Oh absolutely! I'm fortunate enough to have a frickin' really good way to visualize height in real life while also being tall enough myself to have a decent-ish understanding of some of the realities of being at that height. Freaking tables, man, they really suck sometimes.

Odr cultivators being tall is the result of the size of their sagas turning physical rather then simply magical or mystical or what have you. And Corpsemaker, for example, doesn't just walk around at ~10 feet tall in his day to day life. He only does that when he's doing the ol' Jarl special of showing up uninvited at a hall and demanding to be feasted by the landowner of said hall, to remind them of his authority over them.

Ah, that makes sense!

So it's sort of this kind of vibe:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fQTZh7JcWU

If it were me, I might say that they stand a head taller than everyone when they're doing Odr Cultivator Shit, even though their physical height remains completely unchanged, and just heavily lean into the fact that reality is warping around them because they're the protagonist of the universe in that moment. But I completely respect what you're going for, and I think I understand it a lot better now!

After a certain point, being tall becomes a disadvantage - There's an optimum height to be had, and it's definitely not higher than 7ft

In a Flying Circus game I ran for some miscreants including @Acatalepsy on here, towards the end of the campaign, the PCs sort of ended up accidentally causing a Council of Elrond type dealie of all the various powers who were signatories of the treaties signed after the last big Ragnarok-type war, convened to discuss the imminent crisis caused by the PCs and the terrible power they had accidentally unleashed. In typical player fashion, the PCs then gate crashed the diplomatic conference convened to discuss the urgent threat they posed whilst thinking they were running a minor errand for someone else.

Various shenanigans ensued, with the players politicking, conducing a heist, and discovering whether a fifth-generation dragon with thrust vectoring can out-turn a very reckless biplane pilot, but what's relevant here is that one of the dignitaries at the summit was a mountain giant named Bamburg. (Real mountain in Germany.) Bamburg was essentially unstoppable so long as his feet were touching the ground, and could casually pick up boulders the size of cars and throw them hard enough to planes out of the sky. He had bushy white hair and a bald pate reminiscent of a snow-capped mountain top, shoulders as broad as two man standing together, was constantly laughing and joking, carried a hand-axe that twenty men could not lift, and stood 5'4".

Not that prominent of an NPC all told, but one of my favourites from that game, and I'll probably re-use him in other games, as I have with other faves like Georg von Frundsbear.
That's fair. We can almost certainly fit it in sometime this year.

We should also remember abaout forging bracers and greaves for our armor now that we can.

And are we still okay with the tournament idea? If we need 12 actions to prepare it, we could distribuite them over several turns. That would mean 12 turns if we use 1 action for turn or 6 if we use 2 actions for turn. But it would probably take longer since we have other actions to take.
Odr cultivators are taller than you. It doesn't actually matter how tall you are, or how tall they are, they're taller than you are. This is a metaphysical fact that surpasses mere metricism.
We should also remember abaout forging bracers and greaves for our armor now that we can.

It's an idea, though probably not an urgent one all things considered.

And are we still okay with the tournament idea? If we need 12 actions to prepare it, we could distribuite them over several turns. That would mean 12 turns if we use 1 action for turn or 6 if we use 2 actions for turn. But it would probably take longer since we have other actions to take.

I'm a lot more in on the tournament if we can substitute some Work Dice for a few actions...but either way we probably want to do one at some point, yeah.

How are we doing 4 crafting AND personally aggressive diplomacy on the sword? Shouldn't the sword be research?

2 Crafting options per actions due to our Fylgja, and IF posted an indication the sword was an action. Lemme find the reference.

EDIT: Ah, here it is:

Personal (Pick 2/3, if no Exploration is picked. 1 Free Social):
[ ] Initiate aggressive diplomacy with the Ice Sword
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[X] Saga Expansion

Okay, so, here's a plan. The goal of this plan is to tie up loose ends. It hopefully finishes up our Training Item selection, and finishes up most of our Tricks that are partially complete and would not benefit from said Training Items (it holds off Perfecting our Ignition stuff one whole turn to hopefully do it cheaper next turn with an item, for example). We then finish off almost all the rest next turn, hopefully get Hugr 10 the turn after that, and can do a more manageable number of projects going forward (though even this turn is down to 10, which is an improvement).

For actions, while we need to talk to the Ice Sword, I could easily be talked into a different third action...it's the rest of the plan I feel strongly about (though it is on theme to do a bunch of crafting and then commune with an item, so it's thematic). We should finish things up so we hopefully don't need to worry about them going forward.

In terms of the Rune wording, I'm not completely happy with any of these and would be more than happy to replace them, and could use some ideas for bone ash on a couple of them as well.

The research is all from pre-breakthrough times and replacing it seems totally fair if we have ideas...I don't have such ideas and this still needs to be done eventually, so I'm looking at it as a placeholder.

[X] Plan Finishing Things Up
-[X] (Crafting) Try to make something (1)
--[X] 1 oz. Molten Iron Fire Striker Rod (+15 successes from Tools/Workshop)
--[X] Add runes saying "May my sparks grant knowledge of Ignition itself." – Training Item for Ignition
--[X] Add bone ash ???
-[X] (Crafting) Try to make something (2)
--[X] Silver Drinking Horn (+15 successes from Tools/Workshop)
--[X] Add runes saying "May that drunk from me teach sweet words and poetry." – Hopefully a Wordplay and Silver-Tongue Training Item
--[X] Add bone ash ???

-[X] (Crafting) Try to make something (3)
--[X] Add Runes to our existing Tools (+15 successes from Tools/Workshop)
--[X] "May Brokkr and Eitri's skill be granted to those who learn with me." – Hopefully making them a Weaponcraft, Artcraft, and Armorcraft Training Item
-[X] (Crafting) Try to make something (4)
--[X] Forged Iron Work Knife (+15 successes from Tools/Workshop)
--[X] Add runes saying "May I teach all the uses of knives." –Training Item for Housework, Pierce, and Slash if we can manage it
--[X] Add beaver bone ash

-[X] (Personal) Attempt aggressive diplomacy with the Ice Sword

-[X] [Social] (Personal) Spend time with...
--[X] Eric
--[X] Ask again about what's going on with the Kyrsvikingar

-[X] (Exploration) Go on a walk through...
--[X] Your Soulscape!
---[X] (Optional) Send your fylgja in your place (Does not cost an action)

-[X] Special Note: On all Crafting add the following if possible unless otherwise specified:
--[X] For metal items, have Heat Hold available just in case.
--[X] Using Sundersight (+1d3 Successes)
--[X] Stoking Frami, Virthing, and Saemd (for +1 Success each, +3 successes total) to enhance the crafting process


-[X] (Seeress) Learn seidr with the Seeress (Only available during Summer)
--[X] Learn the spells for traveling to Ginnungagap and finding a specific soul there (like those used to rescue Aki)...we have a lot of relatives with fylgja and would like to be able to save them at need.
--[X] Ask Solrun what she knows about Aspects and how they work
--[X] Ask Solrun where she goes for the winter, and invite her to stay with us if she'd prefer that.

-[X] (Research)
--[X] Go over our known capabilities and see if our hitting a new stage of our Realm has had any effect on any of them that we can discern – 1 Research
--[X] Try and Alloy Ignition and Stoker State, see if it grants Stoked Dice for using EWC or propagates damage to Stoker State Tricks – 1 Research
--[X] Try and Alloy Stoker State and Puncture, see if that allows Puncture on Standstill or Ignition (already alloyed with Stoker State) or Basic Attacks –1 Research
--[X] Try and Alloy Contested Movement and Stoker State, see if that allows Stoked Dice to be used in a less all-or-nothing way with Contested Movement – 1 Research
--[X] Try experimenting with Time Stands Still and other Standstill effects and try and figure out what the Martial Style Time Stands Still is part of might be, or be capable of – 1 Research
--[X] Try and Alloy Campfire and Hamr – 1 Research
---[X] Do this naked in the sauna with Abjorn, holding a rag to see if it ignites, prepare to switch it out quickly...try and figure out from how it works how it would go if we did the same with Ignition

-[X] (Blackhand's Training) Try to develop old/train new hugareida tricks
--[X] Train Slowing Slog 46xp (23xp)
--[X] Train Semi-Halting Vortex 16xp (8xp)
--[X] Train Campfire 28xp (7xp)
---[X] Note: This allows us to re-alloy Forgefire, adding +2d to all crafting (25d total on this turn's crafting)

-[X] (Training) Martial Styles
--[X] Train Stoker State 8xp (4xp)
--[X] Train Flame-Tending Blade 16xp (8xp)
--[X] Train Threadcutter 4xp (2xp)
--[X] Train Knee-Drop Back Breaker 6xp (3xp)
--[X] Train Fang 14xp (7xp)

-[X] (Training) Hamr (255 successes to rank up)
--[X] Train Chop 12xp (6xp)
--[X] Train Throw 1xp

-[X] (Work Dice Usage)
--[X] Buildings, Resources, and Quality: 2 Living Space, Everything else maxed out (51 Total)
--[X] Crafting: Making 1 Glue Bomb and 1 Meat-Keeping Stick (4 Total)
--[X] Construction: Improve Building – Workshop by 19 (19 Total)
--[X] Conversion: Spend for 6 Research Dice (12 Total)

-[X] (Incidentals)
--[X] Adding Taafl Board Capacity Gains to: Abjorn, Hallbjorn,
--[X] Receiving Metal from Dwarves: 24 oz Forged Iron, 6 oz Drafty Iron

-[X] (Shapeshifting Slots)
--[X] Add one instance of Fast Twitch Muscles.

-[X] (Fylgja Alloy/Shapeshifting Slots)
--[X] Remove the 4Fold Sparkbomb, replace it with a normal Sparkbomb (-15 Orthstirr)
-[X] (Standing Orders)
--[X] Change the Standing Order relating to Sparkbombs to replace the single Sparkbomb with another single Sparkbomb.

-[X] (Assign Hugareida Levels)
--[X] Assign 4 Forgefire Levels to Damage
--[X] Assign 1 Campfire Level to Dice and 2 to Instances

EDIT: Edits for clarity and to account for having spent Odr.

So, some thoughts here:
- Partly selfishly since I wrote it recently, but also since I think Lidrun's insults will still be ringing in Halla's ears, I'd kind of like us to do an Inspiration where we do that poem for Abjorn. I know you're not going to want to do this, since we have to collect training items like they're Pokemon, but I think the voters might be getting tired of two crafting actions a turn...
- If we're planning to do a trading expedition next turn, and I'd really like to, then we probably want to use our visit to Erik as an opportunity to spread the word around in town so we get plenty of rowers.
- In terms of research, I think we should practice entering Abjorn's soulscape, although we don't necessarily need to do that this turn. I also think on the Stoker State + Ignition Alloy, the better thing to shoot for would be seeing if we could get Ignition's damage boost for Stoker State? That makes Stoked Strike so much better, and whilst I wouldn't bet on it, just imagine if it could apply to the individual attacks on a Stoked Engage or Threadcutter...
- I think we should try and Alloy Stoker State and our Hamr. The fact that alloying Standstill and our Hamr led to our muscles freezing up is really interesting - if the nature of the thing being alloyed is transferred to our body in that way, then given that Stoker State is thematically all about an engine that revs with power, it feels like this might allow us to give ourself an explosive boost of strength to our muscles.
- On a similar note, what about alloying Gale with our Hugr? Wind is swift, and Odin's ravens of thought and memory are swift and all-seeing because they fly, so there seems like there's a good thematic resonance between speeding up our thinking and the wind.
- I don't have a suggestion of a good synergy for our Flygia but there probably is one. Wait, actually, Forgefire?
- I love the idea of the naked campfire practice in the Sauna, that sounds hilarious.
- Neither Chop nor Fang are anywhere close to completion, and I think their dice would be better spent on getting Time Stands Still most of the way to Mastered, as this doubles its damage potential with folded attacks. The marginal utility is a lot higher. Like the investment on Stoker State.
- Do we need to keep a twofold Folded Sparkbomb slotted in a Fast for use on TSS, or can we just use that whenever?

Anyway, these were my rough thoughts, I'm not sure I can be bothered to turn them into my own plan - although I might after getting some sleep, just for diversity's sake. But all the ideas and suggestions here are free for the taking, obviously.
- Partly selfishly since I wrote it just now, but also since I think Lidrun's insults will still be ringing in Halla's ears, I'd kind of like us to do an Inspiration where we do that poem for Abjorn. I know you're not going to want to do this, since we have to collect training items like they're Pokemon, but I think the voters might be getting tired of two crafting actions a turn...

For the record, this is the very last turn of that, possibly ever barring emergencies. Hence the 'finishing things up' plan name.

- If we're planning to do a trading expedition next turn, and I'd really like to, then we probably want to use our visit to Erik as an opportunity to spread the word around in town so we get plenty of rowers.

I think that'd require more than a social action alone if this is a big expedition. If it's a little expedition no bigger than a normal Visit we shouldn't need to spend additional actions on it, and if it's a big one I don't think we want to do it at all.

- In terms of research, I think we should practice entering Abjorn's soulscape, although we don't necessarily need to do that this turn. I also think on the Stoker State + Ignition Alloy, the better thing to shoot for would be seeing if we could get Ignition's damage boost for Stoker State? That makes Stoked Strike so much better, and whilst I wouldn't bet on it, just imagine if it could apply to the individual attacks on a Stoked Engage or Threadcutter...

That's on the list of things we're testing? Like, it's in the plan. That's the 'propagates damage to Stoker State Tricks' part.

- I think we should try and Alloy Stoker State and our Hamr. The fact that alloying Standstill and our Hamr led to our muscles freezing up is really interesting - if the nature of the thing being alloyed is transferred to our body in that way, then given that Stoker State is thematically all about an engine that revs with power, it feels like this might allow us to give ourself an explosive boost of strength to our muscles.
- On a similar note, what about alloying Gale with our Hugr? Wind is swift, and Odin's ravens of thought and memory are swift and all-seeing because they fly, so there seems like there's a good thematic resonance between speeding up our thinking and the wind.
- I don't have a suggestion of a good synergy for our Flygia but there probably is one. Wait, actually, Forgefire?

Those all sound like good ideas to me, none just leap out as better than the existing testing.

- I love the idea of the naked campfire practice in the Sauna, that sounds hilarious.

Oh definitely, the amusement value is high. I came up with the naked idea from pure practicality, but the rest followed from there in a fun way.

- Neither Chop nor Fang are anywhere close to completion, and I think their dice would be better spent on getting Time Stands Still most of the way to Mastered, as this doubles its damage potential with folded attacks.

There's little point in half completing something when we could complete things instead, IMO. Some of this is also about reducing cognitive load long term...I'd like to get the half-done stuff completed as best we can before we do stuff that's not already half-completed. I also think we should probably try that Trick out first before we advance it any further, especially since it's basically still in playtesting.

- Do we need to keep a twofold Folded Sparkbomb slotted in a Fast for use on TSS, or can we just use that whenever?

We do. I had to revise the plan after the 81 Odr expenditure and that bit got messed up, I'll fix that. EDIT: And fixed.
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For the record, this is the very last turn of that, possibly ever barring emergencies. Hence the 'finishing things up' plan name.

I think that'd require more than a social action alone if this is a big expedition. If it's a little expedition no bigger than a normal Visit we shouldn't need to spend additional actions on it, and if it's a big one I don't think we want to do it at all.

That's on the list of things we're testing? Like, it's in the plan. That's the 'propagates damage to Stoker State Tricks' part.

Those all sound like good ideas to me, none just leap out as better than the existing testing.

Oh definitely, the amusement value is high. I came up with the naked idea from pure practicality, but the rest followed from there in a fun way.

There's little point in half completing something when you could complete things instead, IMO. Some of this is also about reducing cognitive load long term...I'd like to get the half-done stuff completed as best we can before we do stuff that's not already half-completed.

We do. I had to revise the plan after the 81 Odr expenditure and that bit got messed up, I'll fix that.

Fair enough!

Whilst I get where you're coming from, I think if we're "completing" Chop and Fang when they have twelve and fourteen successes left respectively, that's not really completing? Like, I do realise maybe there's a slight nails-on-a-chalkboard feeling to seeing uneven amounts of dice in them, and I sympathise because I'm that way myself about other things, but I think it would be honestly better to just forget about them for a year.

As far as putting the word out RE: the trading mission when we're in Asvir, I agree we're only doing a small trading mission, but it probably can't hurt? Other people are also probably planning their year, and it's useful to have some advance notice for something like that.

I would prefer that we did a bit less crafting and did the poetry instead - especially since the training items are not exactly urgent to my mind - and I'd like to see where my alloying ideas lead, so I might make a plan to that effect using yours as a base, if it's alright with you.
Fair enough!

Whilst I get where you're coming from, I think if we're "completing" Chop and Fang when they have twelve and fourteen successes left respectively, that's not really completing? Like, I do realise maybe there's a slight nails-on-a-chalkboard feeling to seeing uneven amounts of dice in them, and I sympathise because I'm that way myself about other things, but I think it would be honestly better to just forget about them for a year.

It's also having to remember them. Yeah, I have a document for that but it's increasingly messy the more half completed things we need to keep track of. Also, 12 and 14 are the wrong way of thinking about those, they're only 6xp and 7xp respectively, after the xp doubling. That's quite cheap in most reasonable terms. And gets us +4 Combat Pool, which is nice.

And we have no need to forget about anything for a year, we complete everything we're currently working on (Hugr included) in the next four turns or so, including getting Time Stands Still to Mastered.

As far as putting the word out RE: the trading mission when we're in Asvir, I agree we're only doing a small trading mission, but it probably can't hurt? Other people are also probably planning their year, and it's useful to have some advance notice for something like that.

I mean, I assume if the trip is not narratively weighty we are assumed to be doing that since it's not narratively important. If it is narratively weighty, we don't want to take one right now.

I would prefer that we did a bit less crafting and did the poetry instead - especially since the training items are not exactly urgent to my mind - and I'd like to see where my alloying ideas lead, so I might make a plan to that effect using yours as a base, if it's alright with you.

I mean, I obviously can't stop you and feel free to take what you like from my plan, but if we're gonna complete our existing ongoing expenditures next turn (and especially if we set up to also increase Hugr to 10 the turn after) we actually use three out of the four suggested Training Items extensively in the very next turn (everything but the Work Knife). I'm not making 4 this turn because I like piling on crafting actions, but because they're useful and relevant immediately and after completing them we can cease worrying about those for a while.

If you're dropping it to only two, the Silver-Tongue/Wordplay Item and the Tools are the most essential.
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Actually, this is important, so I'll just ask:

@Imperial Fister is making a narratively lighter trading expedition even possible? Something that doesn't require any more effort/time for us the Questers and you the QM than a Visit does plus maybe encounter rolls on the way there and back? Or will all trading expeditions always have more serious narrative weight to them?
@DeadmanwalkingXI , @Imperial Fister , Forgive me, I must have asked this question a thousand times, but I have to ask this again because I seem to have lost the hard drive of my brain: how is our Odr gain per turn calculated? And can someone add this information to the char sheet or the informational. The char sheet only has the per turn gain, but not the math behind it.
It's also having to remember them. Yeah, I have a document for that but it's increasingly messy the more half completed things we need to keep track of. Also, 12 and 14 are the wrong way of thinking about those, they're only 6xp and 7xp respectively, after the xp doubling. That's quite cheap in most reasonable terms. And gets us +4 Combat Pool, which is nice.

And we have no need to forget about anything for a year, we complete everything we're currently working on (Hugr included) in the next four turns or so, including getting Time Stands Still to Mastered.

I mean, I assume if the trip is not narratively weighty we are assumed to be doing that since it's not narratively important. If it is narratively weighty, we don't want to take one right now.

I mean, I obviously can't stop you and feel free to take what you like from my plan, but if we're gonna complete our existing ongoing expenditures next turn (and especially if we set up to also increase Hugr to 10 the turn after) we actually use three out of the four suggested Training Items extensively in the very next turn (everything but the Work Knife). I'm not making 4 this turn because I like piling on crafting actions, but because they're useful and relevant immediately and after completing them we can cease worrying about those for a while.

If you're dropping it to only two, the Silver-Tongue/Wordplay Item and the Tools are the most essential.

Fair enough! I guess what I'm suggesting is that maybe a solution would be to take them off the list for the foreseeable future, but I completely respect if it doesn't really work that way for you.

And as far as the training items go, gotcha!

[X] Plan Less Crafting, More Poetry and Swords

-[X] Personal Actions

-[X] (Poetry) Try to realize our "Bearbreaker" poetic Inspiration; crafting a praise poem in skaldic metre which tells the story of how our brave husband earnt his kenning by hunting the terrible hunter. This is not at all because we want to stick it to that yellow-eyed little trick with the red scarf who dared to insult our boo. Definitely not. No siree.
--[X] Infuse 3 Odr into it.
--[X] Spend Three Reward Dice - (Skippy)

-[X] (Crafting) Try to make something
--[X] Item One
--[X] Add Runes to our existing Tools (+15 successes from Tools/Workshop)
--[X] "May Brokkr and Eitri's skill be granted to those who learn with me." – Hopefully making them a Training Item for crafts like Weaponcraft, Artcraft, and Armorcraft and possibly other assorted crafts or crafting-adjacent Tricks.
--[X] Item Two
---[X] Silver Drinking Horn (+15 successes from Tools/Workshop)
---[X] Add runes saying "May the drink that pours from me be as the mead that fell from one-eyed eagle's craw to poet's mouth." – Hopefully a Wordplay and Silver-Tongue Training Item
---[X] Add bone ash from thrushes, larks, and other songbirds.

-[X] Initiate Aggressive Befriending with the Ice Sword.

-[X] [Social] (Personal) Spend time with...
--[X] Eric
--[X] Ask again about what's going on with the Kyrsvikingar
--[X] Use the opportunity to put the word out that we're planning an expedition in a couple of months. Nothing epic, just a trading mission.

-[X] (Exploration) Go on a walk through...
--[X] Your Soulscape!
---[X] (Optional) Send your fylgja in your place (Does not cost an action)

-[X] Special Note: On all Crafting add the following if possible unless otherwise specified:
--[X] For metal items, have Heat Hold available just in case.
--[X] Using Sundersight (+1d3 Successes)
--[X] Stoking Frami, Virthing, and Saemd (for +1 Success each, +3 successes total) to enhance the crafting process

-[X] Training

-[X] (Seeress) Learn Seidr with the Seeress (Only available during Summer)
--[X] Learn the spells for traveling to Ginnungagap and finding a specific soul there (like those used to rescue Aki)...we have a lot of relatives with fylgja and would like to be able to save them at need.
--[X] Ask Solrun what she knows about Aspects and how they work
--[X] Ask Solrun where she goes for the winter, and invite her to stay with us if she'd prefer that.

-[X] (Research)
--[X] Carried over from last turn: Place a runestone in our soul, with a poem commemorating our and Abjorn's first kiss under a falling tree, when time stood still.
--[X] Go over our known capabilities and see if our hitting a new stage of our Realm has had any effect on any of them that we can discern – 1 RP
--[X] Try and Alloy Ignition and Stoker State, see if it grants Stoked Dice for using EWC or propagates damage to Stoker State Tricks – 1 RP
--[X] Try Alloying our Hamr and Stoker State, see if this empowers our muscles with short bursts of energy in the same way that Standstill froze them up. - 1 RP
--[X] Mess around with the strange sword we bought in Asvir. It looks like it's made for cutting, maybe we could try developing a Slash trick with it? - 1 RP
--[X] Try experimenting with Time Stands Still and other Standstill effects and try and figure out what the Martial Style Time Stands Still is part of might be, or be capable of – 1 RP
--[X] Try and Alloy Puncture and our Stoker State whilst Puncture is alloyed to Ignition, to find out whether Puncture's effect can propagate across multiple disciplines that are mutually alloyed. – 1 RP
--[X] Try and Alloy Campfire and Hamr. - 1 RP
---[X] Do this naked in the sauna with Abjorn, holding a rag to see if it ignites, prepare to switch it out quickly...try and figure out from how it works how it would go if we did the same with Ignition

-[X] (Blackhand's Training) Try to develop old/train new hugareida tricks
--[X] Train Slowing Slog 46xp (23xp)
--[X] Train Ember Winged Cloak 20xp (5xp)
--[X] Train Kindle Spinner 12xp (3xp)
--[X] Train Firebomb-Strike 24xp (6xp)
--[X] Train Campfire 28xp (7xp)
---[X] Note: This allows us to re-alloy Forgefire, adding +2d to all crafting (25d total on this turn's crafting)
--[X] Train Time Stands Still 36xp (18xp)

-[X] (Training) Martial Styles
--[X] Train Stoker State 8xp (4xp)
--[X] Train Threadcutter 4xp (2xp)

-[X] (Training) Hamr (255 successes to rank up)
--[X] Train Throw 1xp

-[X] Incidentals and Allocation

-[X] (Work Dice Usage)
--[X] Buildings, Resources, and Quality: 2 Living Space, Everything else maxed out (61 Total)
--[X] Crafting: Making 1 Glue Bomb and 1 Meat-Keeping Stick (4 Total)
--[X] Construction: Improve Building – Workshop by 19 (19 Total)
--[X] Conversion: Spend for 6 Research Dice (12 Total)

-[X] (Incidentals)
--[X] Adding Taafl Board Capacity Gains to: Abjorn, Hallbjorn,
--[X] Receiving Metal from Dwarves: 24 oz Forged Iron, 6 oz Drafty Iron

-[X] (Shapeshifting Slots)
--[X] Add one instance of Fast Twitch Muscles.

-[X] (Fylgja Alloy/Shapeshifting Slots)
--[X] Remove the 4Fold Sparkbomb, replace it with a 2Fold Sparkbomb (-17 Orthstirr)
-[X] (Standing Orders)
--[X] Change the Standing Order relating to Sparkbombs to replace the 2Fold Sparkbomb with a single Sparkbomb whenever that Fast is empty.

-[X] (Assign Hugareida Levels)
--[X] Assign 4 Forgefire Levels to Damage
--[X] Assign 1 Campfire Level to Dice and 2 to Instances


- I've noticed that there have been a lot of people saying they would like to do less crafting actions and more stuff that is not crafting actions, and if you're one of those people, this plan might be for you! I'm not against the other training items in Deadman's plan, they seem fine, but we can get them next turn.
- We're instead doing a praise poem for our beloved husbando instead, since he's the best. Also a praise poem is a great way of getting back at Lidrun, we're beating her at her own game!
- I'm adding in the one reward dice I had left of my three this month, and the two from poems, to make three reward dice. I'm also putting in three Odr, since we haven't infused poems with Odr and I expect fun things to happen when we do. Let's really make this special for Abjorn. Three is the magic number!
- This does research which I'm personally quite excited about with Stoker State + Hamr, as well as experimenting with that new sword we found, since it's cool and I think it would be a shame if it got forgotten. Swords are cool!
- We're getting Time Stands Still up to Mastered, since it's a really powerful technique, and we're also doing research into the root style, so it seems to synergise.

EDIT: Shifted some stuff around at @Shard's suggestion; we're now completing EWC this turn.
EDIT: At @DeadmanwalkingXI's suggestion, moved around dice from Flame-Tending Blade to Ignition tricks, so now we're Perfecting Kindle-Spinner and Firebomb-Strike as well.
Last edited:
@DeadmanwalkingXI , @Imperial Fister , Forgive me, I must have asked this question a thousand times, but I have to ask this again because I seem to have lost the hard drive of my brain: how is our Odr gain per turn calculated? And can someone add this information to the char sheet or the informational. The char sheet only has the per turn gain, but not the math behind it.

It's our lowest Aspect divided by 9, then multiplied by 1.1 from Different After All. I'll try and figure a place to put it on the sheet, though it is in the Odr mechanics post.

And as far as the training items go, gotcha!

Those aren't actually the Training Items you went with. The essential one is the runes on our Tools, not the Ignition Item.
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[X] Plan Less Crafting, More Poetry and Swords

I like this plan more than the other, so i am voting for it.

Also, we should totaly give the Katana to Asgeirr.
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A couple ideas for later, trying to explore specfic points of interest in soulscap, and alloy them with stuff. Trying to gather plants and other stuff to bring to the farm. Trying to look for spirits in the area opened. Trying to make clothes for exploration from aspects.

More pressing issue, trying to find how we cultivate Odr now.

I think we really need to do this stage fast? Obviously not rush it dangerously but try not to delay this time. then we can dedicate more time for actual realm up.

more pressingly, how are we getting Odr now? there is no gate
Damn, that breakthrough was cool! The flashback was very interesting too. For me, the biggest question whether the Germanic pantheon consists of the same people, who're worshipped as different aspects of themselves in different people. Like, are the deities worshipped as Wōden, Wuotan, Óðinn, etc. just different aspects of the same individuals; or are they not even different aspects, but the same people whose names diverged as the Germanic dialects diverged?

It also seems like the flashback hints at Odin being the one who discovered odr cultivation and using his soul space to create either Midgard or Asgard. That's fine for the Norse, but what about the other Germanic speaking peoples?

[X] Saga Expansion

[X] Plan Less Crafting, More Poetry and Swords