I wonder if from the perspective of other hell realms, and perhaps even Sanctuary - praying to, observing/following rituals, teachings and tenets, calling upon or even summoning the agents of the White God's will would be culturally seen as or even act upon the native metaphysical cosmology as if you were consorting with/summoning an eldritch, (inversely-) demonic or even quasi-Outsider influence or power on Earth? An amusing thought that the occult of a (relatively) free and benign hell realm such as ours turn to the Lord's teachings and trappings as to subvert and rebel against the current establishment, or to expand their personal opportunities, power and enlightenment, or even genuine, fanatical belief, through chasing "forbidden" power so alien as to even be inherently hostile (or at least subversive or transformative) as a by-product of its innate nature, to would-be acolyte's' own native reality!
"As Above, So Below. As we pray and give thanks to our Empress-Who-Has-Come for making our existence possible, so too does She pray and give thanks to a Lord above even Her, whom made Her own existence, and perhaps if the whispers are true, Her own Ascension possible. This Lord Above does not intercede in our or Her realms and lives not because He cannot, but because He chooses not to, for His power is such, His Sight so absolute and His Will so mighty and absolute, that His actions and so complete command reality would make all our own efforts, thoughts, individuality and machinations as meaningful of that of puppets and all the world not merely a stage - but as if a computer program, so absolute His power over the laws and entities of the reality above our own.
Mistake not His respect of our own wills to spurn or cherish His ever-loving, everlasting embrace for apathy - for He loves us such that He would send His only Son and Himself, to suffer and die in our place for our sins, as we so deserved, in death more cruel and absolute than any within the Turning of the Wheel have ever known. Upon the third day, he rose again to grant life everlasting to those beyond our Sanctuary amongst His Kingdom, if they would only love one another, as He had loved them and still loves us all.
And mistake not His infinite tender mercy for weakness, for there is nothing beyond those who work through and in furtherance of His almighty love. Rejoice and hallelujah! If the Empress is our Mother, then the LORD Above is our Grandfather! Let us bring what was taught to our Mother across the Below, and even Beyond, so that World Entire - Above, Below, and Beyond - might know His love as our Mother learnt Above!
Let as Above be so Below - and Beyond! Amen."
- DataNet, date and author unknown, retrieved from a shadow-site forum post, flagged for potential unknown spiritual influence, posting account believed to be affiliated with "Our Lady of the Lord Above" religious movement.