Arc 15 Post 73: Taking Wing
Taking Wing
13th of March 2007 A.D.
"Tiff, I'm counting on you to be..." Back in the van you spin what plans the moment allows. Better to come into a confrontation with less than your full strength than to allow the newly Exalted to slip out of all knowing. Should be easy for you to catch up to the train.
"Ruthless," she flashes a sharp edged smile.
"Reasonable," you temporize with a quelling look. "Sir Knights I do not know you as much as the rest of our company, but I trust your valor and your discretion."
"Your courtesy does you credit my lady," Gwair answers with a seriousness undermined only by the glimmer in the depths of his forest green eyes.
Listens to the Wind hesitates a long moment, weighting Harry with his eyes, though in what scale you could not say. "Warden Dresden," he nods and steps over to stand by you and Silver. There's a ripple of greenish light, like the haze of early morning on the horizon over the lake and where a man had stood there's now an eagle with bands of silver along the sides of his head alongside a resigned-looking racoon sitting down on the floor next to him. Little Brother doesn't speak, not that you can hear him at least, but 'must we?' comes across loud and clear.
For about forty minutes as the hawk flies you make your way along the coast where low green marshland gives way to the roaring waves. Old but still stately bridges span the slow meandering courses where fresh water meets the salt. For all the rushing of the trees crane and heron and pelican seem more troubled by your strange areal trespass than they are at the steel road that had long since worn groves through the land. But as soon as you spy the right train from afar the eagle gives a shriek of warning.
"What's the matter?" Silver asks, worried, but of course a bird's voice isn't meant for human speech..
After you catch up to the train and under glamor slip inside, startling a thankfully drowsy old fellow smoking there with a quick opening of the door the old wizard takes back his shape and answers: "We haven't left the dark ones as far back as we might have hoped, whole train reeks of devilry as bad as Packingtown pork as Ebeneezer would say."
"W...what's it doing?" you catch your breath, speaking as softly as you can so as not to alert the passengers, though even those few on their feet don't seem overly curious sorts.
"Far as I can tell nothing, it's like the string pulled back but not yet loosed... waiting."
"An attack on the... what title did you say he took?" Lydia asks.
"Azhi Dahaka," you try not to sound too judgemental of the pretension. After all you're soon going to meet its bearer, hopefully pacefully.
"If it's an attack on one man it's well aimed as buckshot," Listens to the Wind says. "I'd say it's not the way the Fallen do things, but... strange times."
"Or in other words they might be scared," Silver's voice is soft enough for you to wonder if the fallen angels are the only ones who are, but now's not the time to get into that. She said she wanted to help and she can. That's how everyone starts, me included.
"Is it focused...?"
"Locomotive," comes the half expected response. Of course it would be, where else would a spell meant to attack a train be focused?
What do you do?
[] Track down the Abyssal
[] Head right towards the front of the train
[] Write in
OOC: Since Listens to the Wind can fly he decided to come with you and allow Harry to represent the Council on the other team, quite a bit of trust, but then he's earned it.