Hahaha, oh boy.

That was amazing.

So yeah, I think we're in a position to try for Phase 2, we were already planning for it after all, and we've still got two Aspects left in reserve to roll with.
So yeah, I think we're in a position to try for Phase 2, we were already planning for it after all, and we've still got two Aspects left in reserve to roll with.

Realistically, we're low enough on Orthstirr we need to stoke one immediately for that, but yeah, it's viable. On the other hand, if we stop here we're still definitely in good enough shape to fight in the battle at the ships, while if we continue we might not be. Or die, of course.

I'm not against continuing this fight (I'm torn, honestly), I'm just noting the arguments for not doing so.
Hahaha, oh boy.

That was amazing.

So yeah, I think we're in a position to try for Phase 2, we were already planning for it after all, and we've still got two Aspects left in reserve to roll with.
Perhaps, but bird in the hand and all that. And I suspect given this was a god-directed fight, we'll get ourselves plenty of rewards as it is.
The fact that we're at a split here should mean that SOMEONE has to invest into Hooknail to give him that lifeline to enter Berserkgang

The spotlight was on Halla and she owned the stage

My only question is who Hooknails last minute patron is gonna be, and just how much will they be able to really invest in him?

Theres a shit ton of fuckery going on in the background of this duel, and I'm nothing but here for it

Any chance you could give us a bit more insight as to what's going on here? Like, what kind of "Greater Rewards" are we talking about here?

Because I am all for going into the Expected Phase 2, but if it's just a minor boost in exchange for fighting a nigh invincible opponent, I'm not sure that's super wise.


[X] Hooknails climbs from his would-be-tomb, wrapped in a shroud of Berserkergang (Round 2, Bonus Rewards)

The morale benefits of winning a duel of this level are great too, and it gives us clues as to Frenzy just by watching it, above and beyond any rewards that might be on the table. We are rarely going to get a better chance to observe someone in Berserkergang than this, and even if he can completely ignore the fucked up state of his body at this point and just wreck our face, we've got a fair number of tools to survive long enough to trigger FTB.
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[X] You find his scorched body at the bottom of a crater (End it here, with victory in hand)

The stakes are high enough here that I'm willing to call it a day and not risk snatching defeat from the jaws of victory if things go badly for us in Round 2.
[x] Hooknails climbs from his would-be-tomb, wrapped in a shroud of Berserkergang (Round 2, Bonus Rewards)

If it's a choice between a bigger boss fight and a smaller boss fight followed by mass combat, I prefer the bigger boss fight, and if we do well enough we might end up with enough gas in the tank to go for the mass combat anyway.
[X] Hooknails climbs from his would-be-tomb, wrapped in a shroud of Berserkergang (Round 2, Bonus Rewards)

I want the extra rewards and I want to see just what Berserkergang can do

I'm thinking we can take to the air and play keep away while we charge FTB since we're absolutely more maneuverable thanks to Veto Motion and we can keep up that flight trick up for longer than he can
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[X] Hooknails climbs from his would-be-tomb, wrapped in a shroud of Berserkergang (Round 2, Bonus Rewards)

I can't resist the allure of more shinys, and unless popping Berserkergang also regens his whole body, he has to pop an aspect immidiately to get the missing half of his body back. Also data on what Berserkergang does will be nice.
Yeah, this will be extremely informative on the nature of Frenzy, and doesn't require us to swear any oaths either. The danger is great, but we can't gain more DEEP LORE if we're not willing to stick our hand in the oven.

I'm not even considering what the other Rewards are, just being able to observe Berserkergang closely is worth the cost of admission, to add it to my combat solutions and profiles.
[X] You find his scorched body at the bottom of a crater (End it here, with victory in hand)

[X] Hooknails climbs from his would-be-tomb, wrapped in a shroud of Berserkergang (Round 2, Bonus Rewards)

I honestly cannot decide. The benefits are very good, but I'm not sure where the line between calculated risk and hubris lies here.
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[x] Hooknails climbs from his would-be-tomb, wrapped in a shroud of Berserkergang (Round 2, Bonus Rewards)

Fuck it we Ball. Also the final moment will be great Negaverse fodder, they think they got Halla then she pops out Mire Ward and 1 turns them.
We could also just TSS and Threadcutter him to death

Probably not. One of the more notable traits we've been told about people in Berserkergang is that they are verging on immune to weapons. High DR is basically a certainty, and Threadcutter is not necessarily a killing move against those with DR 6+.

TSS and something heftier would potentially work, though likely not on the first round as our first action.
[x] Hooknails climbs from his would-be-tomb, wrapped in a shroud of Berserkergang (Round 2, Bonus Rewards)

C'mon fishboy let's see what you got under the hood. Death or glory, both are fine!
What we have to remember is that Berserkergang isn't something so overpowering that a user can just headbut their way through any opponent, remember that Audrikr said that it wouldn't be as good for us because of our technical fighting style.

He would not have said that if it made you some kind of completely unstoppable combat monster
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