So, what is our list of projects that we'll need and don't have resources for?
1) Armors and weapons for our circle. Both Molly and Lydia can have a 5 dot adornment attuned. In order to make 5 dot splendors, we need 2 reagents per splendor (make a 4 dot with the Forge discount, and upgrade it from there). So, that's 4 3-dot reagents we need at least. Olivia, as a non-exalt, can only attune a 3 dot splendor, unless we start messing Form of Hero's shadow. That's 1 2-dot reagent for her. Tiffany I would argue should be able to attune a 5 dot splendor too, and if not, that's still a 3 dot one she needs. So, for basic armoring that's at least:
3 dot reagents 4-6
2 dot reagents 1-3 (possibly also for Dresden)
This is just immediate survivability. Notably, this doesn't include Arthur's knights, all of whom are exalts, and thus can equip 5 dot adornments. Meaning that we would need at least 6 more 3 dot splendors to fully equip them in exalt-grade armor.
2) What we owe Archive, and Odin. I honestly don't remember exact numbers, please help, but I think that was at least 3 splendors for archive, and at least 1 for Odin? So, that's at least
1 dot reagents 3
2 dot reagents 1
3) Weapons and implements for our circle and allies. Tiffany would benefit tremendously from having Long Reach splendor equipped, as it would allow her to remotely directly decrease enemy stats. Harry, if equipped with a splendor that allows him to deploy an area of Demonreach around him, is almost unstoppable. Lydia need an exalted-grade weapon, same as Olivia potentially. Knights too. We definitely could use a set of splendor tools for the Forge. So, see point one about armors, we are looking at those or higher numbers.
Then we have projects that we don't owe anyone, but would really help us:
1) Manse raising. For defense of Chicago, and to provide a better power base, the benefits have been discussed. It was described as a major, major project, and an upper boundary estimation for needed resources is 10x 3 dot reagents (to make 5 artificial dragon nests, one for each element, which are all 5 dot splendors by themselves).
2) Ally empowerment. Green Lantern rings, Offbrand dragonblooded production, peach trees of immortality, Books of Laws for the Wizards all have scaling costs.
Essentially, with what we have already designed, even excluding controversial stuff like the Books of Laws, we need tens (as in >20) crafting reagents, of which at least 10 are 3 dot reagents or better. Each 3-dot reagent is normally obtained in a course of an epic quest, ie costs us at least 1 AP. If we can secure at least 1 gossamer per month, that massively changes the equation.
1) Armors and weapons for our circle. Both Molly and Lydia can have a 5 dot adornment attuned. In order to make 5 dot splendors, we need 2 reagents per splendor (make a 4 dot with the Forge discount, and upgrade it from there). So, that's 4 3-dot reagents we need at least. Olivia, as a non-exalt, can only attune a 3 dot splendor, unless we start messing Form of Hero's shadow. That's 1 2-dot reagent for her. Tiffany I would argue should be able to attune a 5 dot splendor too, and if not, that's still a 3 dot one she needs. So, for basic armoring that's at least:
3 dot reagents 4-6
2 dot reagents 1-3 (possibly also for Dresden)
This is just immediate survivability. Notably, this doesn't include Arthur's knights, all of whom are exalts, and thus can equip 5 dot adornments. Meaning that we would need at least 6 more 3 dot splendors to fully equip them in exalt-grade armor.
2) What we owe Archive, and Odin. I honestly don't remember exact numbers, please help, but I think that was at least 3 splendors for archive, and at least 1 for Odin? So, that's at least
1 dot reagents 3
2 dot reagents 1
3) Weapons and implements for our circle and allies. Tiffany would benefit tremendously from having Long Reach splendor equipped, as it would allow her to remotely directly decrease enemy stats. Harry, if equipped with a splendor that allows him to deploy an area of Demonreach around him, is almost unstoppable. Lydia need an exalted-grade weapon, same as Olivia potentially. Knights too. We definitely could use a set of splendor tools for the Forge. So, see point one about armors, we are looking at those or higher numbers.
Then we have projects that we don't owe anyone, but would really help us:
1) Manse raising. For defense of Chicago, and to provide a better power base, the benefits have been discussed. It was described as a major, major project, and an upper boundary estimation for needed resources is 10x 3 dot reagents (to make 5 artificial dragon nests, one for each element, which are all 5 dot splendors by themselves).
2) Ally empowerment. Green Lantern rings, Offbrand dragonblooded production, peach trees of immortality, Books of Laws for the Wizards all have scaling costs.
Essentially, with what we have already designed, even excluding controversial stuff like the Books of Laws, we need tens (as in >20) crafting reagents, of which at least 10 are 3 dot reagents or better. Each 3-dot reagent is normally obtained in a course of an epic quest, ie costs us at least 1 AP. If we can secure at least 1 gossamer per month, that massively changes the equation.