technical fighting style.

He would not have said that if it made you some kind of almost unstoppable combat monster

Oh yeah, in terms of outright cleverness and threat level, Hooknails is taking a step down by triggering Berserkergang.

But you know what they say about Overwhelming Strength crushing all tactics? That's what Berserkergang goes for.
[X] Hooknails climbs from his would-be-tomb, wrapped in a shroud of Berserkergang (Round 2, Bonus Rewards)

This fights been dope so far. No true viking would let the party end so soon.
[X] Hooknails climbs from his would-be-tomb, wrapped in a shroud of Berserkergang (Round 2, Bonus Rewards)

That was already a sick ending, and there's a whole other fight to take part in!

[X] You find his scorched body at the bottom of a crater (End it here, with victory in hand)
[X] You find his scorched body at the bottom of a crater (End it here, with victory in hand)

I just want the W at this point.
[X] Hooknails climbs from his would-be-tomb, wrapped in a shroud of Berserkergang (Round 2, Bonus Rewards)

I can't imagine his armor is in good shape at this point
[X] Hooknails climbs from his would-be-tomb, wrapped in a shroud of Berserkergang (Round 2, Bonus Rewards)

It's almost certainly destroyed in its entirety leaving him with nothing but whatever enhanced durability the Berserkergang provides and however much endurance he can recover. his maximum endurance is around 9.

A spark bomb or two should absolutely put him back down.

Well, one theory we have, which has some support (IF said some indicative stuff in regands to it), is that Berserkergang just adds your Hugr to your Hamr. One with less support but nevertheless plausible is that it allows you to insta-regen your Frenzy after every hit. And you almost certainly get some DR as well (you definitely get a bunch of extra Shapeshifts).

So, very plausibly, he's got more like 19-20 Endurance and the ability to reduce any hit's damage by as much as 13-15 (9 from Frenzy, 4-6 DR).

That's not unbeatable, and the pessimistic estimate for us in terms of his durability, but we don't want to underestimate what Berserkergang can do. That's a good way for us to wind up very dead. His armor is likely gone, I agree, but berserks are known for not bothering with armor for a reason.
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We are doing really well on resources so far. With our Calm Charges we aren't even halfway through our total available Orthstirr and we still have Odr we can burn if we really need to.

The second massed combat will probably give us some rewards, but we might be in good enough shape to go there even if we do end up going through phase 2, and the defenders of the valley definitely don't need us there since they outnumber the opposition by a ridiculous amount.
Well, one theory we have, which has some support (IF said some indicative stuff in regands to it), is that Berserkergang just adds your Hugr to your Hamr. One with less support but nevertheless plausible is that it allows you to insta-regen your Frenzy after every hit. And you almost certainly get some DR as well.

So, very plausibly, he's got more like 20 Endurance and the ability to reduce any hit's damage by as much as 13-15 (9 from Frenzy, 4-6 DR).

That's not unbeatable, and the pessimistic estimate in terms of durability, but we don't want to underestimate what Berserkergang can do. That's a good way for us to wind up very dead.
Fair enough, that was overconfident of me to say.

However if he is that durable then all we'll have to do is play keep away in the air while we charge FTB when we likely out speed, out maneuver, and have better endurance than him in the air.
Fair enough, that was overconfident of me to say.

However if he is that durable then all we'll have to do is play keep away in the air while we charge FTB when we likely out speed, out maneuver, and have better flying endurance.

Definitely a possible route to victory regardless of durability, yeah. I'm not saying he's unbeatable...I'm saying he's not gonna go down like a chump either. Berserkergang is scary shit and I think the 19-20 Endurance and DR of at least 4 are near-certainties. That plus Frenzy 9 makes for at least 3 Sparkbombs in practice, I think, with even the most optimistic estimates.
[X] Hooknails climbs from his would-be-tomb, wrapped in a shroud of Berserkergang (Round 2, Bonus Rewards)

Hooknails: I'm not going to die! Not here! Not now!
Definitely a possible route to victory regardless of durability, yeah. I'm not saying he's unbeatable...I'm saying he's not gonna go down like a chump either. Berserkergang is scary shit and I think the 19-20 Endurance and DR of at least 4 are near-certainties. That plus Frenzy 9 makes for at least 3 Sparkbombs in practice, I think, with even the most optimistic estimates.
adding Hugr to Hamr means basically auto defeat for us with contested movement no?
adding Hugr to Hamr means basically auto defeat for us with contested movement no?

I'm not sure he'll actually be able to use Contested Movement very well. Berserkergang is not a very thinky state of being.

If he can, yeah, we're gonna have issues getting attacks through, though Finales ignore that sort of thing, so we'd probably need to use a Finale to take him down.
Definitely a possible route to victory regardless of durability, yeah. I'm not saying he's unbeatable...I'm saying he's not gonna go down like a chump either. Berserkergang is scary shit and I think the 19-20 Endurance and DR of at least 4 are near-certainties. That plus Frenzy 9 makes for at least 3 Sparkbombs in practice, I think, with even the most optimistic estimates.
Man imagine Abjorn in Berserkergang, with his armor and general toughness he'd be almost unstoppable