Arc 15 Post 66: Speaking True
Speaking True
13th of March 2007 A.D.
"Exaltation a tool, an instrument of the soul given to mortals long ago that they may overcome not merely what is difficult but what is impossible."
"That should be impossible," Harry corrects with wizardly precision almost despite himself. He meets Tiffany's amused look. "What? If you are doing then it's possible."
Before he had even finished speaking you shake your head, the words coming in bursts from your lips as they do in your mind, the shape of something known that had never before needed to be said: "Not necessarily, fate does not bend to the actions of the Exalted, accommodating them within itself, it breaks, it requires and enforces free will. None who do not possess it can ever bear it though they might try to grasp some small use, like someone warning themselves on the exhaust of an idling car."
"It breaks fate," Inari breathes, so softly even you almost do not hear it. "So it really was my fate to die. Like the mirror..."
"Phones work," Lara says, her ears as sharp as yours and unlike you catching the meaning.
"Not that. I mean the symmetry, I get to live so that I can kill more things and never, ever save them. Black fire that lives forever in a world that burns." The final syllable catches in her throat a little.
"What happened?" Thomas asks urgently.
"That is really not important right now," Lara waves it off, though she does glance towards the bedroom. "You said this power was given, by who, by what?" And what do they expect in return? That last wasn't asked aloud, but from the way it hangs unspoken in the room it might as well have been shouted.
You sigh. "Probably best to take this from the start..." You explain in as few words as you can manage, time is still going, the descent into the necropolis, the conversation with Other Bob, though you only name him 'dread spirit', the underworld, the consciousness at the root of the Black Court and your offer to it.
"So just to be clear, you found some antediluvian monstrosity and decided that the thing to do was try to talk it around?" Lara asks in what you would like to think is feigned horror, trying to get concessions, but you are pretty sure is genuine. She's fought in the Oblivion War after all. "And then you woke up something even worse and had to run for your life?"
"Nothing gave chase, not even more of those mad ghosts. Truth be told I think they confused me for something else," Deep breath Molly, might as well start as you mean to go on. "If anything the presence that send out the Exaltation was thankful." Probably not what your parents meant when they taught you 'honesty is the best policy', but damn it you aren't going to play games with someone who doesn't know what what's is going on and is scared of herself. I know what that's like.
Listens to the Wind looks at you with an almost unblinking intensity and Tiffany's face just seems to ask 'Why' while it's hard to read more than shock on Harry's face. Thomas is just about the only one not paying attention, having walked over to the open bedroom door.
"They still think you're the confused one," Inari cuts in as every other pair of eyes in the room snaps to her face. "The Whispers... I can hear them... they're trying to ne nice I think... or maybe they are just too happy to be nasty."
"You can hear the Neverborn?" No reason not to name them now, you think with just a smidge of panic if only because more of it won't help.
Regained 2 Essence (Urge of the Forbidden)
Even though both Lara and Thomas look like they'd like nothing better than to sush their little sister she ignores them, looking almost relieved at the confession. "One I think. Offering help, sugestions, advice... can't tune it out, but I don't feel like I have strings on." She looks at her hands as though checking for actual black threads on her fingers. "I'm still me, just not the girl I used to be."
"Hells bells, we've got to get rid of it, get back her Name..." Harry is already making a list.
For his part Joseph Listens to the Wind keeps his own counsel, though you do not doubt said counsel has grown dark.
Lydia Essence 7/7 (0/3 Jade Talisman)
Molly Essence 9/18
Molly Willpower 6/9
What do you say?
[] No, the point of an Exaltation is free will and she has it, she will have it regardless of how the Neverborn might rage (Molly does not know if this is true; though if she says it it will be in the sincere belief it is)
[] There is... one place she could be safe while we find out more (Your thoughts go to Daemonreach; May initiate combat)
[] Write in
OOC Mecahnically Inari has Whispers 5 as a background which means once per night she can replace any ability with the black insights of dead gods dreaming (up to broadly peak human abilities). In this case she used it to roll to 'remember' your encounter down at the black ocean. If you had lied she would have known and treated you appropriately. So on the one hand good job on being honest, on the other hand you now have a pair of very worried wizards on your hands and a pair of even more on edge White Court Vampires.
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