Alright, I'm gonna do this comparison one last time, because we have finally actually hit the age of 20, when the benchmarks for an average Norseman are listed for:
Average Norseman of 20:
40-60 Orthstirr (pre-raid, expect more like 100-200 or so post-raid),
Hamr 5-6 (occasionally 7), Hugr 4-6,
Combat Pool 15-25 without items, 1 Martial Style (Glima 2 or so)...this number may be slightly obsolete with Glima's transition to a Martial Style (I'd expect maybe +5 dice from that transition)
8-15 Tricks (1 Mastered),
? Skill-Tricks (in context, I'd expect maybe 4-8, but it's not in the benchmarks post),
? Twists, 0-1 Hugareida,
4-5 in one combat skill and 2 in the rest, 3-4 in non-combat skills, maybe 5-6 in one or two, Farmwork or Labor 7.
2 Shapeshifting slots if they happen to have Hamr 7.
Norsewomen are lower in most areas but with Housecraft 7 or so, Hugr on par with men's Hamr (5-6 with an occasional 7), often Clearwater, some seidr spells, more high non-combat skills, and more Skill-Tricks.
Current Halla Stats (at 20):
604 Orthstirr, 12 Soulscape Pockets (including 1 Armory pocket and 1 Brewery),
Hamr 7 (Infused 6), Hugr 7 (Infused 5), Fylgja 5 (Infused 4),
71 Combat Pool without items (94 w/items), 2 Martial Styles (Stoker State 5, Glima 3),
61 Tricks (4 Mastered) [Hamr: 0 Vague, 7 Rough, 13 Refined, 1 Mastered, Hugr: 2 Vague, 0 Rough, 6 Refined, 0 Mastered, Hugareida: 1 Vague, 7 Rough, 15 Refined, 3 Mastered, Martial Styles: 0 Vague, 5 Rough, 2 Refined, 0 Mastered, Vague Tricks not included in total count],
20 Skill Tricks (and 2 in progress),
3 Twists, 8 Hugareida (including 2 used Alloy Slots out of 3, also 1 in progress), 6 Seidr Spells (and 3 in progress),
4 in Chop, Defense, Dodge, and Tactics, 3 in all other combat skills, 3-4 in most non-combat skills (only Barb-Tongue and Overland are still at 2, nothing is lower), Artcraft, Housecraft and Weaponcraft 5, Farmwork and Labor 3.
Fylgja revealed. Frenzy 5, and effectively 5 Shapeshifting Slots (one tied up in Fast Creation).
So, uh, yeah. Halla is not as good a farmer as the 'average Norseman' and not as good at Housecraft (other than smithing, where she is much better) as the 'average Norsewoman', but she makes up for both of those by having better tools than they do (which she made herself...she adds 16 dice to the Work pool if you include the items she's improved, and has about +5-6 successes over someone with Good Tools, +3 over even someone with Superior Tools, which are the best they can manage sans Forgefire), her non-combat skills are otherwise pretty much on par (again, aside from smithing or those she can provide Tool bonuses to), and in every other area she is so vastly superior that comparisons are silly. We've come a long way.