And to provide the quotes. Abyssals:Both from the The Wheel Turns chapter of ExWoD.
Page 29f for the Infernals, page 26 for the Abyssals.
There's a lot of evil fluff around them, but at a fundamental level Abyssal Exaltations look for a dying hero, while INfernal ones look for one who shares the pain of failure with them.
agents of Extinction
The Abyssal Exaltation hurtles itself across the
nightscape at the speed of a scream. It was drawn from a
font of light and divinity, once upon a time. A part of it
still yearns to find a hero and fill them with the power of
Heaven during their moment of crisis. It cannot. It lost
that ability long before the dawn of history. But oh, still it
yearns. And so it circles those who might be valid candi-
dates for Solar Exaltation, sending chills up their spines
for reasons they cannot hope to guess, and then – usually
– it passes on in impotent frustration, and seeks another.
The only valid candidates for Abyssal Exaltation are
those in the midst of the most fundamental and human
of all actions: the act of dying. The dying individual
must also meet the same standards of excellence and
supernatural awareness as a candidate for Solar Exalta-
tion, although the Abyssal Exaltation is no more partic-
ular about supernatural taint than is a Lunar Exaltation.
Sunlight burns the Abyssal Exaltation, and so
during the day it hides within corpses. Normally,
this means it cannot grant its blessing while the sun
stands in the sky. Normally, this means Abyssals are
only drawn from the ranks of those dying in the dark,
but sometimes… sometimes… well. Sometimes the Ex-
altation locates the perfect candidate, and finds they
need help in dying. When that happens the Exaltation
enters a corpse, forces it to lurch upright, to shuffle,
to stalk, and to kill. For these Exalts-to-be, their final
living sight is a moldering cadaver moving to embrace
them with the tender joy of a long-lost friend as their
life gushes out of a corpse-bitten throat.
And Infernals
And their ExvsWoD motivations:Infernal Exaltation only visits itself upon people
who meet three criteria.
First, the individual must be in some way excep-
tional. Many Infernals were world-class experts in their
field, even before Exaltation, but skill and prowess are
not the only measures by which the Chosen of Ruin
may gain profane notice. Extraordinary courage, con-
viction, or willpower are also all common features
which are likely to draw the Exaltation to an individual.
Second, they must have encountered the supernatu-
ral world at some point in their lives and recognized it as
such. The Infernal Exaltation has no time to waste with
the uninitiated; the apocalypse looms, and the sooner
the newly-empowered Demon Prince pulls down the pil-
lars of Heaven, the sooner she can ascend its rubble to
take her rightful place as Demon Emperor or Empress.
And so the Infernal Exalted are drawn exclusively from
the ranks of those who have beheld witches dancing at
their black Sabbaths and making offerings of blood to
the gods of old; who have seen the monstrous beings in
the deepest offices and laboratories of Pentex facilities;
who have laid themselves prostrate before a vampire and
begged to feel again the ecstasy of his fangs.
Finally, the individual must feel in her heart of
hearts that she has failed to grasp her dreams, or has
attained and squandered them, and that her life is a fail-
ure. Despair is the beacon that guides the Infernal Exal-
tations, and they can only infuse their stolen and twist-
ed power into the hearts of the weak and the wounded.
dreams of Eschaton
The Infernal Exalted are left with a soul ablaze
with demonic power, but no explanation, no primer,
no rundown of how things got to this point: no context
for what they are.
But they do know where things are going.
Every Infernal has an instinctive understanding of
the idea of the Wheel of Ages, and in quiet moments
when she clears her thoughts, she can feel it turning to-
ward its nadir. The Sixth Age looms, the heavens tremble,
the earth quails, and soon God's throne will stand vacant,
waiting for some great and terrible power to claim it.
The Yama Kings, rulers of the Thousand Hells,
wheel, circle, scheme, betray, and jockey for advantage
in the contest for rulership of the Age of Sorrow to
come. Each dreams of the empty throne of Heaven,
and wishes to ascend to become Demon Emperor. The
Infernals, too, sense that this is their ultimate destiny:
to rise up above a world of ruin, wearing a crown of
hellish splendors. Perhaps this suits their thwarted am-
bitions, or perhaps an Infernal believes that by guiding
the course of Armageddon she can spare the world the
worst of its potential horrors. Regardless, each feels the
future rushing toward them like a great dark beast, and
knows that they must ride it or perish.
Opposition also gets a voice is what I am saying. Always it does. And while it's fair that others don't share my ultimate trust in collective humanity (I could go on for a long time about this, but I'm not sure this is the time and place, and it's at least in equal measure a desperate belief of a quasi-religious manner as it is a rational argument based on history, observation and knowledge), one must remember - opposition always gets a say. And here the opposition to the rise of humanity is legion. ALl the supernatural factions benefiting from humanity-as-cattle, all those trying to destroy humanity, all those afraid of humanity would oppose the increased power of it. And, reversely, all those who protect humanity, all those standing on the side of good will work to stop the Abyssals who embrace the dreams of Oblivion and Infernals who work to bring down nations and the world.Even one other is too many, if that person is an asshole. We could probably bring down every major government in the world in just a few months if we really wanted to, simply by asking the right questions and spreading the answers around to the right people.
It's telling that the canon Abyssal is the protector of the dead archetype. If given proper tools and support, sidereals alone would be able to mitigate a lot of, if not all excesses of the "evil types" of exaltations. Would there be damage? Almost certainly. Is it entitled to think that only Molly alone among all others on Earth deserves to have this power? Hell yes, that's Hubris with capital H. Are there ways to mitigate the issues? Also yes. In regards to infernals - find other shards one by one, and distribute them ourselves. That's a completely doable plan, if not an easy one. We know that a single infernal shard before it is placed into the host can be moved and even used long-term. We have a whole suit of abilities to check the candidates. And candidate selection can be influenced - the idea that Wan Kuei's plan was impossible didn't occur to us.
And also remember - opposition also gets a choice. Odin is already looking for other shards, and has at least some leads. The Wheel of Ages is already turning, and it is not in our power to stop it. Only to change the direction.