Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

Why is this the only type of iconography we can't use the way we just did without this kind of protest?

I can't tell you for sure for anyone else, given I'm not in their head, but it might be because a lot of people are not… particularly enthused with Abrahamic religions given what's been happening the last decade and especially lately irl.
Again tho, that is just a guess.
What a lovely quest this is! On my way to catching up but something struck me as interesting:

Our recovering God is Inca, similar in name to certain Incan deities but also of the Amazonian Basin.

now the Inca are an interesting Empire because they're an Empire that doesn't come from exposure to other Empires. The Inca would raid, subjugate, forcibly migrate, and most importantly for these purposes integrate the gods of their neighbors. Now the deities of the entire South American region are torn up and scarred, sure. But the Inca achieved their largest borders at around the time the conquistadors showed up with incidental plague that led to societal collapse.

Now this one has a name that could be identified to two different gods, one is sometimes a god of Laws. As covered this one is a god of Laws.

We have, in some respect, added a new "Law" to which Mallko will enforce. "Be Part of the Cycle". Should a being feed upon mortalkind and share space with Mallko's sacred ground they will be dragged at, attempting to turn the wheel of their immortality-from-aging. Rainforest soil is incredibly poor in nutrients and thin, yet lowlands have been shaped and carved and nutured into farmland to feed the people.

So in our story the first Incan deity to be saved and set upon the path of re-empowerment is seemingly one of the lowlands. The Inca had negative predispositions towards those of the lowland jungles, those that grew cacao and hot pepper. Uncivilized they saw them as, not like those stewards of the land the Inca who in wisdom grew maize in the high valleys.

something like 40% of Bolivia's corn was planted in medium-large farms around Santa Cruz (Amazon Basin) around 1988 (thank you Wikipedia). So not only is the tainted sun fallen from glory (us) the one to free the first of the Incan gods in who knows how long (Mallko), it's a god of lowlands that will be excellent at policing and empowering those farms of maize in the lowlands (away from "civilized living"). The irony is thick, should more of the Incan pantheon (many conquered and assimilated gods) be rescued.

An interesting note about the Inca is that they were heavy into Dualism, as in one thing with two different parts made whole in unity. They loved Form and Function combined, decorative and functional. A deity of Law (and thus Civilization) also encompassing Law (the cycle of nature) and Law (the civilizing of the lowlands) and Law (the codifying/transferal of existing lowland Law into Inca legal texts) would make sense to them. Not only Law as the Inca would dictate, but also Law as the Inca would listen to as though from a wise advisor. It'd be in the spirit of the Incan civilization even if it's homebrew and also as mentioned deep irony that the lowlands would be first to regain civilization (the rightful ordering of deities without the Red Court's dominion).

It should also be mentioned the Incan Empire only existed for about 100 years. The cultures involved, the deities, the land had all been around before that of course. Unfortunately an Empire will revise and edit history to make it's own rule seem an inevitable inertia, so the accounting of what happened with regards to their deities in this quest have quite a bit of wiggle room so long as theme is kept.

I would personally advocate for Mallko to start enforcement of their Law in the farms of Santa Cruz. Large enough area to probably get hits on low-level Reds quickly, out of the way enough to not be priority. Bolivia has always been a rather forgotten nation by those that would plunder, and their indigenous peoples have stronger organization and unity than some other nations in the region. If the gravity of the Red Court is Maya-coded under "Kukulkan" then I imagine Bolivia to be a relatively unimportant nation for them. So much lowland that any Inca-loyal deities would think less of the region. Far enough south across hostile jungle to be annoying to travel to. Not near so wealthy nor accessible as Argentina nor Chile. Organized and potentially never-fully-suppressed locals. I could see Bolivia ending up being the "punishment posting" for the Red Court whereas Argentina, Chile or Brazil would be "cushy but out of the way" posts.
Then again Chile has the Andes and must dig beneath the earth for their wealth, perhaps that one has some deity-based-problems we don't know about.
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I can't tell you for sure for anyone else, given I'm not in their head, but it might be because a lot of people are not… particularly enthused with Abrahamic religions given what's been happening the last decade and especially lately irl.
Again tho, that is just a guess.

Note I am saying this as an atheist so I don't have a dog in the race, I don't think this is Abrahamic religions. That particular mindset is anathema to many of the teachings of those religions. Bluntly a lot of modern 'Conservative Christians' would have called Jesus a communist and run a smear campaign on him for hanging out with the poor.
What a lovely quest this is! On my way to catching up but something struck me as interesting:

Our recovering God is Inca, similar in name to certain Incan deities but also of the Amazonian Basin.

now the Inca are an interesting Empire because they're an Empire that doesn't come from exposure to other Empires. The Inca would raid, subjugate, forcibly migrate, and most importantly for these purposes integrate the gods of their neighbors. Now the deities of the entire South American region are torn up and scarred, sure. But the Inca achieved their largest borders at around the time the conquistadors showed up with incidental plague that led to societal collapse.

Now this one has a name that could be identified to two different gods, one is sometimes a god of Laws. As covered this one is a god of Laws.

We have, in some respect, added a new "Law" to which Mallko will enforce. "Be Part of the Cycle". Should a being feed upon mortalkind and share space with Mallko's sacred ground they will be dragged at, attempting to turn the wheel of their immortality-from-aging. Rainforest soil is incredibly poor in nutrients and thin, yet lowlands have been shaped and carved and nutured into farmland to feed the people.

So in our story the first Incan deity to be saved and set upon the path of re-empowerment is seemingly one of the lowlands. The Inca had negative predispositions towards those of the lowland jungles, those that grew cacao and hot pepper. Uncivilized they saw them as, not like those stewards of the land the Inca who in wisdom grew maize in the high valleys.

something like 40% of Bolivia's corn was planted in medium-large farms around Santa Cruz (Amazon Basin) around 1988 (thank you Wikipedia). So not only is the tainted sun fallen from glory (us) the one to free the first of the Incan gods in who knows how long (Mallko), it's a god of lowlands that will be excellent at policing and empowering those farms of maize in the lowlands (away from "civilized living"). The irony is thick, should more of the Incan pantheon (many conquered and assimilated gods) be rescued.

An interesting note about the Inca is that they were heavy into Dualism, as in one thing with two different parts made whole in unity. They loved Form and Function combined, decorative and functional. A deity of Law (and thus Civilization) also encompassing Law (the cycle of nature) and Law (the civilizing of the lowlands) and Law (the codifying/transferal of existing lowland Law into Inca legal texts) would make sense to them. Not only Law as the Inca would dictate, but also Law as the Inca would listen to as though from a wise advisor. It'd be in the spirit of the Incan civilization even if it's homebrew and also as mentioned deep irony that the lowlands would be first to regain civilization (the rightful ordering of deities without the Red Court's dominion).

It should also be mentioned the Incan Empire only existed for about 100 years. The cultures involved, the deities, the land had all been around before that of course. Unfortunately an Empire will revise and edit history to make it's own rule seem an inevitable inertia, so the accounting of what happened with regards to their deities in this quest have quite a bit of wiggle room so long as theme is kept.

I would personally advocate for Mallko to start enforcement of their Law in the farms of Santa Cruz. Large enough area to probably get hits on low-level Reds quickly, out of the way enough to not be priority. Bolivia has always been a rather forgotten nation by those that would plunder, and their indigenous peoples have stronger organization and unity than some other nations in the region. If the gravity of the Red Court is Maya-coded under "Kukulkan" then I imagine Bolivia to be a relatively unimportant nation for them. So much lowland that any Inca-loyal deities would think less of the region. Far enough south across hostile jungle to be annoying to travel to. Not near so wealthy nor accessible as Argentina nor Chile. Organized and potentially never-fully-suppressed locals. I could see Bolivia ending up being the "punishment posting" for the Red Court whereas Argentina, Chile or Brazil would be "cushy but out of the way" posts.
Then again Chile has the Andes and must dig beneath the earth for their wealth, perhaps that one has some deity-based-problems we don't know about.
Interesting ideas, could be fun to explore when Molly has a free moment 😅
Note I am saying this as an atheist so I don't have a dog in the race, I don't think this is Abrahamic religions. That particular mindset is anathema to many of the teachings of those religions. Bluntly a lot of modern 'Conservative Christians' would have called Jesus a communist and run a smear campaign on him for hanging out with the poor.

Not would have, are.

Anyway, yeah, I didn't see a problem with the angel inspired imagery myself because it's cool anyway and Dresden files is a world where God seems to be good and Molly is christian and knows the second part and it is a cool image, also, it is a cool image.

Yes, I did say that it was cool three times, it was an important part of my thought process.
About the design:

Imagine for a moment this is still a DresdenxExaltxWoD timeline, except Uriel intervenes not at all and the events of Dresdenverse continue to unfold for Molly Carpenter as they had in canon. The crown stays sealed, and Molly goes through her life as she was.

Is that so wrong, in the grand scheme of Deities and Devils?

When someone takes a risk on another person, it's often called a gamble. To do more than enforce Free Will, to gift them a power that would see them sundered from Fate? To allow their own Free Will to sunder myriad other Fates as they choose? No, you see when an Angel or other such being takes such a gamble they don't call it gambling. They call it having Faith.

And so we are as we are, one of the many cogs of God's machinery knocked askew. Where the meek would have free will without power (as the children of God have, more than mere machinery), Molly is now both. She is both a child of God and a great brass city and a Five-Fold Courts. And what line is there between machinery and citizen in the Five-Fold Courts? What line is there between machinery and the free willed in Molly Carpenter?

A cog knocked loose yes, but spinning of it's own will, towards its own purpose. Teeth enmeshed to others, to push and pull towards ends we decide. This Freedom, this Free Will of a Cog of a Mortal is perhaps what was sought by the Fallen. And as the cog spins, as the storms whirl, as the teeth latch and the plasma shines shall more and more be powered. More and more shall be recycled, repurposed, inspired to fall Upward! And yes, more shall find the teeth tearing through them. This machinery chooses to know the difference between metal and flesh, though those throwing themselves unto the maw of gears will find them unstopped by their struggle.

So for me the form can be called very Molly Carpenter. She's free-wheeling (heh). She's a star of nuclear fire for better (energy freer than any before) and worse (a war finished in seconds, a brief flash and lingering scars). She sees and knows, she bites and builds, she pushes and turns The Wheel in the hope of betterment. Not ignorant of the cost, but willing to muscle what is wrong should it be in the way of something right.

All old enough should look upon her and see that same peril and hope which is Nuclear. The threat of The Wheel Turned, the threat of all unmade in that terrible fire is also the hope of The Wheel Turned, and foul prisons of weakness or hunger or mundanity shattered in the turning. Both Reactor and Bomb, a cog free to spin to her own purpose, the triumph and terror of all the power of machine-craft at the whims of one that can choose. That's what I see in the symbolism of an ophanim of brass and nuclear fire and the will of a mortal woman.
one of the many cogs of God's machinery knocked askew
Okay I actually really like what you've written here but there are kind of major discrepancies. Both theologically and in Dresden Files humans aren't supposed to be cogs in God's machinery. That is the entire points theologically speaking God had made Man In His Image and had given him the will to choose good and evil sin and virtue even if the First Choice truly is to defy God and consume the fruit of the tree knowledge.

In Dresden files this is even more true. Humanity has essentially The only voice to make or break reality as a whole. If Humanity or humans make a choice to weaken the fabric of reality for their own gain they can, choose to break the Machinery of reality they can, choose to become something not human they can. The list goes on and on and Uriel reinforces this with his seven words to Dresden that Mab cannot make him anything he does not let her.

in this story so far we know it's not actually God's machine there was previous iterations of a device that God is building off of. So it's more of a group project with other Creator deities that she knows the identity of at least one.

finally both in Canon theological and Dresden there are tons of Rogue cogs actually cogs too angels that just decided hey we were made as servitors but we won't be your slaves. In this Quest we also know that every Yama King also fits that description on some level.
I voted for this form because I like it and felt it was very thematically appropriate. Other people can have different opinions, but I certainly like it better than any of the proposed alternatives.
I'm not sure this is a great plan because it just draws out the vote salt, but I did say I would and the strong reactions here against all this should be addressed.

Okay you definitively have to know I didn't mean literally an angel. But even if I did mean literally an angel you chose a wheel with eyes literally one of God's cogs. As a Catholic it's just Omega heresy and also guided you shouldn't want to be one of God's instruments he gave you will and his form it's a just all around downgrade theologically speaking.
I meant literally taking the full image of an Angel, which we aren't. There's heavy influence yes, but there's more themes than that.

There is a lot of heresy involved here, but that's pretty common for Infernals and not in my view any more inherently problematic than the Yama King Demon Emperor stuff we already lean into.

Every single one of those previously stated facts that are present in story are Giga heresy as far as Catholics go. The thematic push that you're making requires Molly not to be a Catholic to associate herself with one of the orphanim to literally believe herself to be God's will because they are the wheels of God's chariot there is no getting around that the form that you are emulating is the form that carries God's Throne as he does his bidding.

Even if you think that it's just a inspiration what it says about Molly is she believes that she is God's will his sword his flame his blade because every angel serves as a tool for God.

Their names are all servitor names Uriel is the fire of God the angel of death Metatron is the voice of God Michael sword of God Raziel is the Mystery of God and so on and so forth their names are literally what they are.

Though at this point we just retreading all the ground I think the depiction that you're going for is distinctly surface level, completely ignoring the idea of being orphanum-shaped and disconnected from the story the details that we've learned about God and angels and reality as a whole so far in story

There's a lot to unpack here, but I'd like to start with the point that the angelic theme is inverted and alloyed with other things even if it's a very strong part of it, and that the nature of the heresy here is for that cog to turn its glory onto itself.

She is a fivefold crowned star; her wheels within wheels are literally crowns within crowns. They're covered in mouths that devour secrets, carry prayers in her name and to her glory carved on their surface.

She speaks with the flame of divinity from countless mortal voices reaching up to become more instead of with the voice of god reaching down. If there's a sound made in the moment where falling Angel meets rising ape then this is it.

When she fights it is as the five tailed scorpion of the new age, which is a pretty unambiguous sign on who's venom people like the Jades should be adapting to.

The celestial cogs spin in god's machine, but this gear is turning Heaven in her own design.

The heretical part of this is not just stealing the white god's IP and adding brass highlights.
I meant literally taking the full image of an Angel, which we aren't. There's heavy influence yes, but there's more themes than that.

There is a lot of heresy involved here, but that's pretty common for Infernals and not in my view any more inherently problematic than the Yama King Demon Emperor stuff we already lean into.
This unabashedly true.
The Emerald Polestar moves freely in flight, but never seems to orient herself. The eye always faces those who gaze on it, in complete disregard of the order of the world.

At rest her five rings languidly rotate about her body, each studded with five mouths of obsidian fangs. Each ring is engraved with the prayers of countless souls from one of the Empress's five cities, and when she speaks it is with a chorus of their voices.

At arms her twenty five fanged mouths yawn open so widely that they split apart as her crowns spin to a blur. Shooting forth they reassemble into something between brazen macuahuitl edged in fangs and segmented millipede like limbs.

Raised up like wings - or the stings of a many tailed scorpion - the infernal can act with uncanny dexterity and strike with unnatural speed.
She is a fivefold crowned star; her wheels within wheels are literally crowns within crowns. They're covered in mouths that devour secrets, carry prayers in her name and to her glory carved on their surface.

She speaks with the flame of divinity from countless mortal voices reaching up to become more instead of with the voice of god reaching down. If there's a sound made in the moment where falling Angel meets rising ape then this is it.

When she fights it is as the five tailed scorpion of the new age, which is a pretty unambiguous sign on who's venom people like the Jades should be adapting to.

The celestial cogs spin in god's machine, but this gear is turning Heaven in her own design.

The heretical part of this is not just stealing the white god's IP and adding brass highlights.
Okay I see where my own disconnect is happening these two designs that you have just pitched are iterative rather than distinctly and obviously connected the first one is just an orphanim with teeth you make mention of crowns but they aren't connected to anything because you don't make the Rings crowns they are called the Rings.

The context in which you mentioned crowns is in strict relation to the teeth which just kind of reads as an odd way of saying her rows of teeth on the Rings or distinctly sharp because crowns are the ends for caps of teeth and they apparently spin as they shoot off of the Ring like edged fangs in segmented millipedes.

The Rings also don't read as crowns because they lack any ornamentation normally associated with crowns which is to say gems Jewels General filigree. Carving with prayers on rings that are kind of like orphanim Rings is not going to read as crowns.

Though I feel like this really misses my main point. The white God doesn't care it's heritical from a Catholic perspective. The white god doesn't care about IP. The white God doesn't provide an eternal afterlife. The white God does not care whether beings worship Him. The faith that you are trying to draw a connection to is Catholic and trying to be an angel is super heresy and also deeply misguided as far as the Catholic faith is concerned.

That's really part of main point on top of theological and other arguments about heresy. Molly Carpenter is Catholic this connection you're drawing is antithetical to that. That's why I said it reads a surface level. Because if you were serious about her faith influencing her form then she should take on a form that it has iconography of the faith rather than a form that is deeply heretical to the fact of the faith that she supposedly practices.

The other part is that she's just not that deeply religious I feel like I'm losing my mind. Now this is personal opinion but I remember reading Dresden files and I've been reading this Quest.

Molly is heavily influenced ethically by her parents she also completely abandons her house doesn't go to church has multiple boyfriends does ecstasy and marijuana beforehand wears clothes that are generally not particularly okay with her faith, dyes her hair. Then finally helps someone commit suicide three books after where this Quest starts.

The incorporation of an Angelic form into her truest form just feels strange. For a variety of reasons if she is as faithful as you were making it out to be then she should not want to be an angel straight up and she shouldn't think of herself as one not just because it's a heretical but because she understands that theologically speaking humans are God's favored.

Her father is a sword of the cross a servant of God if that is the look she is going for and it would be way more personally connected both to her faith and to her to be in human form and manifest some kind of external signature of being divinely blessed because that's what she understands theologically and personally.

That's really it it's all comes down to personal opinion but if she is truly faithful as you say then it doesn't make sense to me for her to be in any form non-humanoid Angelic shape. If she is Christian but not deeply faithful like I think she is which considering she doesn't have true Faith either in Dresden Files or in this Quest then it doesn't make sense to incorporate Angelic elements.

I really don't mean to rag on you this is like fucking really long and kind of shitty of me. I just had to get my thoughts out there I'm sorry if this is rambly.
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Okay I actually really like what you've written here but there are kind of major discrepancies. Both theologically and in Dresden Files humans aren't supposed to be cogs in God's machinery. That is the entire points theologically speaking God had made Man In His Image and had given him the will to choose good and evil sin and virtue even if the First Choice truly is to defy God and consume the fruit of the tree knowledge.

In Dresden files this is even more true. Humanity has essentially The only voice to make or break reality as a whole. If Humanity or humans make a choice to weaken the fabric of reality for their own gain they can, choose to break the Machinery of reality they can, choose to become something not human they can. The list goes on and on and Uriel reinforces this with his seven words to Dresden that Mab cannot make him anything he does not let her.

in this story so far we know it's not actually God's machine there was previous iterations of a device that God is building off of. So it's more of a group project with other Creator deities that she knows the identity of at least one.

finally both in Canon theological and Dresden there are tons of Rogue cogs actually cogs too angels that just decided hey we were made as servitors but we won't be your slaves. In this Quest we also know that every Yama King also fits that description on some level.
for the record we do ping as something Yama-King-esque, which is a synergy thematically since I agree they're free-willed parts of the administration gone rogue. If we were inclined to take over Mikaboshi's Hell ours would be something along the Atomic Promise. Hope wouldn't undo our Hell like it undoes The Wicked City. Presumably the Hell of Atomic Promise would be balanced on the potential of the atom (and mankind) to do great good and great ill. We're not using much Eastern Iconography in the form but it'd be a perfectly suitable Yama King in the intent of the hell as a testing ground. Atomic Gardening is a good way to find useful mutations after all. In any case if we did take a Hell we'd look like a rogue cog choosing to perform proper function in that role (similar to Jade Vampires escaping a hell only to return to service of the King. Except the power is our own and we don't suborn our Free Will in the consignment).

This form of ours also probably registers superficially-at-minimum as Fallen-esque. You're right that they could also be called free-willed cogs gone to their own paths. The symbols of our form are dire enough on their own, but what's scarier for those that can perceive it is that all of it has the Will of a Mortal Human. As you pointed out, Free Will is a big deal and is a very big deal in Dresden-verse. No matter the form we took we'd always have Mortal Will at the heart of it, at the helm of it. A form that is akin to the machinery God built with/atop that has Free Will is very spooky.
I wrote in the post that we could be the cog turning the wheel by our teeth.
We could also symbolically simply be The Wheel. Which, as you mentioned, if we're representing the machinery and device that God built off of that's just extra super spooky. Just because Molly Carpenter (Raised Catholic) envisions one of her forms this way doesn't mean the imagery may predate the inspiration she saw (probably does).

Personally I would explain the form as having lots of potential to be heretical, but isn't inherently heretical. It's a fact of who we are. Others may have the urge to judge the form heretical, sure, but that's not on us (except in the sense that we voted for it).

I envision the form as being similar to an Ophanim in the same way that we're similar to (but not currently) a Yama King. Not really the same thing, but you could make the mistake if you weren't familiar or only caught a glance. Unlike an Ophanim we've got dexterous ribbon-limbs covered in spines like a macuahuitl or a millipede's legs. I think it's neat that we'd have macuahuitl as inspiration for our weapon-limbs too, because macuahuitl were designed to be weapons of capture and not only killing (you just hit people with the big flat as a large wooden club). Suits our "this doesn't have to be lethal" style.

Also it's Eye of Sauron-y. It's neat :)
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Also it's Eye of Sauron-y. It's neat :)
This is all very cool. And to be honest I've really said my piece on this at this point it feels like relitigating, bellyaching and like I'm ragging on someone's very cool design. None of which I'm particularly a fan of feeling like I'm doing or possibly actually doing. At this point done is done. Though I'm really glad you like it and I will admit Sauron is a very cool aesthetic.
My feeling from the debate is that Molly's new shintai only needs a few tweaks to the wording in the description to address the complaints. Mostly to highlight the differences from Angels while still keeping the references. I don't know how to do it, but it seems like a possible compromise to me. But I understand if no one does it.
I'm somewhat alarmed at the impress that my plan won because of first mover advantage and apathy, not from people enjoying the concept.
Personally, I would have loved to actually participate in the vote since I had several ideas ... but since the vote gave absolutely no information about the limitations of the solution-space and if there were any mechanics to keep in mind, and I knew that if I asked it would be too late to participate by the time I got an answer ... well I just did what I've been doing and shrugged and didn't bother to get involved
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Personally, I would have loved to actually participate in the vote since I had several ideas ... but since the vote gave absolutely no information about the limitations of the solution-space and if there were any mechanics to keep in mind, and I knew that if I asked it would be too late to participate by the time I got an answer ... well I just did what I've been doing and shrugged and didn't bother to get involved
Hoping I'm not too late to get in on it
Yeah I fully get what you mean I was not really expecting for this to be the Eschaton vote at the moment so I had to rapidly combine the ideas that I had previously had with the description. By the time I did it I was multiple Pages away from the chapter in thread Yog was even later in. Though this is pretty extreme sour grapes on my end.
Arc 15 Post 54: Upon a Shoreless Sea New
Upon a Shoreless Sea

Elsewhere, Time Indeterminate

How much longer you descend you cannot say but as the walls to either side fall away into an emptiness that even soul-light touches only sluggishly you come at least to the lip of a precipice hanging over an ocean without shore and without wave.

"Looks like an oil spill," Lydia jokes but from the nervousness of her smile you can tell she knows it's not. There is no sheen of iridescence on the surface of the liquid to mark it as poison yes, but poison that had once been alive. The waters here bear no cradle of life only infinite crushing weight.

"It's certainly no Cote d'Azur," Tiffany flicks a hand in the direction of the sea dismissively. "I would rather not tread these waters, much less swim down to the bottom."

"Wise," comes the reply after a drawn out moment. "There is no down, no bottom to be found, once they close over your head there would be no up either, only the still blackness as far as limbs can carry you and mind can reach. It is a mirror on Nun, the primordial sea, one in which Ra-Atum evermore lay sleeping, or perhaps he never was at all."

"Would that truly be so bad, a world without sun?" You spot the speaker the moment he, it manifests at the very edge of the precipice, kicking small stubby legs over the edge. It's feigning the form of a child, a boy maybe six or seven years old, a round-faced cherub fit for a Renaissance master's brush, only had any of those painters seen black eyes that mark this face staring back at them framed in flesh grey and bloodless starting back at them from the canvas they never would have dared to paint again. "Who knows what fascinating transpositions of material and ethereal laws might then have come to pass, rather than enslave the all the trillions of permutations of matter and energy just to the service of self replicating gelatin deluding itself in a prison of bone."

"Pardon? We do not seem to have been introduced?" you say, trying to work out if the child-thing is solid, as much as anything down here can be said to be. "It's so much more better to know who I'm calling bullshit on."

"Once I was called by the people of the eastern river Aakebushu, Lamentations of the Void. No doubt you can guess what I am." Given the fact it had said all this in English, not even the antique English of the reverend's ghost, but General American that melded seemlessly with the khemetic name it's right about that at least

"The one we came seeking," you keep your voice calm, secretly glad the being in front of you doesn't seem too skilled at feigning the guise of childhood, either that or it enjoyed this form for some reason. You're not sure which is worse. "You are the one who sent the spirit flying into the upper world, who sought secrets and power. Instead you found us and the death are seem so eager to spread."

"Are you certain of that? I've been here for a long, long time, watching the water. Sometimes I do other things too, sometimes I walk abroad, but a part of me is always here, the pressure of my gaze upon the ocean. You have seen the guardian above yes, how he became bound, infested. I cannot suffer his fate for I am of the living dark, I weep for it, but I do not desire for it to rise up and swallow the world, for then my hunger too would be quenched. Older things than I are stirring in the depths. Do you three still want to play?"The 'child' giggles, a sound that feels painstakingly stitched together from a dozen screams cut short.

Thinking back to those brief encounters with the corpse of Nathaneal Cobbler you try to read the stillness between its motions, the brief pause between choosing to show a certain face and recalling the shape of it with a mind wholly inhuman. It's... not lying you don't think. You've dealt with much more skillful liars, but it's also not telling the whole truth.

"So you expect us to climb back out of this pit with a wave and let you keep spreading your poison because you say there's something worse beneath us?" Lydia's voice climbs through incredulity into anger.

The monster gives her a strange look, almost like he had thought of making a joke and then reconsidered it, then finally ask. "Do you have a counter-offer then or shall we move on to the next act in the play already?"

Lydia Essence 6/7 (0/3 Jade Talisman)
Molly Essence 11/18
Molly Willpower 8/9

What do you do?

[] Keep it talking, if it's going to give you free insights you won't say no

[] Time to figure out how solid that form is sword-first

[] Write in

OOC: Enjoy.
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