Arc 14 Interlude 1: Weird Wizarding
Weird Wizarding
17th of February 2007 A.D.
Being a wizard was nothing like she'd been promised, Tina Trailman thought as she pushed aside a sweat-soaked lock of auburn hair out of her eyes. No owls no colored ties, no flying broomsticks and enough running and push-ups to count for boot camp, at least according to Terry who had been considering the army or the Marine Corps, a time honored way for boys from rural Appalachia to see the world. She had thought of going with him, things had changed since their pa's day, but it was not like they'd be put in the same unit. Then had come the old man in the night, 'the cunnin' man', Grandma Hattie had said and their Ma, god-fearing woman that she was hadn't said a word against it. Maybe there's been a reason or three why she hadn't said anything about them Harry Potter even when ol' Preacher Joe had called them 'devil's books' and 'occult'. Turns out there was a lot more 'occult' hidding up the Trailman family tree than any of them new and the fella who was teaching them magic was even named Harry, had messy dark hair and everything. Maybe she shouldn't have asked him if he played Quidditch though, felt like he was particularly hard on her since then.
But how was I suppos'd to know what's real, huh Terry, she argued with her mental ideal of her twin as she often did and he with her. They knew each other well enough that they could mostly guess what the other would say. Pixies and demons and five flavors of vampire. As she slowed down from the run the girl closed her eyes and reached inwards and upwards like she'd been taught to feel the beat of the world. It was one thing to be able to do magic in a quiet room when you'd been working up to it for the last hour and quite another to do magic fast. That's what they were here to be not just wizards, but wizard soldiers, Wardens they called 'em. The twins didn't have to come here, really at fifteen a lot of people starting with their teacher and ending with Grandma Hattie had told them in no uncertain terms that they should wait and learn more of the 'fundamentals'.
"How're you holding up there?" The by now familiar voice of Warden Ramirez still sent a tingle down her spine, the kind she wouldn't be talking about with her brother, on account of not wanting to be teased until she was ninety.
"Keeping grounded," she answered. And not gawking at all the city folks like I just fell from the moon head-first, the girl thought but didn't add. Chicago had been a revelation from just how many people and how different they were from each other. TV had nothing on this: Mexican folks and Chinese folks, Indian folks and folks from places she had to take out the map to figure out and that was before you got into the folks that weren't humans at all like the pixies and such. Who knew they liked Pizza?
Tina had managed to gather, mostly from overhearing talks between Warden Ramirez and Dresden, that it wasn't the usual sort of place to be training young wizards, too many distractions and temptations. Weird how alike wizards and Preacher Joe could be about some things even though he'd probably burn a cross in their yard or worse.
Then again like the pretty lady said there was a hair's difference between a prayer and a spell, magic was all about intent, about putting your true self into the magic instead of the 'you' the world saw about understanding yourself before 'you try to figure out Sir Issac Newton'. That had been a funny lesson with the 'Apple of Expectation'. Tina wondered if there was anyway she could learn how to make apples that floated like balloons. That'd be a really fun party trick to pull out when her cousins were bobbing for apples. Sure it would be showing them magic, but who'd believe a bunch of little kids?
Tomorrow though they'd be learning to...
[] Shoot magic guns, Terry was real' excited about that...
[] Get to meet some more 'interesting folks' Ghouls and Vampires supposedly down in the 'Undercity' Wasn't one city big enough?
[] Learn the basics of brewin' stuff, alchemy's the fancy name for it
[] Write in
OOC: The Trailman twins are the ones who die in the flash back in White Night. This is your choice for what part of their training Molly will involve herself in, though the other stuff may also happen depending on what Ramirez and Harry choose to do. Also 'the pretty lady' is indeed Lash who taught them with what she's best at, mind games. That report for the Senior Council is going to be really fun for Harry to write.
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