On the slave topic:
If we go to buy slaves LATER - because, lets be fair, we are staying away from home too long already, what with mission complete - We could always do a timed contract.
Promise them to free them in 3 or 5 years anyways, but do so sooner if they can teach us or make something of either masterwork or better (-1 turn/grade above good).
After all, it would get us the free labor we would want from thralls and give said thralls an easy out as well.
and if they have a home to go back to.... it just so happens we have a ship and like to make deals anyways.
And do remember people. Thralls/slaves is accepted in northern culture. Sure, it sucks to be one, but it IS generous to have a definite time limit on it, and not just be one for the rest of your life, hoping your karl frees you.
And before people start with the "Halla feel bad about it" No, she doesn't.
Gabriel (and Jerasmus) were thralls gotten fair and square in honorable raid. The fact she befriended Gabriel just shows Thralls are not held in bad aspect, culturally, even if Hasvis was an asshole with his when we scouted.
Not to mention Randi, who is still a thrall of Steinarr and who was like a second mother to Halla.
Its bad with our current sensibilities, yes. doesn't mean we can't use it for our advantage.
Or that we can just buy and free thralls anyways, to hire them , but how long would they stick around as a free karl and why would we do that (unless they are our kin, but damn, how did they ended up as a thrall??) ?
It is! Skane is in Southern Sweden while Agder is in Southern Norway
whew... we could dodge the war, if we are lucky, with an extended visit to the core family then!