I think the different after all option is interesting, but I worry it might be a negative muna? like I can see how it weakens Charred soul or born of fire, or maybe just Blackhand's memories. which I would like to avoid, unless there is a good reason to believe its not a negative Muna

We would not be given a choice if it were negative. You just get those, no choices involved.
I think the different after all option is interesting, but I worry it might be a negative muna? like I can see how it weakens Charred soul or born of fire, or maybe just Blackhand's memories. which I would like to avoid, unless there is a good reason to believe its not a negative Muna

I mean, just from gameplay perspective, why would we get the option to choose between an entirely negative muna and a positive, if niche, muna?
They're both good presumably, they're just good in different ways. Stacking in favor of future kids isn't going to hurt after all (If we can, for instance, get something that gives the Body stat buff without actually making you huge, that could be useful for future kids), but drawing a more clear line between Blackhand and Halla will likely have other benefits going forward too.
Even if the child wouldn't be able to learn BSB I still like the idea of having our family closely tied to Gabriel s, maybe down the line our Clan could merge/marry into his.

We're different enough than Blackhand in the ways that matter
Honestly, part of me is swinging around towards A Dream That Could Have Been; I do like the idea of Halla occasionally looking back on what might have been.

Have to admit that part of my motivation here was wanting a Muna that we can use right now in the Quest. I know a lot of people get a real kick out of essentially playing CKII on the trait selection for the kids and I respect that, but it's not something I get as much out of. That might be part of my vote here.
I think it's possible both of these are mixed choices, Gabriel could easily have a few new negative traits that will now get added to the genetic lottery, and moving away from Blackhand could have some negative impact.
[X] Muna: Different After All
All good!

Now for the trade stuff! Money! Food! Potentially Neat Shit we wouldn't otherwise find! The sky's the limit!

We're also on better terms than most who come along, so that might help grease some wheels.
Alright, voting is now closed
Scheduled vote count started by Imperial Fister on Aug 15, 2023 at 4:42 PM, finished with 57 posts and 37 votes.
For those curious, I'll give you the top 2 boons and the worst flaw from Gabriel's sheet

-Worthy: If something has a 'you must be worthy to use this' clause, you fit it
-Coal-Fired Heart: You are able to wield the Blackstone Blade and, furthermore, are immune to most hostile magics

-Well-Hidden Potential: Though you have truly incredible potential, it is so well hidden that it might as well not even be there—until it suddenly is.
I actually think he had a decent chance of killing Steinarr for a variety of reasons.

The Blackstone Style which is bolstered by the family coal mine, him being a rough draft possible player character and now the ridiculous potential trait which definitely belongs on a protagonist tiered latelbloomer character.

He might even kill Halla later on if not Steinarr too.

I am shook.
-Worthy: If something has a 'you must be worthy to use this' clause, you fit it
...How would that have interacted with needing to pay a price to use Seidr and other things? because it is either a huge benefit or at most a timesaver.

I don't know how much the Norse have Worthy clause so much as do this epic deed and then we will talk?

The immunity to hostile magic is great and we did miss on it earlier, so having it bloodlined would have been nice, but its still a slot that might be used to other things and we are likely to at least speck all our next character with Seidr, so it's not like we would be totally defenseless either way.
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