Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

We already have a human body for the basic shintai. We have a world body jouten, we have a humaniform jouten, we have our basic human jouten, we don't need another human shaped jouten, as we already have two.

Now's time to embody another aspect of our nature, and become a living natural phenomena. Time to be the storm, or a constellation, or similar.
Votes as they stand.
Adhoc vote count started by Yzarc on Feb 4, 2025 at 8:07 AM, finished with 83 posts and 27 votes.
When Primordials made a perfection incarnate guardian of Creation, they created a four armed human, who is also the sun.
This is not quite true. The human Guise of the Unconquered Sun is self-made and the for me to come before that was that of a four armed Dragon King. This is the being that was made by the primordials.
Glories of the Most High: The Unconquered Sun pg.6 said:
In his last tribute to mankind, the Unconquered Sun rose into the sky and began to change form, shedding away his draconic head and orichalcumscaled arms to briefly show his true form: obsidian black skin in which galaxies blazed, supernova eyes and dozens of arms shod in molten orichalcum gauntlets. As he ascended, he held his newborn symbols and began to rotate his arms, trailing inky black and white flames in circular sweep, and his arms began to blend together around single gripping hands, four of them, each clutching one of the blessed symbols of his bond. His severe gaze became one of flesh and bone, concealing his blazing radiance behind the form of man.
His true form is barely contained explosion of Stellar Power Within pitch black volcanic Stone which considering his father's Mr Crown of stars and Mr Shadows makes sense.
I wonder how much Lasciel-the-Fallen appreciates poetic irony. Because if she does, then reading back to this line
as for Her... I am a mark of violation against Her innermost self for which there was no word before.
would make me suspect that she'd dearly love to use one of our splinters to do some sort of dark mirror of the making of Tiffany
Say, was it ever discovered what Kattrin's jacket, that Lydia took off her corpse, does? And did she ever get the birthday present from her fathet?
Still reading through the thread, on page 1297 now, at the tail-end of the Akuma fight.
No worries! Big character descriptions are hard

Edit: I guess angel chic is winning, gross.
At least this reveal will be suitably awesome even if the Aesthetics are not to my taste
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This is not quite true. The human Guise of the Unconquered Sun is self-made and the for me to come before that was that of a four armed Dragon King. This is the being that was made by the primordials.

His true form is barely contained explosion of Stellar Power Within pitch black volcanic Stone which considering his father's Mr Crown of stars and Mr Shadows makes sense.
Still has arms though. Also, this description can be used to start some wars about the scale of Creation vs that of Dresden Verse. If Unconquered Sun is big enough to contain multiple galaxies within his true form, then it's evidence that at least before Three Spheres Cataclysm, Creation operated on universal scale.
If having angelic themes makes you an Angel then having the arms, faces, and dharmic hand gestures of an Hindu god makes you one too.

It doesn't too be clear, my point is that this is more about the idioms of the symbols involved.

I'd argue that the form I put forward is a holistically appropriate fit for who Molly is, the situation she's in, narrative beats of her story.

Not having such a significant portion of her character influence the result even when prompted in such a direct fashion seems much stranger to me. Especially if we dress her up entirely in the trappings of someone else's faith instead.

Sure if we were playing a different infernal then the situation would be different, but Molly isn't and wasn't a blank slate.
If having angelic themes makes you an Angel then having the arms, faces, and dharmic hand gestures of an Hindu god makes you one too.

It doesn't too be clear, my point is that this is more about the idioms of the symbols involved.

I'd argue that the form I put forward is a holistically appropriate fit for who Molly is, the situation she's in, narrative beats of her story.

Not having such a significant portion of her character influence the result even when prompted in such a direct fashion seems much stranger to me. Especially if we dress her up entirely in the trappings of someone else's faith instead.

Sure if we were playing a different infernal then the situation would be different, but Molly isn't and wasn't a blank slate.
Okay you definitively have to know I didn't mean literally an angel. But even if I did mean literally an angel you chose a wheel with eyes literally one of God's cogs. As a Catholic it's just Omega heresy and also guided you shouldn't want to be one of God's instruments he gave you will and his form it's a just all around downgrade theologically speaking.

Every single one of those previously stated facts that are present in story are Giga heresy as far as Catholics go. The thematic push that you're making requires Molly not to be a Catholic to associate herself with one of the orphanim to literally believe herself to be God's will because they are the wheels of God's chariot there is no getting around that the form that you are emulating is the form that carries God's Throne as he does his bidding.

Even if you think that it's just a inspiration what it says about Molly is she believes that she is God's will his sword his flame his blade because every angel serves as a tool for God.

Their names are all servitor names Uriel is the fire of God the angel of death Metatron is the voice of God Michael sword of God Raziel is the Mystery of God and so on and so forth their names are literally what they are.

Though at this point we just retreading all the ground I think the depiction that you're going for is distinctly surface level, completely ignoring the idea of being orphanum-shaped and disconnected from the story the details that we've learned about God and angels and reality as a whole so far in story.

In all honesty many hands and many faces are present in every most religions including Christianity there are beings with multiple faces in Christianity same with multiple arms as well. Cherubim them not having human faces are multifaced multi-limbed angels that served as a Guardians.

The hekatonkheires of Greece the Giants of the Norse the as you put forward the diva and the Asha of Hindu faith in the list goes on eyes hands and having most of them is generally a trait of human Plus or divinity if the thing is meant to craft usually it's given multiple sets of hands if it's meant to be amazingly strong like briaries of the gigantes that sometimes means dozens of sets of arms at that.

It's why I'd prefer the Empress over being an obvious Orphanim. There's a lot more ambiguity in both form and inspiration even if yog is drawing directly from the exalted which is still closer to what has happened in story then this weird latching on to a Catholic faith that she definitely doesn't stick to in Canon at all and hasn't particularly in this Quest at all either.
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What message thematically speaking you created an orphanim with teeth and wings. There is more reference to Malfeas than there is to the five Court of fate. Carved prayers are literally surface details.
But even if I did mean literally an angel you chose a wheel with eyes literally one of God's cogs
It's why I'd prefer the Empress over being an obvious Orphanim. There's a lot more ambiguity in both form and inspiration even if yog is drawing directly from the exalted which is still closer to what has happened in story then this weird latching on to a Catholic faith that she definitely doesn't stick to in Canon at all and hasn't particularly in this Quest at all either.

there is no getting around that the form that you are emulating is the form that carries God's Throne as he does his bidding.
What the fuck. That can't be right.



I looked that up, saw some images I was familiar with, then reread over BronzeTongue's design with this image in mind and that is not at all how I pictured "five spinning rings/crowns" in my head.

Your right. That's way too similar, rereading over the description then looking at those images side by side and it looks like we'd be an Orphanim with a different skin (using the gaming term like in say League of Legends) on if even that.

Stella Prasinus

Standing in her world made manifest the Empress-To-Be casts aside the limits of fate and, as she takes a seat on her newly risen throne, Becomes.

Bursting into poisonous radiance she seems to open like an impossibly deep flower, revealing an emerald star. Past the all too literal glare it is split down the center by a slitted pupil and crowned by five rings of brass.

The Emerald Polestar moves freely in flight, but never seems to orient herself. The eye always faces those who gaze on it, in complete disregard of the order of the world.

At rest her five rings languidly rotate about her body, each studded with five mouths of obsidian fangs. Each ring is engraved with the prayers of countless souls from one of the Empress's five cities, and when she speaks it is with a chorus of their voices.

At arms her twenty five fanged mouths yawn open so widely that they split apart as her crowns spin to a blur. Shooting forth they reassemble into something between brazen macuahuitl edged in fangs and segmented millipede like limbs.

Raised up like wings - or the stings of a many tailed scorpion - the infernal can act with uncanny dexterity and strike with unnatural speed.

Hardened Devil Body
Extra Limbs


The name for this one, and the Emerald Polestar thing, is a reference to Stella Maris. The latin element of a title for Mother Mary: Our Lady, Star of the Sea. It has an interesting history that makes for a fun bit of heretical parody.

Allegedly it's a title given by mistake*, a transcription error turned allegory for how Mother Mary as a 'guiding star' on the way to Christ. It eventually came to be used as a nickname for Polaris in the context of using it to navigate.

Polaris has a rich history with a lot of cultures, but it has a particularly interesting tie in forms from a different Abrahamic faith entirely; Mandaeans. They believe North and Polaris in particular are auspicious because they're linked to the World of Light and that the south isn't because it's linked to the World of Darkness.

Which is too good of a connection not to use. An Emerald Polestar leading towards the age to come.


That doesn't scream Molly at all that just looks like we're cosplaying as a slave servant of God for some inexplicable reason what in the fuck how could I have been so blind?!

I'm going to have to emergency approval vote oh shit oh fuck oh shit.

[X] Vorrathis Aetherasax
[X] The Empress to Come

I'd argue that the form I put forward is a holistically appropriate fit for who Molly is, the situation she's in, narrative beats of her story.
Molly is not an instrument of God's will. We aren't playing as a servant of the Church or Micheal who became an Angel depending on who you ask.
Vote closed.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Feb 5, 2025 at 1:12 AM, finished with 100 posts and 30 votes.
Vote closed.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Feb 5, 2025 at 1:12 AM, finished with 100 posts and 30 votes.
Just to be clear, Stella Prasinus won?
Molly is not an instrument of God's will. We aren't playing as a servant of the Church or Micheal who became an Angel depending on who you ask.
You may say that, but if Heaven could ask her to do something, without Hell abusing it to create some disaster, I doubt very much that Molly would say no, or if the Church were in trouble from the supernatural, she would not act.

We are not obligated to do anything, but Molly genuinely believes that Heaven and God have the best interests of all in mind.

Anyway, I just wanted something that wasn't humanoid, not really caring about the specs.
Well that… bothers me a lot, I'm not going to lie, but I guess I can deal with it if the delivery is good, which I have no doubt it will be.
Yay for more monotheistic moralizing in the future /s