[] Plan Sorcerer Maxing
-[] Molly, 29 XP spent
--[] Alchemy 5 12 XP
--[] Mana Manipulation 3 13 XP
--[] Craft 5 4 XP
-[] Lydia, 6 XP, 1 banked
--[] Ox Body, 3 XP
--[] Counterspell: Human, 3 XP
-[] Tiffany, 6 XP, 1 banked
--[] Counterspell: Human, 3 XP
--[] Counterspell: Spirit, 3 XP
-[] Olivia, 6 XP, 1 banked
--[] Counterspell: Vampire, 3 XP
--[] Counterspell: Spirit, 3
Multiple attack potions the ability to make our own version of Periapts (Essence batteries), our clones are capable of using the mortal magic we learn, with Mana manipulation we're capable of causing our own version of the warp storms that the Jades and Sandra used. We can also use it directly to retarget or call Wards to Target someone else or create our own version of All is Poison like in The Lord of the wicked cities hell, not to mention this is what allows you to move and manipulate Ley lines.
[] Plan Clone Maxing
-[] Molly, 29 XP spent
--[] Law 3 7 XP
--[] Ox-body, 6 XP
--[] Leadership 5 7 XP
--[] Politics 3 7 XP
--[] Academics 2 2 XP
-[] Lydia, 6 XP, 1 banked
--[] Ox Body, 3 XP
--[] Counterspell: Human, 3 XP
-[] Tiffany, 6 XP, 1 banked
--[] Counterspell: Human, 3 XP
--[] Counterspell: Spirit, 3 XP
-[] Olivia, 6 XP, 1 banked
--[] Counterspell: Vampire, 3 XP
--[] Counterspell: Spirit, 3
Exactly what it says in the name clone maxing all of her clones are in positions where they could use pretty much all of these abilities. Ox-Body makes all of them more durable leadership, Politics and Law for our regent as well ourselves, academics for Pods and us.
[] Plan Murder Maxing
-[] Molly, 27 XP spent 2 Banked
--[] Who Strikes The Wind 12 XP
--[] Ablation Of Brass and Fire 12 XP
--[] Ox-Body 3 XP
-[] Lydia, 6 XP, 1 banked
--[] Ox Body, 3 XP
--[] Counterspell: Human, 3 XP
-[] Tiffany, 6 XP, 1 banked
--[] Counterspell: Human, 3 XP
--[] Counterspell: Spirit, 3 XP
-[] Olivia, 6 XP, 1 banked
--[] Counterspell: Vampire, 3 XP
--[] Counterspell: Spirit, 3
Perfect soaking, perfect Dodge take arbitrary amounts damage without flinching don't take any damage from anything we don't want to. As well as the ability to take more punishment in general.
[] Plan Sandstrike Build
-[] Molly, 29 XP spent
--[] Sandstrike Blast, 8 XP
--[] Athletics Excellency 3 XP
--[] Athletics 5 18 XP
-[] Lydia, 6 XP, 1 banked
--[] Ox Body, 3 XP
--[] Counterspell: Human, 3 XP
-[] Tiffany, 6 XP, 1 banked
--[] Counterspell: Human, 3 XP
--[] Counterspell: Spirit, 3 XP
-[] Olivia, 6 XP, 1 banked
--[] Counterspell: Vampire, 3 XP
--[] Counterspell: Spirit, 3
Enough points in athletics that we do not have to use the Excellency to actually hit anything but the Excellence is there for Supernatural opponents that may be able to dodge a high pool of attacked dice. I feel the need to reiterate I really dislike spending experience on things we cannot or do not use so this is something to make Sandstrike Blast not just viable but good to use.
[] Plan Monster Mash
-[] Molly, 29 XP spent
--[] Unbound Eschaton Shintai, 20 XP
--[] By Rage Recast Swift Stride 6 XP
--[] Ox-Body 3 XP
-[] Lydia, 6 XP, 1 banked
--[] Ox Body, 3 XP
--[] Counterspell: Human, 3 XP
-[] Tiffany, 6 XP, 1 banked
--[] Counterspell: Human, 3 XP
--[] Counterspell: Spirit, 3 XP
-[] Olivia, 6 XP, 1 banked
--[] Counterspell: Vampire, 3 XP
--[] Counterspell: Spirit, 3
Really leaning into Demonic Aspects more speed especially double speed from our already insane movement rates paired with being a giant monster that's really difficult to hurt is really hard to not like and also doesn't really need a lot of argument for.
[] Plan Minion Maxing
-[] Molly, 29 XP spent
--[] False Springs Beckon 9 XP
--[] Mana Maggot Plague 8 XP
--[] Cleansed Maggot Formula 4 XP
--[] Fathomless Poison Haven 8 XP
-[] Lydia, 6 XP, 1 banked
--[] Ox Body, 3 XP
--[] Counterspell: Human, 3 XP
-[] Tiffany, 6 XP, 1 banked
--[] Counterspell: Human, 3 XP
--[] Counterspell: Spirit, 3 XP
-[] Olivia, 6 XP, 1 banked
--[] Counterspell: Vampire, 3 XP
--[] Counterspell: Spirit, 3
Ethically feed and protect all of our minions whether it be White, Jade or ghoul. On some of this was the selling point of getting Alchemy 4 so we can make cleansed man of maggot potions that charged up our Supernatural followers abilities without getting the bonus to DC on them.
[] Plan Ancient Magic
-[] Molly, 29 XP spent
--[] Pentacle And Scepter 16 XP
--[] The Trees Many Branches 10 XP
--[] Counterspell: Spirit, 3 XP
-[] Lydia, 6 XP, 1 banked
--[] Ox Body, 3 XP
--[] Counterspell: Human, 3 XP
-[] Tiffany, 6 XP, 1 banked
--[] Counterspell: Human, 3 XP
--[] Counterspell: Spirit, 3 XP
-[] Olivia, 6 XP, 1 banked
--[] Counterspell: Vampire, 3 XP
--[] Counterspell: Spirit, 3 XP
Pentacle and Scepter makes all Ancient Sorcery maybe not the most efficient thing but definitely more viable or provides extra attacks like the trees many branches, it also reduces the difficulty of ancient sorcery and all modern sorceries which makes it a stacking bucket for any and all sorcery that we get going forward essentially a - 1DC on all sorcery it is also passive which means it affects our clones that can also use Mortal Magic Pentacle and Scepter is a really good charm.
@DragonParadox have we/our circle been taking the Nabu Mercury and Astartes Venerian?