@DeadmanwalkingXI, after testing them on some friends, I tweaked my two to be a bit better:
I grow a fluffy beard but have no mouth,
No shield but stand in a phalanx with my kin,
Guarding the road of roads,
I am so weak a child can slay me,
Yet I can lift men and heavy stones,
Who am I?
Answer: A reed.
Note on clues:
Line 1: Reeds have little hairs that grow to disperse their seeds through wind. Quite distinctive when you've seen them, like a less extreme version of cattails.
Line 2: Reeds grow in thick clumps all standing straight, pretty self-explanatory.
Line 3: "The Road of Roads" is a kenning for river which is in the riddles Odin gives to King Heidrik.
Line 4: A reed can be broken by a child.
Line 5: Reed baskets and reed boats go back centuries and would be known to the Norse as they were to most Eurasian cultures.
Note: A lot of people were getting "mussels" or a bearded axe so I tweaked the mention of the beard. The mention of "grow" makes it clearer that the beard is not a permeant state. Mouth also felt more natural than eyes as it's right next to where beards normally are.
Beginning as a foundling in the muck,
Trained in the school of hard knocks,
Plying my trade diving into the salt sea,
I can earn my weight in gold,
Yet few men wish to receive me as a gift,
What am I?
Please use these amended versions for any riddling we're doing.
Isn't people getting misled a good thing?
Makes them get lost and not get the right meaning. Halla is playing for the lives of her friends and neighbors here!
Makes them get lost and not get the right meaning. Halla is playing for the lives of her friends and neighbors here!
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