Guys, Guys

I just had a REVELATION

He's firing a shitton of attacks at us, but Mire Ward is reducing them to "Lol" tier stuff that we could deflect without effort.

But this is an Opportunity.

Use Stoking Engage to generate parries for the incoming attacks, generate an absolute Shitton of Stoked Dice over the course of the arrowstorm.

And then release Mire Ward and use this with all of those generated Stoked Dice

(X) Fire Poker (Cost 6 Orthstirr/2 Odr): A medium-to-long range Stoker State trick that features a spear-shaped blast of hardened fire. (Base Damage 3-5) (Mastered: 0/36)

Would this produce a terrifying effect if we were to fuel it with a shitton of Stoked Dice @Imperial Fister ? Or does this one in particular not scale?
Yes, yes it would

Not all of them

... Would that basically be fucking Dragon Slave at that level of Charge?

And given that the number of incoming attacks has been measured in the "Hundreds", there's basically no limit to how many Engage Reactions we can do to them, when we've slowed them to a crawl, huh? The only limit is how many Stoked Dice we fueld the Engage with?
Use Stoking Engage to generate parries for the incoming attacks, generate an absolute Shitton of Stoked Dice over the course of the arrowstorm.

And then release Mire Ward and use this with all of those generated Stoked Dice
doesn't he have more frenzy than us? relying on basic defenses seems like a bad idea.

Wait, are you saying we slow them down with Mire Ward and then farm it for parries?
Doesn't Mire Ward make the projectiles drop out of the air?

Not instantly, we've already seen that they linger for a bit--long enough for Halla to intercept them anyway. The point is that they're still Attacks, and there's so many of them that we can effectively supercharge our Stoked Dice, while using Stoking Engage to get the Speed and hits needed to brush most of them away before they land.

Then turn his big super move into an asset for us. "Thanks for the recharge, I was getting a bit low!"
Not instantly, we've already seen that they linger for a bit--long enough for Halla to intercept them anyway. The point is that they're still Attacks, and there's so many of them that we can effectively supercharge our Stoked Dice, while using Stoking Engage to get the Speed and hits needed to brush most of them away before they land.

Then turn his big super move into an asset for us. "Thanks for the recharge, I was getting a bit low!"
This is an absolutely disgusting plan. I love it.

[X] Plan Weathering The Storm

Get his ass!
Awesome update Fister!

Wow, Hooknails really is a formidable opponent.

This is going to be So cool

The image of Halla blurring like Neo as she starts parrying a million spears before firing a kamehameha back is indeed really sick.

[X] Plan Weathering The Storm
-[X] 129d6 Attack (129d6 tricks)
-[X] 0d6 Defense (0d6 tricks)
-[X] 0d6 Intercept
-[X] Stoke Saemd (+314 Orthstirr)
-[X] Activate Mire Ward (-6 Orthstirr, +3 Stoked Dice), Stoker State 3 (-9 Orthstirr), and Heated Shroud (-5 Orthstirr) as combat begins. Continue using Sundersight to get a read on him.
-[X] Try and activate 2 layers of Reinforce Shield (-1 Orthstirr) and Explosive-Reactive Armor (-9 Orthstirr, +3 Stoked Dice) before we get hit with his big attack. This takes priority over everything but Mire Ward.
-[X] Give Sagaseeker the needed 3 Stoked Dice immediately.
-[X] Continue using Sailwind (-7 Orthstirr) to move things around and make the situation confusing and keep him unaware of the exact locations of the floating Sparkbombs.
-[X] Use an arbitrary number of Stoking Engage (-13 Orthstirr, tripling its dice each time it is used) parries to defend against all ranged attacks headed into the Mire Ward, accumulating a barrel full of Stoked Dice.
-[X] After the use of Stoking Engage, drop Mire Ward if needed and throw a 1d6+6 Fire Poker w/Puncture plus all of our Stoked Dice except 30 (-14 Orthstirr)...if he tries to Contested Movement this add the 30 Stoked Dice to the Contested Movement check.
-[X] When given a moment, add another 60d6+6 Sword Guard with 2 Odr invested into it (-64 Orthstirr, -2 Odr).
-[X] Once the arrow-storm is over take to the air with Ember-Wing Cloak (No cost, +3 Stoked Dice) immediately, switching to using Emberwind to fuel it as necessary and using Veto Motion (-3 Orthstirr, +3 Stoked Dice) if we must to allow greater precision. Add +1d6 to all attacks and defenses thereafter.
-[X] Start with another 74d6+6 Devouring Blaze w/Puncture (-17 Orthstirr), once we're in melee one way or another use up to six 40d6+6 Sharpenedx15 Heat-Enhanced Firebomb Strikes w/Puncture (-25 Orthstirr each), attempting to herd him towards Sparkbombs if he's inclined to dodge and to bait out his Extinguish.
-[X] At an opportune moment, if he lacks Extinguish and the opportunity presents itself, when he is distracted use Fast Recall (-1 Orthstirr) to pull as many Sparkbombs as we can into his back or other blind spot. Aiming in particular to hit him on his weak side (as revealed by Sundersight) if possible.
-[X] In response to any uses of Contested Movement by Hooknails, use Contested Movement ourselves. Add all our Stoked Dice to it (-3 Orthstirr, +3 Stoked Dice, 10d6+6+Stoked Pool) to counterattack with a Sharpened Fire-Charged Firebomb Strike (-2 Orthstirr) if we need something other than our initial attack (which we usually shouldn't). If we have less than 7 Stoked Dice when doing this spend Odr to hit at least 17d6+6 on each of these.
-[X] If the Mire Ward/Stoking Engage plan isn't working, we will activate Time Stands Still (-1 Aspect, burning our final use of Fight Of Our Life, 27d6+6 on opposed roll), move out of the way of the remaining arrows, join Hooknails in the sky, hit him with an 11d6+6 3Fold Sparkbomb (-30 Orthstirr), and then grapple him from the other side of the arrows with a Double Leg Takedown (-6 Orthstirr) and will use him (or, in theory, his corpse) as a human shield against the arrows (we would use Stoked Dice on opposing any escape attempt before the arrows are done).
-[X] If we are ever captured by something like Inertia-Arresting Throw and cannot disperse it with greater Standstill then stoke an Aspect to escape (we will try and do the same 'surprise him' plan as if we could disperse it when doing this if possible). Likewise, stoke an Aspect if we fall below 200 Orthstirr. If he uses Time Stands Still we will likewise stoke an Aspect to join him in that state. If we are out of Aspects and these events occur we will start using Calm Charges to re-stoke things.
-[X] For attacks not covered by the Mire Ward defense, by default use the Sword Guards to defend against most attacks (other than fleinns). In response to anything not a Fleinn or without Puncture or some other obvious ability to ignore Perfect defenses that gets through those use Halting Vortex (-2 Orthstirr), and if facing a fleinn or Trick Attacks with Puncture that gets through instead use up to one quick-drawn Shield Sacrifices as necessary (-1 Shield).
-[X] Tactics – The basic idea here is to layer Mire Ward's ability to casually parry ranged attacks with ERA's explosive countering of their likely explosive reaction to that and weather the storm, while using Stoked Engage to gather a truly ludicrous pool of power, then throw a Fire Power at him that he will simply have to Extinguish. We then join him in the air. The idea from there is to hit him repeatedly and hopefully set him up to be tricked or physically forced into the remaining Sparkbombs.

So, a few thoughts here:
- Thirty Stoked Dice feels a bit much to drop on one Contested Movement? Shouldn't it be like, six or seven, more similar to a Fight of Your Life? How come the change?
- It's pricey, but I think we should use Slowing Slog here, even if it means burning an Aspect as a contingency. It really saved our bacon last round, and I think we have to assume he is going to keep bringing his A game until the very end.
- The last update seemed to imply we can trigger Slowing Slog as a reactive defence (Halla only summons it towards the end when she's having to endure Hooknails' attacks in order to get a chance to wash away the charms on his belt). That might be a solution if you don't want to spend the orthstirr - include it as a contingency.

Anyway, I like Alectai's idea as well as trying to make the Sparkbomb plan work by luring out his Extinguish, this references the weakness with his foot, and this even has TSS as a final contingency. Solid plan, nothing else comes to mind here.

[X] Plan Weathering The Storm
[X] Plan Weathering The Storm

Minor note on recreating Dragonfire, Norse dragons spit poison, not fire. Stoker Style loves fire stuff because everyone who has been making moves for it has been a pyromaniac.
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- Thirty Stoked Dice feels a bit much to drop on one Contested Movement? Shouldn't it be like, six or seven, more similar to a Fight of Your Life? How come the change?
- It's pricey, but I think we should use Slowing Slog here, even if it means burning an Aspect as a contingency. It really saved our bacon last round, and I think we have to assume he is going to keep bringing his A game until the very end.
- The last update seemed to imply we can trigger Slowing Slog as a reactive defence (Halla only summons it towards the end when she's having to endure Hooknails' attacks in order to get a chance to wash away the charms on his belt). That might be a solution if you don't want to spend the orthstirr - include it as a contingency.
Hooknails has boosts for Contested Movement too by unknown means, we're hoping to overpower those.

We put Odr into Slowing Slog for duration last round, so its still up
- Thirty Stoked Dice feels a bit much to drop on one Contested Movement? Shouldn't it be like, six or seven, more similar to a Fight of Your Life? How come the change?

Hooknails rolled a 121 on his last Contested Movement. 30 may be overkill to beat that, but 20 wouldn't be enough, and we're getting an arbitrary number anyway, so saving 30 for that vs. saving 25 is not a big difference.

- It's pricey, but I think we should use Slowing Slog here, even if it means burning an Aspect as a contingency. It really saved our bacon last round, and I think we have to assume he is going to keep bringing his A game until the very end.

As wrecksalot notes, having burned Odr, Slowing Slog is still up (and will be for the rest of the fight). I'd 100% agree we add it if it weren't.
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Only point of concern that I'd have is that i recall vaguely that we have a max Stoker Dice capacity, and if we go over that... something bad happens? I'm sure someone else remembers this better than I. We'd want to make sure that we don't trigger unfortunate effects from having too many stoker dice.
Well, as long as we can get to 30, that hopefully shouldn't be a problem.