Arc 15 Post 48: In Dark Duat
In Dark Duat
13th of March 2007 A.D.
Is this a trap? you ask of the flowing ether and hear the answer screaming back
A trap this be but not for thee, for all that walks and crawls and swims, for all that lives enforcing order from the soothing uniformity of entropy, the Heat Death of all things. A promise to still the clock's hands for thee so long as it runs out for others swifter. A shard of Hunger without end the glutton's soul to soothe.
Am I not alive somehow? you worry in reflex as the portals flows almost completely shut. Lydia and Tiffany are close enough, to step through and you're definitely fast enough to catch up Alas your Crown doesn't take follow up questions, but there is one who does, a voice within that's been here from the start.
"You are no more a part of Shaped Creation than you choose to be Majesty Most Holy. The trap is set for those perish with the cruel caress of time which you do not."
"Go!" In the flash of an instant you made your choice, grabbing onto Tiffany with your left hand and Lydia with your right you cross the first step and feel the frothing unreality of the Nevernever upon your skin even as the spirit shouts after you:
"Embrace ze grave!"
No sooner had that first fateful step been taken that you realize the path is far longer than it had seemed from above, a pageant of horrible dreams meander though the dark apertures of a ruined city, low and sand choked as though they feared raising their heads too far even before the shallow sunless sky above. Statues there were standing vigil upon the lost crossroads, but without face, roads lost to nightmare tempests of antiquity leaving but a narrow path that leads down and down and down. The slabs of black stone underfoot are not worn, fresh as if they had been laid yesterday in silent mockery of decrepitude all around.
Below the ruined city was something that at first took on the guise of a natural cavern, though too vast to have ever existed on the earth filled with strange rounded edges and unnatural contortions of the stone.
"I'd say don't look up, but it might hold some insight and if not it will at least spare you the startling," Tiffany squeezes your hand for attention
So of course you look and learn the true shape of the 'cave' the three of you in a vast oval void in the stone crawling upon the knee of a mummified figure lying in a fetal position, a withered face set in an expression of mingled shame and terror looking down upon the traveler. He wears a crown, though in this gloom gold does not shine and his eyes... God his eyes. How a withered corpse can convey the fact that they had been torn out still living with a sharp implement you cannot say, but they do and only hollow blackness stares back at you.
Down at the base of the giant's knee some macabre architect had carved steps into the dedicated flesh and a perfectly round hole such as worm or weevil might burrow into flesh.
Weevils, Tiffany insists, do not burrow into living flesh.
Maybe they don't on Earth, but Earth is far behind and only strange and deathly dreams ahead.
"I could try to talk to him," Lydia offers. "I think he's still... well of course he's still here. I mean I think there's still a mind to know and a will to converse."
"The path forward is literally though the corpus of the spirit petrified in place, I do not think it's wise to risk it shifting," Tiffany counters. "It's... nothing... shit, it's like I have no associations with this thing, I have to force myself to even make guesses and all of them sound as likely as any other. Whatever that is She really didn't want me or Harry knowing about it, though whether it's because it would be dangerous to her plans broadly or simply to Harry directly I can't say?"
Lydia Essence 5/7
Molly Essence 13/18
What do you do?
[] Lydia attempts to communicate with the mummified giant
[] Ask another question (-1 Essence; The Urge does not refresh your essence here because you are not comparable with the Necrotic Essence)
[] Keep going
OOC: Enjoy.