[X] Cindersoot Owl

we are now obligated to make an ash-powered runework, good for like five seconds of fire but oh boy we don't need the sixth
Looks like Gabriel plans to head home, barring massive misadventure anyway. All good though, the important thing is learning from your life experiences!
Since we chose to talk to Gabriel, does that mean this is a freebie and we won't tick over our 'Time?' Because we want to make sure we've got a good sum of Goods for the trip.
[X] Talk to Gabriel about Wessex

AN: Apologies for combining Gabriel and Asvir together, but I was getting very tired and wanted to get this out because I said I would.

Honestly, I think that's a good idea and would encourage you to do it more. It feels like the number of mini-updates required to get through a turn has been on the rise, and reigning that in is probably a good idea for pacing and managing workload.

Also in this instance I think it definitely produced a more interesting result. Seeing Gabriel looking wistfully at the village showed us a lot without telling and provides a more interesting setting than just talking to him at the farm.
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[X] Talk to Gabriel about Wessex

It'll be nice to see in the next Thread Uncle Blackstone Knight of the Kingdom of Wessex
Wonder what he is going to due about the debt he got last sparring session.

I suspect he may stick around to pay it off. Him coming to Wessex doesn't necessarily mean he'll stay there, after all. But we'll see.

I think we're going to ask him to arrange for nonhostile terms with Wessex, allowing us to enter the port and trade despite being norwegian. Assuming that's within his power, but if they're happy to see him back it might be.

His presence probably does that, no favor needed...or close enough that we can make it work, anyway. He might be able to get us better terms and try and pay the favor back that way, but I doubt it.