Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

They are at the very least present on every continent in some regard, Molly does not know more details than that.
no no no thats fair I'm just going like there have to be areas where they don't have much more influence than bob the random fae and occasional local consensus. Also places where they are nowhere like the top power like I highly doubt there are any fae active in chichen itza. Except when they've likely sent messengers in their history lol.
huh looking at jim word of god bit random on my part but he said the last time a queen died was the last time things were horrible in the wizarding world. I wonder how bad it had to be considering none of kemmlers stuff was considered bad by said standards lol. Maybe there was a major outsiders insurgency during that time or something. Unless they weren't yet guarding the gates which is possible I'd guess.
no no no thats fair I'm just going like there have to be areas where they don't have much more influence than bob the random fae and occasional local consensus. Also places where they are nowhere like the top power like I highly doubt there are any fae active in chichen itza. Except when they've likely sent messengers in their history lol.

There are certainly places where they are not the main power in the local area, but of all supernatural factions the Fey Courts have the most power projection, that is why Mab was the one to guarantee the Accords, no one else bar the already overstretched White Council had the global reach... and in any case many supernatural factions would not trust the wizards to be even handed in their dealings.
There are certainly places where they are not the main power in the local area, but of all supernatural factions the Fey Courts have the most power projection, that is why Mab was the one to guarantee the Accords, no one else bar the already overstretched White Council had the global reach... and in any case many supernatural factions would not trust the wizards to be even handed in their dealings.
At least that we know of yet I don't trust butcher to not introduce a faction with as much potential projection power later on. Though I don't think its likely I don't think its impossible either that he introduces some reclusive supernatural empire. Also probably at least minor factions out there we've not heard of since they aren't relevant to Dresden. Like probably some stuff in Asia or Africa which we've never seen.

One sad thing about dresden files is I'm fairly sure we're never gonna fully understand wtf is fully going on in the world. I mean codex alera certainly didn't explain everything and dresden files is a far bigger kitchen sink where things from basically all myths exist in some capacity. I could totally see the kenku stuff never be explained for instance and why the fuck their allied with the grey council.
That does not appear to be independent.
Why? Are you basing this on point cost? Also, note that the human population trait is for a native human population, it has nothing to do with how Hells operate (i.e. with the souls of the damned ending up there). It's about people, living people, being born, living and dying in hell (with a possiblity that their afterlife is not that hell).
I agree with most of your post, just that little detail is propably not right in this age.

The Abyssals simply go to a dying person with the same potential as a Solar:

The Infernals have the same conditions about potential greatness and some exposure to the supernatural and also this:

So neither of those are predestined to be in any way evil.
Their abilities are edgy, but there is no Great Curse, no Torment and only a tiny remnant of Abyssal Resonance to drive the candidates towards evil deeds.

By my guess, the average of all Exalted, no matter what type, will be the average of driven and ambitious humans.
Which is more than enough to cause massive chaos, I'm not trying to argue against the rest of your post, but it's not like some kinds will be particularly bad.
Where is this from? Cause the ExWoD has some pretty heavy implications in the Abyssal section and I can't find that snippet.

This is the quote it leads in with to set the tone:

Eric screams and screams and pounds his head against the wall until phan- tom fire trucks race across his vision. All he wants is pain. Pain and hate. Yes, hate. But never fear. Fear is for the enemy. Fear and bullets.

This is the direct description of what they are:
Abyssal Exaltation is nothing more and nothing less than a bullet fired at the heart of the cosmos thou- sands years ago. Since the opening of the Black Vault, it is once more in motion, finding individuals of great potential cut tragically short and transforming them into agents of extinction.
In the Time of Legends the Abyssal Exalted were the students and slaves of powers older, darker, and mightier still, but those hoary ghosts are long since lost to Oblivion. Now annihilation's children bow be- fore their new-crowned kings, heaping adoration upon them and urging them to take up their historical man- tle and end the world.
The Red Star looks down from the heavens like the baleful eye of God... and trembles at what it sees unleashed upon the World of Darkness.
They're a murder attempt on reality looking for tragic victims to fire the gun.

Most caste descriptors have more entries like "nihilistic prophet" than stable archetypes for all they don't have a monopoly.

Then you get into the actual experience of being an Abyssal:

trappings oF the grave
Walking abroad in the living world is a dis- tressing experience for Abyssals. The air seems
too thin. The quality of the light is wrong. Even
the simple pull of gravity upon the Exalt's limbs is sub- tly distressing. The flavor of food is far too intense. In short, Abyssal Essence is out of sync with the world of flesh and breath, which seeks to reject death's Chosen.
Most Abyssals quickly come to realize that these distressing sensations fade when she's surrounded by the trappings of death. Graveyards, mortuaries, and charnel houses are all places of refuge and comfort. The Abyssal once more feels at ease in her own skin.
Of course, nobody can just linger in graveyards all day. Abyssals learn to solve this problem by adorning themselves in the symbolism and fashion of the grave. This can mean anything from wearing black clothes and a widow's veil, to dressing in the traditional severe white mourning garb known throughout much of Asia, to adopting the fashions of sub- cultures which celebrate death and the ma-
cabre, to garbing oneself in the outdated
fashions of a long-ago time vanished
into history and the earth. Or it can

just mean driving a custom car with skulls and bats and spiders all the Hell over it.
Abyssals who don't in some way wear or surround themselves with the trappings of the grave increase the difficulty of all actions by +1 while in the living world, the Dreaming, or most parts of the Spirit World.

the nameless Curse
Acceptance of the Black Exaltation afflicts the Abyssal with certain expectations. Though few Abys- sals have even begun to understand how their curse works, or why, their Essence is tied to those grotesque and chthonic spectres known as the Neverborn. Acting against the will of the Neverborn disturbs the dreams of these ancient, timeless horrors, and those primor- dial nightmares are visited upon the wayward Abyssal.
These are the laws that the Black Exaltation de- mands an Abyssal follow:
• She must not say or acknowledge her lost name, or any name she truly considers to be her own. Each time she does so, she suffers the curse of the Neverborn.
• Shemustnotincreasethenumbersoftheliving.Sir- ing or bearing a child is forbidden, and the moment of the child's birth brings with it the curse of the Neverborn.
• Shemustnotsavethelivesoftheliving.Anyscenein which she does so provokes the curse of the Neverborn.
The curse of the Neverborn expresses itself as one of a variety of temporary punishments, chosen by the Story- teller. The curse is generally transitory, lasting for anywhere from a scene to a few days. Common examples include:
• The next time the Abyssal manifests her fangs, she is unable to banish them for three days.
• She gains the Nightmares flaw (see V20, page 485) for a week.
• She has great difficulty approaching some com- mon stimulus such as the scent of garlic or roses, holy ground, holy symbols, or the sound of churchbells, and must roll Willpower (difficulty 7) to remain close to the cursed object or sensation.
• She gains the Beacon of the Unholy flaw (see V20, page 494).
• The Abyssal gains the Eerie Presence flaw (see V20, page 495).
• The character suffers the Lord of the Flies flaw (see V20, page 495).

• The Abyssal finds bright lights and direct sunlight painful, increasing the difficulty of all actions by 1 while in such circumstances.
• A terrible lethargy falls upon the Abyssal when the sun rises, compelling her to sleep from sunrise until sunset. If she remains awake and active anyway, she suffers a –2 penalty to all actions.
• Spectres detect the anger of the Neverborn echoing through their hive-mind and become hostile to the Abyssal.
Of all the exalts, these guys are the only ones still haunted by their major curses. Everything about this is built to alienating and uncomfortable. To make someone feel disconnected and distant from humanity.

I find it difficult to believe that they're genuinely supposed to equally go to heroes who died in their moment of glory as serial killers and death cult leaders.

The expectations are baked into the entire structure of the exalted spark.

As to Infernals:
The Infernals material makes a lot of noise about how badass wicked they are, but do they have to be evil?
The hijacked devils and Banes that act as guidance systems for Infernal Exaltations don't tend to pick the nicest people in the world, but they're also burning apart from the inside-out and as such they're in too much of a hurry to vet candidates for a total lack of scru- ples. Which is to say, no, your Infernal doesn't have to be a complete and irredeemable dickbag. They are, how- ever, a living vessel for defiled Essence, and the bearer of an Exaltation that has bathed in the cruelty and hor- ror of Yomi Wan for thousands of years. So no matter how nice they are, Sense Wyrm is always going to pick them up, they will always be a creature of darkness, and if they're trying to do the cool antihero thing, they've got to navigate a toolkit full of effects like "give my enemies nightmares for weeks on end" and "send this guy's soul screaming into the depths of Hell forever."
There are active intelligences looking for people who appeal to the sensibilities of the hells. The rush stops them from being perfect about it, but that's a clear bias to the results. The formulation of the answer makes it clear that the antihero bit is supposed to be unusual on a statistical level.

Which makes sense, because the themes are subverted to the point of parody if every form of solaroid are actually the same wielder wise and just have different paint. It's a world with Drizzt but no chaotic evil Drow.
Identify the people likely to receive an exaltation. Ally with as many of them as possible. Set up means by which to track the released exaltations. Contact the people receiving them immediately. Prepare suitable hosts ahead of time. Overachievement-wise, unify humanity first, with yourself as a genuinely beloved godqueen.

At least quickly locate and provide resources to sidereals and have them help in locating and taking the others into the fold.

And as to your counter-argument, you are thinking about too late an age. Think earlier. Think the start of Sol's and Autochton's rebelion. The conditions right now are far more suitable for a unified humanity working together than they were then.
That's ridiculous. We can't possibly track every potential candidate, especially since some people might step up and qualify with no prior sign. Like a mediocre rent a cop finding their courage during a mass shooting.

You're being wildly optimistic even without bringing in all the supernatural stuff messing with the plan. No radicals? No grudges? No fundamental disagreements turned into bitter feuds. I don't believe we can avoid new ones popping up, much less keep the old ones from seeping in.

If we can genuinely make everyone from Hell to the Outsiders step off the scramble for exalted sparks we'd hardly need them.
We dont know how things work internally with the Fae in the canon Dresdenverse.
Molly didn't seem to think there were other options for the people she was taking. This is a fig leaf at best.
I just feel duty bound to repeatedly point out that Winter isn't doing things because LolEvil.
And that community standards for when they were established, and for much of the supernatural community, is very much not the same as modern humanity.
I agree it's not about being evil for the sake of it. Many of the paranoid ideas thrown around are ridiculous because they focus on being as awful or bad for us as possible without accounting for Winter actually being able to do math without using their fingers having a genuine interest in their own agendas.

But in moderating that impulse we shouldn't go too far into sweeping things either obviously or highly likely to be awful under the rug.
That's ridiculous. We can't possibly track every potential candidate, especially since some people might step up and qualify with no prior sign. Like a mediocre rent a cop finding their courage during a mass shooting.

You're being wildly optimistic even without bringing in all the supernatural stuff messing with the plan. No radicals? No grudges? No fundamental disagreements turned into bitter feuds. I don't believe we can avoid new ones popping up, much less keep the old ones from seeping in.

If we can genuinely make everyone from Hell to the Outsiders step off the scramble for exalted sparks we'd hardly need them.
Not all of them. We only need a majority or even plurality of them. In fact, just having a system set up which can quickly link sidereals (because remember, sidereals are explicitly here to save the world) would be enough.

My main point is that on the balance, empowering humanity is good for humanity. Even if some of that power will go to the worst parts of humanity, the larger part is going to go to heroes (solars, lunars, sidereals, at least some infernals, and for infernals we have more options here, if we can unearth the shards one by one and influence the selection process). And with proper preparation, and cooperation of the heavenly host, that number can be increased.

I refuse the notion that on the balance humans are better off being cattle.
Of all the exalts, these guys are the only ones still haunted by their major curses. Everything about this is built to alienating and uncomfortable. To make someone feel disconnected and distant from humanity.
There is hope for Abyssals yet:
Unconquered Hero's Faith
In another time, in another place, the Abyssal was
something more than this. Something bright. Some-
thing glorious. Something that brought hope rather
than despair. Striking a fist against the black ice that
binds her heart, she creates a crack for the light to
shine through.
System: The Abyssal may force her Shadows and her
need for the trappings of the grave to disappear for 24
hours. Doing so is considered a violation of the laws of
the Nameless Curse, but her punishment for this trans-
gression won't begin until the 24 hours have elapsed.
The Abyssal may also give up one of her Charms
for a scene, replacing it with a Solar Charm of the
same rating from the equivalent Solar Caste (such as
forsaking Corpse Graft Technique in order to gain
Wholeness-Restoring Meditation; if she knows Birth
of Sanity's Sorrow, she may exchange it for Final Ray
of Light). This also counts as a violation of the Name-
less Curse, and an especially severe one at that.
Finally, having rejected the blessings and
brotherhood of the void, the Abyssal loses her
Spectre Notoriety Background.
If the Abyssal learns Unconquered He-
ro's Faith, she may never learn Immortal
Malevolence Enslavement.

And canon Abyssal (Skull Girl) is a hero that works with a Solar and a Sidereal:
Maxine Wallace, Chosen of Endings, flicked her
cigarette toward the fallen Prince of St. Louis, whom
the infallible machinery of the cosmos told her would
repair his body well enough to jump her and tear her
throat out in another three and a half seconds. Or
rather, he would have done, were he not now preoccu-
pied with the larger problem of being on fire.
She sighed, dusted off the seat of her dress as she
stood up, and went to retrieve Billy and the Skull Girl.
Their mission in the Gateway City was nearly at its
end, and that meant it would be time to fulfill their
promise to look for the Skull Girl's brother in the land
of the dead. She reckoned that was going to be pret-
ty awful from beginning to end, but probably for all
that, it couldn't be worse than the sun-marked boy's
obsession with Bonnie Tyler. "You put up with what
you've got to," she mused, as a three hundred year old
monster collapsed into embers and ashes behind her.


And then there's who Abyssals are drawn from:
Deathknights and warrior-poets who long ago led
and championed the armies of the dead. Dusks are
drawn from the ranks of those with blood on their
hands, and were often soldiers, underground fighters,
legbreakers, or others who hurt and killed others to
survive before their Exaltation.
Deadspeakers, death cultists, and dark messiahs
who long ago built ancestor cults and promoted the
rulership of the dead over the living. Midnights often
come from the ranks of nihilistic philosophers, anar-
chists, protestors, and those otherwise focused on the
downfall of prevailing societies.
Necromancers and dread savants who raised the
dead to march against the living. Daybreaks are drawn
from the ranks of twisted geniuses, mad scientists, delv-
ers into forbidden wisdom, profilers of serial killers, and
others whose do not fear what they find in the dark.
Infiltrators, spies, and saboteurs who walked
among the living to deliver them into the arms of the
dead. Days are drawn from the ranks of those who live
outside the acceptable bounds of society.
Diplomats and advocates for those who lack the
breath to speak for themselves, they forged kingdoms
and customs to connect the living and the dead. Moon-
shadows are drawn from the ranks of poets and pow-
er-brokers: artists, analysts, lawyers, CEOs, and the like.

The list of Abyssal candidates doesn't concentrate on evil people. A police officer slain in the line of duty is just as likely to rise as a Dusk as the mad necromancer he shot is to rise as a Daybreak.
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Not all of them. We only need a majority or even plurality of them. In fact, just having a system set up which can quickly link sidereals (because remember, sidereals are explicitly here to save the world) would be enough.

My main point is that on the balance, empowering humanity is good for humanity. Even if some of that power will go to the worst parts of humanity, the larger part is going to go to heroes (solars, lunars, sidereals, at least some infernals, and for infernals we have more options here, if we can unearth the shards one by one and influence the selection process). And with proper preparation, and cooperation of the heavenly host, that number can be increased.

I refuse the notion that on the balance humans are better off being cattle.
They aren't better off being cattle, but that's a false dichotomy.

A plurality isn't enough with exalts. Even a few are enough to make a huge mess of everything around them if we're lucky enough for them to be obvious about it.

You're also not seriously accounting for failure.

Getting 151 exalts and having 149 running around would be an astounding success in an absolute sense, but still result in an untold amount of damage. How much fun would the crown of eyes be if someone with it teamed up with the Denarians?

Your blind trust in the idea that we can somehow make detection work without any details on how a global police state across variably hostile territory would actually work, how extractions would play out, how we'd herd the super powered cats that are the exalted in defiance of their backgrounds and motivations, or any of the other background details would work don't encourage confidence.

Getting humanity built up to stand on their own feet and live up to the potential the supernatural fears in them is a much more practical and ultimately beneficial approach for the average person than unleashing 300 unstable god-kings.
Getting humanity built up to stand on their own feet and live up to the potential the supernatural fears in them is a much more practical and ultimately beneficial approach for the average person than unleashing 300 unstable god-kings.
That's not feasible, sadly enough. Because gradual increase of power of the cattle (and that's what humanity is to most supernatural factions) will be met with reprisal. The status quo (humans are ignorant pawns at best) benefits the powers that be. I feal that the amount of blood spilled by going this route is higher than the amount of blood spilled by introducing 300 god kings drawn from the greatest (not the best, but the greatest) of potentials of humanity.

Also, I don't consider Molly (or, on a doylist level, the players of this quest) special in any significant way (as far as her moral character goes). If she can be trusted with this power, others can be too.
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There is hope for Abyssals yet:
Unconquered Hero's Faith
Hope isn't lost, but it's rare and not the default. The point of Abyssals is very excruciatingly clear.

Allowances are made to allow you to play tragic anti-heroes at the table, but that loses all meaning if literally everyone is one.

You're acting like this is a given simply because it's possible.

The list of Abyssal candidates doesn't concentrate on evil people. A police officer slain in the line of duty is just as likely to rise as a Dusk as the mad necromancer he shot is to rise as a Daybreak.
Equally likely? The criteria are biased by the selection criteria. The point is a tragic victim or someone else who can be made a monster.

The deviations aren't the mean.

How many dyed in the wool Abyssal murder fiends do you suppose is an acceptable number to come out of this?

That's not feasible, sadly enough. Because gradual increase of power of the cattle (and that's what humanity is to most supernatural factions) will be met with reprisal. The status quo (humans are ignorant pawns at best) benefits the powers that be. I feal that the amount of blood spilled by going this route is higher than the amount of blood spilled by introducing 300 god kings drawn from the greatest (not the best, but the greatest) of potentials of humanity.

Also, I don't consider Molly (or, on a doylist level, the players of this quest) special in any significant way. If she can be trusted with this power, others can be too.
It's dramatically better than what you're proposing. Functionally speaking it's nuking the planet because you don't like how it's run and hoping that the post apocalypse reformation goes well.

It'll be hard, but it's a battle that can be fought and actually advanced along in all sorts of ways without gambling with burning reality down.

Screw this "objectively she's no better or worse than anyone" thing. Arguably it's true, but it doesn't matter. People are not all equally trustworthy and we don't have any means of checking who'll actually get the power.

IC the world rolled the dice once and crit succeeded on getting an Infernal that isn't a megalomaniac and has legitimate benevolent intent. We have no guarantees about anyone else.

Every draw is either candy or cyanide and you can't tell which till you've eaten it.
It's dramatically better than what you're proposing. Functionally speaking it's nuking the planet because you don't like how it's run and hoping that the post apocalypse reformation goes well.

It'll be hard, but it's a battle that can be fought and actually advanced along in all sorts of ways without gambling with burning reality down.

Screw this "objectively she's no better or worse than anyone" thing. Arguably it's true, but it doesn't matter. People are not all equally trustworthy and we don't have any means of checking who'll actually get the power.

IC the world rolled the dice once and crit succeeded on getting an Infernal that isn't a megalomaniac and has legitimate benevolent intent. We have no guarantees about anyone else.

Every draw is either candy or cyanide and you can't tell which till you've eaten it.
Every draw is an immortality pill or full of mercury. I fundamentally disagree with the notion that the downside or Black Vault opening would be, on the balance, negative. Exalts aren't unstoppable because there are always other exalts to stop them.

And yes, the battle can be fought. Needs to be fought, efen. The oceans of blood spilled in that fight can be lessened by introducing exalts into the mix.

People aren't equally trustworthy. But more people are trustworthy than not. If they weren't, society and humanity couldn't work. The untrustworthy ones are deviants, not the norm.

IC the world didn't roll a nat1, and that was enough.
The idea that the Black Vault opening would be a good thing is just pure naivety. There are too many competing factions, too many rival nation states, too many corporate interests, and just generally too many shitty people to expect that to actually go well. The world is full of assholes and people who would gleefully exploit the stupid and greedy.

We, the Human race, would be immensely lucky if even half of the resulting Exalts were a collective good rather than an anchor around our necks at best or actively detrimental to continued existence of civilization and sentient life at worst.
[X] Plan "Etiquette"

I really like Plan Pendragon, but on the slim chance what we are doing is recognized it would send a bad message because we are imitating someone who is a servant. This plan is close enough, and has most of the same social buffs while also allowing the enemy to make the first move so we can know what she thinks the meeting should be about.
[X] Plan "Etiquette"

I really like Plan Pendragon, but on the slim chance what we are doing is recognized it would send a bad message because we are imitating someone who is a servant. This plan is close enough, and has most of the same social buffs while also allowing the enemy to make the first move so we can know what she thinks the meeting should be about.
For what it's worth the first volume of the light novel doesn't come out for another 1.5ish weeks.
They aren't better off being cattle, but that's a false dichotomy.

A plurality isn't enough with exalts. Even a few are enough to make a huge mess of everything around them if we're lucky enough for them to be obvious about it.

You're also not seriously accounting for failure.

Getting 151 exalts and having 149 running around would be an astounding success in an absolute sense, but still result in an untold amount of damage. How much fun would the crown of eyes be if someone with it teamed up with the Denarians?

Your blind trust in the idea that we can somehow make detection work without any details on how a global police state across variably hostile territory would actually work, how extractions would play out, how we'd herd the super powered cats that are the exalted in defiance of their backgrounds and motivations, or any of the other background details would work don't encourage confidence.

Getting humanity built up to stand on their own feet and live up to the potential the supernatural fears in them is a much more practical and ultimately beneficial approach for the average person than unleashing 300 unstable god-kings.
Not to take away but there aren't all too many infernals much less ones that would get the same crown as us right? At max we'd see maybe 5 with it or something I'd guess.
Not to take away but there aren't all too many infernals much less ones that would get the same crown as us right? At max we'd see maybe 5 with it or something I'd guess.
Even one other is too many, if that person is an asshole. We could probably bring down every major government in the world in just a few months if we really wanted to, simply by asking the right questions and spreading the answers around to the right people.
Even one other is too many, if that person is an asshole. We could probably bring down every major government in the world in just a few months if we really wanted to, simply by asking the right questions and spreading the answers around to the right people.
Speaking of this I wouldn't mind looking at government figures faces across the world and using a crown on them off screen to rack up some answers. Like what's a list of the crimes they've knowingly done not that they don't get away with them anyways or secrets they have.
Even one other is too many, if that person is an asshole. We could probably bring down every major government in the world in just a few months if we really wanted to, simply by asking the right questions and spreading the answers around to the right people.
An exalted hardly need a the crown of eyes for that, just hit them with bureaucratic charms, and everything falls apart.
I'm pretty sure NWS lets us blackmail any politician we can successfully make eye contact with. And we have the Subterfuge Excellency to pull off some pretty good disguises for getting close enough, even if we don't get the Perfect Disguise charm from Kakuri.

Or we can use Mocking Murmurs Retort on any of their live speeches from the comfort of our living room and ruin their careers in a single stroke. The Infernal charmset is really good at destabilizing society in whatever way we want. Getting rid of a single politician is child's play.
Where is this from? Cause the ExWoD has some pretty heavy implications in the Abyssal section and I can't find that snippet.
Both from the The Wheel Turns chapter of ExWoD.
Page 29f for the Infernals, page 26 for the Abyssals.

There's a lot of evil fluff around them, but at a fundamental level Abyssal Exaltations look for a dying hero, while INfernal ones look for one who shares the pain of failure with them.