So, analysis of the final crew we brought, in terms of, like, power level and available stuff (I posted a previous analysis, but that didn't include us, Abjorn, or our various other friends, just the list of recruits...that was more useful demographically, but less so tactically):
By the Valley Power Rankings, in our group, we have 1 person at Top, 5 at Lower Top, 14 at Upper Middle, 9 at Middle, 5 at Lower Middle, and 4 at Upper Bottom, for a total of 38 Norse warriors. For details, see Wavedancer's entry on the character sheet, which now has a 'Crew' listing.
14 have Hugareida noted for them. 15 if you assume Heima Smiles has one. This assumes Gordon Wiggles ability to make things bouncy is a Hugareida, which seems likely.
A total of 5 are Berserks (Us, Heima Smiles, Vagn Wheel-Drifter, Gorm Bloodlsick, and Bjorn Bjornsson)
4 are known to be dedicated archers (Alfe Arrow-Catcher, Stigr, Skalde Sharpshooter, and Ivor Thinbow)
4 have revealed Fylgja (Us, Abjorn, Barki and Randolf Well-Named)
4 are Giant-Blooded (Abjorn, Nokkvi, Tryggr, and Trausti), though there could be a couple more in theory, as Nokkvi being one wasn't mentioned in his crew entry
3 have more than one Hugareida listed (Us and our laundry list, plus Roar Shiningspear who has Fleinn and Light Hugareida, and Abjorn who has Leverage and Silhouette). If Eric has a second one other than Gale, he'd also qualify.
The following Hugareida are available in the group (not counting Halla for this...we know what she has):
2 are objects (Oar, Wheel)
2 are weapons (Fleinn, Shield)
2 are animals (Wolf, Deer)
5 are elemental (Gale x2, Ice, Light, Silhouette)
4 are conceptual (Leverage, Sleep, 'Walking', 'Bounciness')
1 is unknown (Whatever Heima Smiles has)