Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

So there are two of them... Well, I think it would be faster to kill one. I hope Lydia can hold out with the wizard. I really don't want to just rush back.
Fairly sure the vote was to offer the abyssal a chance to cut the Gordian knot as it was, but ok. We have the excellency running. Lydia is an E4, with all the ox bodies.
2 successes on 18 dice. Damn, the dice don't like Lydia.

I think Lydia should be able to at least survive several combat turns. Is the train interior made of wood?

We have the combat excellency running, may as well put it to good use. @DragonParadox is the being in front of us a valid target for Murder is Meat if we kill them?
Usually, a high-ranking item on the Evil Overlord List is to not consume an energy field bigger than your head.

Let's see how big Molly's stomach is!
No, the mortal is a mortal and so their souls cannot be targeted and the Fallen is bound to their coin. Molly can't think of an easy way to break that and isn't sure it's wise to attempt it.
Ok. That's a bit less than optimal, but I think we can afford to do this once:

[X] Lydia and Listens to the Wind have this, kill the one in front of you
-[X] Use Green Sun Nimbus Flare

Finish it off quickly then team up with the abyssal to finish the other one. I trust Lydia to be able to hold her own, I think, for at least a turn or two. For one mote Lydia has 10 soak dice for the scene (Impervious Skin of Stone Meditation). For two she may get up to 16 (steel skin). She should be able to at least stall.

The question is whether to spend motes on VLE.
[X] Lydia and Listens to the Wind have this, kill the one in front of you
-[X] Use Green Sun Nimbus Flare
Before us is just one Denarian, who has already taken 6 levels of damage.

Easy enough I guess.
Pretty sure we can one-shot him, weakened like that.

[X] Lydia and Listens to the Wind have this, kill the one in front of you
-[X] Use Green Sun Nimbus Flare
If we take down two denarians here, and I am fairly sure we can, what do we do with the coins? We cannot take them to Sanctuary as per Uriel. We could probably take them, and them quickly RVD to Vatican or something. Alternatively, give them to Tiffany for research? Or we could see if the combined might of three celestial exalts spirit killers is enough to murder an angel, I guess.

The cruel thing would be to drop them in the Black Ocean. Fairly sure that's fate far worse then death, and not something they can escape, or something Lucifer can save them from - I would dearly like to see Morningstar trying. Last time it didn't go well for his forces, as we know.

Edit: actually, this is a valid threat "give me X info, or I Call the Calibration Gate and drop you into Black Ocean for the rest of Eternity" is a threat that should terrify the denarians. Because it's entirely within the Rules for us to do so and before we do it, they cannot actually counter it without breaking the rules at all.
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Or we could see if the combined might of three celestial exalts spirit killers is enough to murder an angel, I guess.
First to break the Coin, then to fight the Angel, then any potential spirit-killers can come into play.

I bet the Abyssals can do it, if any of them has a Spirit-Killer bought already.
But I don't like our odds in actually beating down the Angel to apply it.
So, thinking more about this... We need to redevelop Sureender Oaths somehow.
First to break the Coin, then to fight the Angel, then any potential spirit-killers can come into play.

I bet the Abyssals can do it, if any of them has a Spirit-Killer bought already.
But I don't like our odds in actually beating down the Angel to apply it.
I agree. The "I'll dump you into the Black Ocean" is a much more viable threat. We know that the beings sleeping the Black Ocean can, in fact, kill an angel - we saw the dead Nephilim. We most likely can Call the Calibration Gate directly to the Ocean's shore ( @DragonParadox can we, in fact, call such a gate now that we have visited the place?). Until the moment the coin touches the waters of the ocean, it is not irretrievable, and all our actions are within the Rules. If, and that's a big if, the denarian can break the rules and escape via teleportation or something like this (and I'm not sure they can, especially if we go through the gate, let it close behind us, and then throw the coin), it would still be breaking the rules, and giving the good guys some freedom of movement.

So, it might be good as an intimidation tactic at least once. The question is - what to use it on? Getting the denarians to teach Tiffany angelic lores? Oaths of Surrender (if we can remake them)? Binding them for a year and a day?
I agree. The "I'll dump you into the Black Ocean" is a much more viable threat. We know that the beings sleeping the Black Ocean can, in fact, kill an angel - we saw the dead Nephilim. We most likely can Call the Calibration Gate directly to the Ocean's shore ( @DragonParadox can we, in fact, call such a gate now that we have visited the place?). Until the moment the coin touches the waters of the ocean, it is not irretrievable, and all our actions are within the Rules. If, and that's a big if, the denarian can break the rules and escape via teleportation or something like this (and I'm not sure they can, especially if we go through the gate, let it close behind us, and then throw the coin), it would still be breaking the rules, and giving the good guys some freedom of movement.
THrowing them in the Black Ocean sounds very, very experimental.

The dead Nephilem kept his duty, guarded the way.
What if the angel we throw in doesn'`t?
Makes a deal with the Neverborn, next week we have an Undead Angel or some bullshit like that to deal with?

Or just relays all current info on the world still existing to the Neverborn, makes them cough up a Deathlord or two to solve that problem of "reality still exists" with extreme prejudice and some nice necromantic superweapons?
You want to risk more of them waking up and coming into reality?
I want to threaten the captured denarian with this, not to actually do this. Something along the lines of "you will swear not to take another host for a century and a day, or I will throw you into the Black Ocean, where you will never be released" is what I am going for. Or something along those lines.

Basically, normally you can't really extract concessions of any kind from a captured denarian. Once deprived of their host, they quite literally have nothing to lose at all. They cannot be murdered, they cannot be permanently bound, or even bound long term. They cannot be tortured or threatened, as they don't have loved ones (absent maybe Anduriel, if we somehow separate them and Nicodemius).

I heavily dislike such a status quo - it's a situation where bad guys can be prevented from winning, but cannot lose. So, I want to get something out of any denarian we capture. And do it completely within the rules, so they cannot retaliate directly.