He was barred but he still had the ability to appeal to the Constitutional Court, that just failed 9-0
He is charged with... a lot. Campaign financing violations, corruption, violating gun laws, aiding and abetting a potential violent uprising with Russian backing, minor stuff like that. /s
Mind I do not expect him to see the inside of a prison for the simple reason that the Romanian Border guard is absurdly corrupt. 90% of high profile cases end up with the person in question fleeing the country.
That is possible, yeah. It's likely a horrible idea because most shadows would be loyal to their denarian progenitors, but it's possible.
I think that if we are able to get concessions out of captured denarians, it should either be "don't take a host for X time", where X is long enough that they stop mattering within quest timeframe, "serve us for a year and a day" during which we run the social assault on them, or "share lores with Tiffany" if that is possible.
A question about the Denarians' coins. I can't remember if it's already been asked;
We know that Coins taken out of circulation eventually come back through divine or infernal providence, if necessary. It's unavoidable.
But what about the Denarians themselves? Obviously, imprisoning a Denarian isn't simple or easy, if only because the Fallen in their Coin can probably just will their host to die if pressed, then wait for the Coin to be recycled. If one of them is captured and put in stasis, along with their Coin, does that count for removing them from circulation?
One moment there was a solid wall to Lydia's left and the next there wasn't, black hooked claws peeling back the steel to reveal the lupine grin of a malformed horror. The old man reading the day's paper didn't even get a chance to scream, the lanky teenager with dreadlocks next to him, maybe a year or two younger than Lydia herself, covered with his blood. Screams... there were plenty of screams as the cart descended into a abattoir, instant hell like one of those ridiculous microwave dinners Olivia insisted were 'fine'. Shining grey metal, heavy as lead and bright as steel flowed over her skin as the air around the beast howled with the protests of violated physics.
Claw clangs against essence-forged metal and does not find it wanting.
Upon the face of the Fallen, all four eyes blazing as red as the Enochian seal upon its brow something like shock shows and then it opens its maw wider than and wider, a chasm of hideous flesh and from that gullet pours flame.
"No!" she tried to dampen them, to throttle them with her will, but the spite of hell was in them and she was no god.
The screams grew and changed from horror to agony.
"I will take thine bloody heart and flay thine hopes and dreams from it! And when you beg for death..."
She could feel the metal on her face start to melt in molten tears, but something told her the demon had been expecting a more dramatic reaction than that. So Lydia Rhys did what they had always told her to do in karate class, let defense flow into attack. Something told her first sensei didn't mean punch the demon-snake in the mouth with metal fists. Brother Divsimar would have though. Cartilage, bone... she could feel them breaking under a blow that would have thrown a human's head clean off. Instead she was bathed in noxious acid that made her clothes smoke and hiss and the accursed beast was already regenerating.
Lydia takes 1 Wound -> Now at 13/14
"Take.... this... outside!"
"Ooh... doest the wee corpse-girl not want to see how corpses are made?" the Fallen mocked, the voice still human coming out of that malformed mouth.
"I will make a tomb for thine wretched Coin from thine fleshless ribs!" The daughter of Arawn spat as she threw herself at the monster not to hit it again, but simply to launch both of them out of the train, ignoring the heat of its presence.
Lydia takes 1 Wound -> Now at 12/14
That was when a one ton bear out of the a foot and a half taller at the shoulder than Lydia was altogether decided that it would rather to have a bite of the demon too. Lydia was more than glad to get out of the clinch with the demon that had started growing more serpentine by the moment, throwing furry coils around her legs.
Lydia Essence 4/7 (0/3 Jade Talisman)
How does Lydia fight?
[] Defensively, counter anymore use of mortal magic from the Fallen while Listens to the Wind sets ursine muscle against unnatural coils
[] Offensively, she's only melting a little after all, keep punching it.
[] Write in
OOC: The fight with Molly will continue tomorrow. I couldn't make it flow properly into this. Anyway it turns out that when Lydia burns essence like it's going out of style she can tank quite well between parry, counterspell and her soak. She'd probably still lose this eventually, but right now she only needs to hold on until help can show up.
No Impervious Skin of Stone Meditation? Which doubles her stamina for the purpose of soak for the rest of the scene and is reflexive. Also, and sorry to bother you - how does grappling work? Because if Lydia is suffering 1 wound per attack before ISSM is active, then with it she should be able to basically soak everything the denarian is throwing at her.
Again, sorry, but doesn't Lydia have an enchatned leather jacket or something like that that is used as armor? I think we got something like that in one of the early arcs and she took that as part of her share of the loot.
Is the denarian warform clothed in organic clothes that Lydia could use Command the Dead on?
That was then[when] a one ton bear out of the a foot and a half taller at the shoulder than Lydia was altogether decided that it would rather want[wanted] to have a bite out of the demon too.
Again, sorry, but doesn't Lydia have an enchatned leather jacket or something like that that is used as armor? I think we got something like that in one of the early arcs and she took that as part of her share of the loot.
Is the denarian warform clothed in organic clothes that Lydia could use Command the Dead on?
Question, can we selectively meat is murder the shade of a coin that's in someone's head? Like we can't get to the demon in the coin itself because we are not fighting it, but we are absolutely fighting the shade inside the mortal who is it's own being separate from both the coin demon and the mortal.
In theory this would leave the mortal alive bereft of the shade.
It would be a way to "cure" someone who touched a coin.
[X] Offensively, she's only melting a little after all, throw ground at it
-[X] Use Chariot of the Earth as a weapon.
So, Chariot of the Earth attacks with Dexterity + Athletics. Currently that's 5+2+10=17 dice against difficulty 6 (if it's the default difficulty). @DragonParadox sorry, I forget, does Lydia subtract 1s from successes on her divine attribute involving rolls? I don't think she does, but I want to make sure. If she doesn't, that's 10 successes on average. If she does, then 8. Base damage dicepool is 9. That means the total damage dicepool of 18 or 17. Even assuming that the denarian has soak of 10, I think we can bash him into unconsciousness quicker than he can defeat us.
[X] Offensively, she's only melting a little after all, throw ground at it
-[X] Use Chariot of the Earth as a weapon.
So, Chariot of the Earth attacks with Dexterity + Athletics. Currently that's 5+2+10=17 dice against difficulty 6 (if it's the default difficulty). @DragonParadox sorry, I forget, does Lydia subtract 1s from successes on her divine attribute involving rolls? I don't think she does, but I want to make sure. If she doesn't, that's 10 successes on average. If she does, then 8. Base damage dicepool is 9. That means the total damage dicepool of 18 or 17. Even assuming that the denarian has soak of 10, I think we can bash him into unconsciousness quicker than he can defeat us.
Let's assume that Denarians in combat-shape can soak lethal with full stamina (as Demons can), so upping to lethal is useless, but just 1 Essence spend on Hunter's Bolt makes it aggravated for 4 rounds and that type of damage most non-Exalted have to soak with a smaller pool.
From the one roll DP did show we see that Lydia dealt a lot of damage with her basic hit, but the Denarian perfectly soaked it, so I don't see more bashing as the way to win here. Also Chariot costs an Essence per use.
It's ultimately more a tool that can be used as a weapon, as opposed to being a full weapon.
That is possible, yeah. It's likely a horrible idea because most shadows would be loyal to their denarian progenitors, but it's possible.
I think that if we are able to get concessions out of captured denarians, it should either be "don't take a host for X time", where X is long enough that they stop mattering within quest timeframe, "serve us for a year and a day" during which we run the social assault on them, or "share lores with Tiffany" if that is possible.
The splendor I proposed had a nature inverter built into it; applied in this case to reflect and amplify the part of them that regrets what they chose, however deeply buried it is.
Let's assume that Denarians in combat-shape can soak lethal with full stamina (as Demons can), so upping to lethal is useless, but just 1 Essence spend on Hunter's Bolt makes it aggravated for 4 rounds and that type of damage most non-Exalted have to soak with a smaller pool.
From the one roll DP did show we see that Lydia dealt a lot of damage with her basic hit, but the Denarian perfectly soaked it, so I don't see more bashing as the way to win here. Also Chariot costs an Essence per use.
It's ultimately more a tool that can be used as a weapon, as opposed to being a full weapon.
It's bashing yes, but I am not sure that's as much of a downside. Even assuming it has stamina 10, that's 10 soak dice against at minimum 9 damage dice, and at maximum something like 26 damage dice. On the other hand, at least as I understand it, hunter's bolt rolls 5 agg damage dice, which is fixed, and doesn't benefit from an attack roll spillover (unless I am badly misunderstanding, in which case, sorry). Assuming the denarian has no magical enchantments that allow them to soak agg, that's still not a lot of damage against something that almost certainly has bonus health levels.
Listens to Wind is pretty hard core too, so that's worth taking into account here. This guy won a shape shifting contest with a god damned Naagoloshi. The Fallen are worse themselves, but not many can channel that kind of power through their hosts. He's functionally the strongest Life Sphere practitioner on the planet