We asked about spirits, but not about spirit-related spells specifically.

Now i remember, i trought we would have gotten a lore exposition. But i think it happened off screen.

Inviting spirits into our Soul was mentioned as a Very Bad Idea by both Blackhand and the Seeress until we're a lot more experienced at dealing with them. That's how you get possessed, and some are more than capable of playing a long con to get in.

I didn't remeber that, good to know. We should train more in summoning in the next turns.

It's on the plan for next turn once we're home from this trip. Doesn't work so well while traveling.

I didn't remember that, damn my short term memory.

I just had a trought, did the Norse have donkeys as farm animals? Were donkeys common in Europe in this time period?

If we can, we could try buy donkeys in England and bring them to the Valley. They are really useful and cheaper than horses. If we start breeding donkeys and selling them, we could gain some good money and Orthstirr.

Now that i think abaout it, are there animal breeders in the Valley? I remember something abaout horses, but maybe i am wrong. Breeding high quality dogs, horses and other prestige animals seem like an activity some would practice to gain Orthstirr.
Is there anything we could have done better to win against Hal? It just feels like we have been losing a lot of our solo fights in recent times.
Is there anything we could have done better to win against Hal? It just feels like we have been losing a lot of our solo fights in recent times.

Realistically, it's just this one and Abjorn (where Halla's head was very much not in the game, in the sense that the QM actually had us go against the plan several times, which was fine given the situation, but not reflective of our actual planning...also, we'll soon be a good enough grappler we could beat him even while off our game). Steinarr does not count.

For this one, we were outmatched...losing to him was the expected result. If we'd known more about how he fought, we could've won, if he hadn't happened to have Emberwind higher than ours, we probably would've won (another 15 damage would've been a win and we tagged him with a Sparkbomb he ignored due to higher Emberwind), if we'd been in a life and death fight we could've cheated a lot more (KGT, Bomb Boulders, and a host of other things would've been available)...though he would've fought differently in that circumstance as well. This wasn't a blowout in his favor, just a loss against an objectively superior opponent.

Get better at melee basics.

That really wouldn't help. At least, not substantially. We could use more of them, and probably will going forward, but being better at them wouldn't be all that helpful in this specific situation unless we knew what he was gonna do in advance.

Yhea, it feels like no matter how much we advance. People araound us advance faster without explanation.

I mean, Hal is not our peer, he's got a decade of training on us and could likely give Sten a run for his money. He doesn't advance faster than us...the opposite if anything given the training time disparity.

Thats not what I think. I think people were already this strong, and the QM has been quite good at foreshadowing pur foes' power level, its just that I feel there might be some problems with either our battle planning or our stat and skill spread.

I mean...we came decently close to a win against someone with a decade of training on us, which is to say more than double our time spent training. He wasn't pulling out all the stops, but neither were we. I have a hard time seeing that as a result of a big problem. Our tactics were by no means perfect (we had a few screwups on the first round in particular), but they were respectable.

Now, there are definitely areas we can improve in, a bunch of them in fact, but I don't think this loss was due to any particular missing element we can easily just grab, Hal was just someone with, like, double our xp. Which is hard to beat.
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[X] (POV) The Loyal Hound of Vestfold
[X] Plan Off To England

'So, as it turns out, meeting a younger version of yourself is mentally taxing.'
"Huh, younger version you say? Did you needed to tell everything that happened between this younger version of your's last memory and yours? Did you got reminded about anything? ...Could there be an older version of you out there?"
"Huh, younger version you say? Did you needed to tell everything that happened between this younger version of your's last memory and yours? Did you got reminded about anything? ...Could there be an older version of you out there?"

How could there be an older version of Blackhand if the fragment we have is Blackhand when he died?

Unless this Blackhand somehow has memories of his future self... which is possible, I suppose, but in this case I'd rather go with Occam's Razor.
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How could there be an older version of Blackhand if the fragment we have is Blackhand when he died?

Unless this Blackhand somehow has memories of his future self... which is possible, I suppose, but in this case I'd rather go with Occam's Razor.
He was split when he died.
He reawakened whenever.
Like for us Blackhand awakened in the encounter on ice.
He was split when he died.
He reawakened whenever.
Like for us Blackhand awakened in the encounter on ice.

Uh, right, but nothing I said contradicts that? Or by 'older' fragment, do you mean older as in when the fragment woke up? And not how old the Hallr is? If so, then my bad. I assumed you meant older fragment as in the age of the Blackhand in the fragment, not the fragment itself.
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Just to make it clear: Yes, i did mean if there was any Hallr Blackhand that lived longer than ours.

He said younger version.
While i asked if he meant it was a younger him with a cut off point after a time, it could very well be that other shards also got the memories of his life up until his death, with different parts missing.
Like, as we theorized, Hal's fragment is most likely the Fyjgla shard, but that does not mean its a shard that has memories from his youth that ours not.
His... attitude though? I can totally see it being that of a younger Hallr's, the ambitious or revenge hungry one, for example.
Might be that different fragments took the different kennings of Hallr's as a personality, with our Blackhand being the mellowed out one, going by Steinarr's story.

It doesn't really matter to us if its a young Blackhand or just another shard of him with a younger attitude, after all.

I just found it an interesting possibility, hence the question.
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Seeing someone running around with a mid twenties Blackhand would be interesting, honestly.

Maybe more procedural knowledge of some if the cultivation nonsense he was doing around that time, which would provide a more significant short-term power boost to his host? But less general knowledge about stuff like the Weapon, the Enemy, and so on.

You might expect them to be more hot-headed and rash, too.
I'm dubious any but the Hamingja one has any more cultivation knowledge than ours, and I'd imagine the Hamingja Instance would be as old as ours is. A younger one might remember how to deal with problems you don't massively out-power a bit better though (our Blackhand's advice on problem solving for many situations might be worse than a younger version's on the same subject due to power differentials being higher). Like, our Blackhand has a bit of the Flight School meme where his advice is 'Just kill it with fire, that's what I do.' and a younger version might do that a bit less

I do think if Blackhand says younger he means younger (ie: Hal's only has his memories up to a certain age...dunno exactly what age).
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I came up with an idea (largely inspired by one of Shard's but slightly divergent) and added this to the turn plan:

--[X] Train a Standstill Trick designed to slow and stop attacks right as they hit, effectively reducing their damage 1d6
---[X] Ideally a short burst of this for greater effect (ie: a per attack cost with big damage reduction), but if that's unacceptable, a turn long buff granting, like, -1 damage would work.

This seems really good if it works. Being able to burn Orthstirr to significantly reduce the damage of attacks that hit us would be very nice. Especially combined with the planned DR 4 on our armor.
Actually, could we develop a Standstill Trick allowing us to deliver a flurry of quick attacks* in a short span of time?

My thought is that this would allow us to deliver a lot of Basic Attacks quickly, meaning we could refill our Stoked pool during a fight without spending half a combat round throwing Basics and exposing ourselves to enemy Trick attacks; an issue we had at the end of our fight with Hal.

I have two (or three, I forget) Reward Dice I'd be willing to throw towards this, @Imperial Fister, could I get a rating on viability?

*(I.E. no Finishers, maybe even no Trick attacks.)
Actually, could we develop a Standstill Trick allowing us to deliver a flurry of quick attacks* in a short span of time?

How would that work? Standstill doesn't mess with time and only slows down movement rather than speeding it up. I'm not seeing it. We could probably debuff an enemy's speed but there are some issues there involving hitting them and the duration (probably only one turn).

Like, this sounds like an Acceleration Trick, and we have the opposite of that.
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How would that work? Standstill doesn't mess with time and only slows down movement rather than speeding it up. I'm not seeing it. We could probably debuff an enemy's speed but there are some issues there involving hitting them and the duration (probably only one turn).

Turn Standstill inside out whilst layering it over us so the rest of the world slows down relative to us.

Contested Movement already seemed to me to be doing some kind of timey-wimey shenanigans, so it did not feel that far out of left field to me. Could be wrong!

Alternately, maybe our Gale Hugareida would be a better fit for something like that. Maybe it's not a goer, but always worth checking!