Okay, so, plan. In terms of Training, this should get us Hugr 9 with some overkill, a variety of Tricks we kinda need in various ways, Infuses our Fylgja, ups our Tactics, hopefully picks up Fortitfy...you get the idea.
In terms of people, this is networking time. We talk to Bo Burisson about our business proposition, Solrun about some divination and communication magics, make sure Arnfinn is doing okay (it may have been his first battle) and then try and recruit people to our household. those are a combination of those we helped during the battle (Vagn, Gorm, and Hugehands) and those it just seems like a good idea to recruit (Roar, Randolf, and Oscar...we also talk about his Trick with Oscar while we're at it). I'd really like to also congratulate Stigmar on his success, but I'll assume that happened offscreen at the party...this is a really important networking opportunity.
Note that, per discussion on Discord, our Fylgja should be able to refill Fasts with Tricks while in our soulscape, allowing some interesting stuff and some things are getting reassigned a little on that basis.
There are three Research projects undefined in this plan, and I'm open to suggestions of what people think are our most urgent ones (before anyone asks, IF has confirmed that the Armor will take too long to be done on shipboard).
[X] Plan Head Back Home
-[X] Home the Continental Way (10 Days) (Chance to get attacked)
--[X] Stop somewhere along the way
---[X] Ribe, to try and pick up trade goods
-[X] Talk to a Crewmember (x1)
--[X] Vagn Wheel-Drifter
--[X] Attempt to see about ongoing connections, inviting him to spar with us, potentially recruiting him to join us, all that sort of thing.
--[X] See if we can give him some tips so he can win the next time he gets stuck in--maybe bring up Thievesbane during the discussion and see if he might recognize the make? You've been interested in dropping that off to whoever its proper master was for a while, but he's the first we've met from that neck of the woods
--[X] Use Goal Tell to see if he'll be a good fit and receptive to joining us, and to present the offer in the best light possible.
-[X] Talk to a Crewmember (x2)
--[X] Bo Burisson
--[X]Discuss our business proposition in regards to something valuable we spotted on his family's land (ie: we will direct them to it for a finder's fee in the form of a share of the resource in question)
--[X] Use Goal Tell to present the offer in the best light possible.
-[X] Talk to a Crewmember (x3)
--[X] Oscar Sharphone
--[X] Talk about the fight, see about getting to know him better, potentially recruiting him if he seems sympatico
--[X] Also bring up our interest in his Kenning and the trick that got it for him
--[X] Use Goal Tell to see if he'll be a good fit and receptive to joining us, and to present the offer in the best light possible.
-[X] Talk to a Crewmember (x4)
--[X] Gorm Bloodslick
--[X] Talk about the fight, see about getting to know him better, potentially recruiting him if he seems sympatico
--[X] Use Goal Tell to see if he'll be a good fit and receptive to joining us, and to present the offer in the best light possible.
-[X] Talk to a Crewmember (x5)
--[X] Roar Shiningspear
--[X] Talk about the fight, see about getting to know him better, potentially recruiting him if he seems sympatico
--[X] Use Goal Tell to see if he'll be a good fit and receptive to joining us, and to present the offer in the best light possible.
-[X] Talk to a Crewmember (x6)
--[X] Harold Hugehands
--[X] Talk about the fight, see about getting to know him better, potentially recruiting him if he seems sympatico
--[X] Use Goal Tell to see if he'll be a good fit and receptive to joining us, and to present the offer in the best light possible.
-[X]Talk to a Crewmember (x7)
--[X] Randolf Well-Named
--[X] Talk about the fight, see about getting to know him better, potentially recruiting him if he seems sympatico
--[X] Use Goal Tell to see if he'll be a good fit and receptive to joining us, and to present the offer in the best light possible.
-[X] Talk to a Crewmember (x8)
--[X] Arnfinn Heavystep
--[X] This might have been his first proper fight? You don't think he's got any relatives here, and your Big Sister Powers are tingling, you did see him taking someone down, if he's having issues, help him work through them, if he's not, be willing to be a sounding board on how he can improve in the future.
--[X] We wouldn't turn him down if he wanted to join us, but he's a bit young for us to actively recruit him, probably. Subtly sound him out for the future in that regard though.
-[X] Seidr Training (x1)
--[X]Learn the seidr area for divinations, like predicting the future, seeing spirits, that kind of thing
---[X]More specifically, see if there's something we could use to deep dive on the sword and see what it does, and if Solrun has any suggestions on that subject.
-[X] Seidr Training (x2)
--[X] Is there anything to help communicate with others? Either to make it easier to pick up someone else's tongue or just get meaning across otherwise. Or is that more of a Skald thing? Communication magic in general really. Or more divination stuff if there isn't.
--[X] Train Kindle-Spinner 2d6 (1d6) (+1 Success from Born of Fire)
--[X] Train Firebomb-Strike 2d6 (1d6) (+1 Success from Born of Fire)
--[X] Train Ember-Winged Cloak 2d6 (1d6) (+1 Success from Born of Fire)
--[X] Train Campfire 2d6 (1d6) (+1 Success from Born of Fire)
--[X] Train Hugr itself 100d6 (50d6)
--[X] Train Fylgja itself 2d6 (1d6)
--[X] Train Glima 6d6
--[X] Train Tactics 26d6 (13d6)
--[X] Train Talent Tell 6d6 (3d6)
--[X] Train Clay Footsteps 12d6 (6d6)
--[X] Train Knee-Drop Back Breaker 9d6
--[X] Train Fortify 15d6
--[X] Train Fanned Flames Emberwind Trick 12d6 (6d6) (+1 Success from Born of Fire)
--[X] Train a Tactics Trick to do more in depth analysis of how hard enemies are going to try against us 14d6 (7d6)
---[X] The goal here is to get rough die numbers for likely attacks (five20d6 attacks vs. one 100d6 attack and so on) so we can better plan our turns
--[X] Train a more mid-range generic Shoot Trick, something more generally usable and less specialized than our two other options...something accurate and easy to hit with usable at any range 6d6
--[X] Train a Stoker State Trick to attack with a bunch of Basic Attacks as quickly as possible, ideally all at once by slowing the world around us or speeding ourselves up 12d6 (+1 Success from Born of Fire)
---[X] If 'storing up' the attacks in some manner in advance is needed it's needed, but the idea here is to be able to attack a lot quicker with Basic Attacks in order to build our Stoked Dice pool
--[X] Try and learn Time Stands Still - A Standstill + Stoker State technique where we turn our Standstill inside out so that the whole world slows to a fly in amber around us, then charge the vital channels of our body with the power of our Stoker State to move and attack within the stopped time. 1d6
--[X] Attempt to use our new seeds to improve our soulscape's fields 1d6
---[X] Stoking all three Aspects for +3 Successes and adding Tools for +9 Successes (+12 Successes total) if we can. Using Frenzy as well if possible (+5 more successes, +17 successes total if it works)
--[X] Work on redesigning and improving our soulscape's house with our new architectural insights 1d6
---[X] Stoking all three Aspects for +3 Successes and using Frenzy as well if possible (+5 more successes, +8 successes total if it works)
--[X] Teach Shadeclaw and Abjorn Reinforce Shield 1d6
--[X] Start checking out the book on Frisian Cultivation we got from the castle raid 1d6
--[X] Try Alloying two Martial Styles together: Stoker State and Glima, to be specific 1d6
--[X] Attempt to use one of our empty Alloy slots to recontextualize one of our Hugareida, specifically, let's try and look at Ignition in a different way...maybe using the sustained Ignition of Ember-Wing Cloak to visualize it being more drawn out? 1d6
-[X](Blackhand's Training) Try to develop old/train new hugareida tricks
--[X] Train Halting Vortex 1d6
--[X] Train Atgeir Counter Stab 1d6
--[X] Train Atgeir Bodyguard 1d6
--[X] Train Forceful Lever 1d6
--[X] Train Sailwind 1d6
--[X] Train Scouring Cleanse 1d6
--[X]Train Veto Motion 1d6
--[X]Train Slowing Slog 1d6
-[X] (Training) Martial Style
--[X] Train Stoker State 1d6 (+1 Success from Born of Fire)
--[X] Train Flame Tending Blade 1d6 (+1 Success from Born of Fire)
--[X] Train Momentum Reversal 1d6
--[X] Train Weapon-Grapple Reversal 1d6
--[X] Train Double-Leg Takedown 1d6
--[X] Train Tight Squeeze Trick 1d6
--[X] Train Fang 1d6
-[X](Training) Hamr (73 successes to rank up)
--[X] Train Throw 1d6
--[X] Train Heavy Arrow Trick 1d6
--[X] Train Long-Lunge1d6
--[X] Train Sowing Sight 1d6
-[X] (Training) Hugr (37successes to rank up)
--[X]Train Silver-Tongue 1d6
--[X] Train Facial Schooling 1d6
--[X] Train Give-Away 1d6
--[X] Train Contention-Connection 1d6
--[X] Train Light-Touch 1d6
-[X](Training) Fylgja (109 successes to rank up)
--[X]Train Flap Away 1d6
-[X](Shapeshifting Slots)
--[X] Reassign one slot from Fasts to High-Twitch Muscles
-[X](Capacity Slots)
--[X]Assign Sear Diseased Flesh and Veto Motion. If Hugr rises to 9, assign Atgeir Counter Stab and Fireside Barrage.
-[X](Fylgja Capacity)
--[X]Add Sparkbomb and Kindle Spinner to our Fylgja's Capacity, remove one Basic Shield
-[X](Fylgja Shapeshift/Alloy Slots)
--[X] Add Fast Creation, move our Fast-Stored Tricks to these Fasts
--[X] Replace the 3Fold IAT in one of these Fasts with an ordinary Kindle Spinner (-2 Orthstirr)
-[X](Standing Orders)
--[X] During combat feed us shields and other items as necessary via the Armory Pocket
--[X] Refill the '4Fold Kindle Spinner' Trick-storing Fast with an Orthstirr Enhancedx13 3Fold Kindle Spinner (-20 Orthstirr) whenever it is empty
--[X] Refill the 'Normal Kindle Spinner' Trick-storing Fast with a single Kindle Spinner (-2 Orthstirr) whenever it is empty
--[X] Refill the '4Fold Sparkbomb' Trick-storing Fast with a 3Fold Sparkbomb (-20 Orthstirr) whenever it is empty
-[X](Orthstirr Usage)
--[X] 1 Orthstirr to Hamr
---[X] 4Chop, 4 Defend, 5 Dodge, 4 Bash, 4 Pierce, 4 Throw, 4 Cut, 4 Strike,4 Shoot, 3 Farmwork, 4 Labor, 4 Overland (48 total)
--[X] 3/4 Orthstirr to Hugr (depending on whether it increases)
---[X] 6 Artcraft, 5 Armorcraft, 4 Barb-Tongue, 1 Composure, 4 Design, 6Housecraft, 4 Management, 3 Scouting, 4 Silver-Tongue, 5 Sailing, 3 Strategy, 4/5 Tactics (depending on whether it increases), 5 Weaponcraft, 2 Wordplay, 5 Wildcraft (62/63 total)
--[X] 32 Odr and 1 Orthstirr to Fylgja
--[X]1 First Impression
--[X] 77 Stored Tricks
--[X] 550/548 free for tricks (depending on whether Hugr and Tactics increase)
EDIT: Adjusted wording on the Stoker State Trick, fiddled around with what Tricks to have our Fylgja feeding us via Fasts. Filled out Research Project slots.