Also, whoever is tracking ideas for Research, how about we learn Firepit Fling for 3xp, and then get Sten to do the "throw hundreds of arrows at you" trick, and then we charge up an ungodly amount of Stoker Dice and throw all of them into Firepit Fling straight up, to try and get a Hugareida like Acceleration or some high speed wind one.
Only point of concern that I'd have is that i recall vaguely that we have a max Stoker Dice capacity, and if we go over that... something bad happens? I'm sure someone else remembers this better than I. We'd want to make sure that we don't trigger unfortunate effects from having too many stoker dice.
If I recall correctly, that's only the amount we can hold long term, we can stoke as much as we need during a fight but it'll deplete to the cap afterwards.
Hooknails has boosts for Contested Movement too by unknown means, we're hoping to overpower those.

We put Odr into Slowing Slog for duration last round, so its still up
Hooknails rolled a 121 on his last Contested Movement. 30 may be overkill, but 20 wouldn't be enough, and we're getting an arbitrary number anyway, so saving 30 for that vs. saving 25 is not a big difference.

As wrecksalot notes, having burned Odr, Slowing Slog is still up. I'd 100% agree we add it if it weren't.

Good to know on the Odr, that does seem handy to do given how much Orthstirr it saves.

As far as the dice go, fair enough, looking at the numbers that does make sense. Can I suggest that we substitute our remaining charges of Fight of Your Life for Stoked Dice? My reasoning here is that the more ludicrously big we make the pile of Stoked Dice for our Fireside Poker, the stronger it is. Although if it would be useful to retain usages of Fight of Your Life for the new mechanics of Time Stands Still, I suppose we might want to hold on to them. This is somewhat complicated by the new rules not having been written up yet however.
Only point of concern that I'd have is that i recall vaguely that we have a max Stoker Dice capacity, and if we go over that... something bad happens? I'm sure someone else remembers this better than I. We'd want to make sure that we don't trigger unfortunate effects from having too many stoker dice.

We have been told by IF that most bad side effects will only ensue if we don't spend the dice immediately (the plan is spend them immediately), and especially if we have them at the end of a round. We probably have a minor heart attack and take 1 Endurance loss from this, but that's acceptable.

Good to know on the Odr, that does seem handy to do given how much Orthstirr it saves.

As far as the dice go, fair enough, looking at the numbers that does make sense. Can I suggest that we substitute our remaining charges of Fight of Your Life for Stoked Dice? My reasoning here is that the more ludicrously big we make the pile of Stoked Dice for our Fireside Poker, the stronger it is.

So, IF said if we do this (and it works, I guess) we gain a truly arbitrary number of dice. Like, an uncountable number. Mathematically, we'd be in the mid to high 100s. Saving 30 does not meaningfully weaken the attack.

Although if it would be useful to retain usages of Fight of Your Life for the new mechanics of Time Stands Still, I suppose we might want to hold on to them. This is somewhat complicated by the new rules not having been written up yet however.

This rule has in fact been updated. It's an opposed Hamr+Hugr check, and it allows them to be aware and able to plan around the actions you take but doesn't seem to let them defend themselves.
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So, IF said if we do this (and it works, I guess) we gain a truly arbitrary number of dice. Like, an uncountable number. Mathematically, we'd be in the mid to high 100s. Saving 30 does not meaningfully weaken the attack.

Fair enough in that case. I was thinking IF might eyeball it as being like, a hundred Stoked Dice, in which case thirty is a significant enough decrease to be concerned about.

This rule has in fact been updated. It's an opposed Hamr+Hugr check, and it allows them to be aware and able to plan around the actions you take but doesn't seem to let them defend themselves.

Aha! We should probably retain a FoYL usage in case we do this then, and note down on the bit of the plan about TSS that we'll use it?
Fair enough in that case. I was thinking IF might eyeball it as being like, a hundred Stoked Dice, in which case thirty is a significant enough decrease to be concerned about.

Yeah, I was also concerned and asked if it was a specific number or arbitrary on Discord. He said it was arbitrary.

Aha! We should probably retain a FoYL usage in case we do this then, and note down on the bit of the plan about TSS that we'll use it?

That is, in fact, in the plan already.
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However, as the twin halves of spectral spear fall away, not all is as it should be. Rather then collapse in a shower of fading orthstirr—like it should have—the spear instead decides to explode. A swarm of death-seeking spikes leap free of their spear home as they scream towards you.
Oh, he has more two stage tricks, neat.
...we should get some too, they are good.
That mist ball move of his is one good fucking trick, that's for damn well sure. How in all the worlds did he do that? And, now that you think about it, that first spiky spear of his did the same thing! That's the sort of thing you'd expect to see from a... Martial Style...
Oho... So, this is what you meant that hugr 10 "greases the wheels"?
Or it's just a martial art style?
@Skippy would you put alloying one of the fire hugreidas with a weapon hugreida? I wanna see if we can do it.
However, before you can do that, you'll have to survive the next few seconds. Hundreds upon hundreds of Puncture-coated mist arrows thunder towards you. It takes less then a glance to realize that they're all tracking, too. Not as tracking as the spear-spikes, but enough to be a real pain.
Neat, truly neat.did he created this after hearing how Forkbeard died?
I mean, it might legitimately be True Dragonbreath at that level of Stoked Dice.
The bloodline, its awakening! :V

On the plan, do we give Sageseeker the dice he asked? Because I would honestly give him at least double that.

So, just to make sure, Mire Ward will not be bypassed by puncture, right?

As for baiting out the extinguisher.... Is point blank Spark Bomb a viable idea?

Or do we just use the fast recalled SPs while we gorge on Engage so fire poker is guaranteed? Or the reverse?

Edit: forgot
[X] Plan Weathering The Storm
On the plan, do we give Sageseeker the dice he asked? Because I would honestly give him at least double that.

We can give him more, sure. I'll make it 6.

So, just to make sure, Mire Ward will not be bypassed by puncture, right?

It will not. This has been clarified a few times.

As for baiting out the extinguisher.... Is point blank Spark Bomb a viable idea?

Or do we just use the fast recalled SPs while we gorge on Engage so fire poker is guaranteed? Or the reverse?

Due to the need to burn excess dice immediately we need to use the Fire Poker first, so we then try and finish him off with the Sparkbombs afterward.
Due to the need to burn excess dice immediately we need to use the Fire Poker first, so we then try and finish him off with the Sparkbombs afterward.

This could still be very dramatic, as long as the Norns can appreciate a little physical comedy.

(Utterly blinding spear of flame)
(The smoke shrouding where Hooknails was standing gradually clears, revealing him blackened and unsteady but still standing. The crowd gasps.)
Hooknails: "Not enough."
(half a dozen sparkbombs suddenly crash into him from behind, obscuring him from view again)
Incredible fight, its always exciting reading the action scenes of this quest.

[X] Plan Weathering The Storm

By the way, could't we use a bunch of Kindle Spinners to bait Hooknails in using Extinguish?
aren't we limited in the amount of stoked dice we can have without getting a heart attack? getting suddenly hundreds of them might kill us

@Imperial Fister that would count as using the ice immediatly?
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is there anything preventing hooknails from poking us for 1 damage and ending the stoking engage?

He would have to enter melee to do that, since the whole point is that we can do this with all his ranged attacks. And would somehow need to do so while the ranged attacks were still happening. And get through all our defenses.

It's not completely impossible, but it's wildly unlikely and involves him diving into his own storm of blades.

And even then, all it does is either force us to restart our Stoking Engage (costing a minimal 13 Orthstirr) or make our Fire Poker doesn't actually somehow let the other ranged attacks through or anything.
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He probably won't just sit there doing nothing though. Maybe include a contingency to hit him with a Stoking Strike if he does charge in part way through

I doubt he'll have time to do anything. The whole point of this tactic is that it happens very quickly indeed. A melee attack runs into the problem of Contested Movement, which he will use and win with unless we burn all Stoked Dice, which shuts down our ability to gain more of them with Stoking Engage. We're better off just defending ourselves with Halting Vortexes or Shields while continuing to parry arrows, and then unleashing the Fire Poker as planned.