Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

You yourself repeatedly insisted that we are not, in fact, a diplomancer, that we lack many of the required charms for such a build. Yes, we used diplomacy and are good at it, but we use craft much more, including as a foundational tool for out diplomacy, where we trade promises to make things for favors. There are other beings good at diplomacy, including those allied or at least aligned with us. We are the only crafter of such caliber around. That's much more valuable to "our side". Everyone can do politics. We are the only one who can swing the hammer.

Crafting reagents are very much not fungible. Gossamer can power at least a three dot splendor, possibly a 4 dot one. In order to obtain a similar reagent, we would need to kill a greater akuma, or a lord of an outer night - something that would take at least an AP to do. By setting up a steady supply of gossamer, we save at least one AP per turn, possibly more, and avoid a lot of political issues and dangers, both political and physical.

It's also important to note that gossamer production is in perpetuity (as long as we can setup feeding). Thinking long-term, that's much more valuable than anything else I can think of.
1) Thats just not true.
Every major accomplishment thus far has been achieved by diplomancy, combat or Ancient Sorcery.
Negotiating with Lara, Mab, Maeve and Titania. Exorcising Nemesis multiple times. Convincing Lash she had a choice. Killing Iku Turso, the Walker, the Will and the Dragon.

Exalted Craft has come up twice: once in making a body for Tiffany/Lash, and twice in making splendors for Harrowmont and Lily. These were all cool things, but they have all been stretch goals thus far.
Even where we've used splendors as bargaining chips, we could just as easily have used Favors instead.

2) Yes crafting reagents are fungible.
We can go looking for crafting reagents whenever we choose. We even know at least three spots:
=The Cleveland Dragon Nest to harvest tass monthly; we have clones who can do this
=The NeverNever fields we passed through on the way to the Mother's cottage, as long as we get permission
=The Scarlet Road in Yomi Wan for yangstones

And thats aside from the fact that Molly's blood(and Lydia's. And Tiffany's.) all counts as crafting reagents.
Or the fact that once finished, the Arcane Forge gives a discount to making Exalted trinkets, so you can make a 5-dot with ingredients for a 4-dot.

Gossamer is nice and valuable, but we frankly dont NEED gossamer unless we are making 5-dot artifacts of a particular type.
Or bargaining with the Fae.

Citation needed. You are inventing things again. Harry is just wrong and very biased.
No, thats not true either.
Citation provided:
Fortunately, the Shedd was a lot squattier and more stable than Marcone's old apartment building had been-though that didn't mean pieces big enough to kill people wouldn't fall when the beam ripped through the walls. And though a lot of stonework was used, there was still the danger of fire.
Fire. In an aquarium. Breathe in the irony.
But more important, once that pentagram came up-and it was coming now; I could feel it, a faint stirring of power that slid along the edges of my wizard's senses like some huge and hungry snake passing by in the darkness-it was going to shut the building off from the rest of the world, magically speaking. That meant that I wasn't going to be able to draw in any power to use to defend myself, any more than I'd be able to breathe if someone plunged my head underwater.
Usually, when you work a spell, you reach out into the environment around you and pull in energy. It flows in from everywhere, from the fabric of life in the whole planet. You don't create a "hole" in the field of energy we call "magic." It all pours in together, levels out instantly, all across the world. But the circle about to go up was going to change that. The relatively tiny area inside the Shedd would contain only so much energy. Granted, it would be a fairly rich spot-there was a lot of life in the building, and it had hosted a lot of visitors generating a lot of emotions, especially the energy given off by all those children. But even so, it was a sealed box, and given the number of people present who knew how to use magic, the local supply wasn't going to last long.
Try to imagine a knife fight in an airtight phone booth-lots of heavy breathing and exertion, but not for long.
One way or the other, not for long.
That was their plan, of course. Without magic to draw upon, I was pretty much just a scrappy guy with a gun, whereas Nicodemus was still a nigh-invincible engine of destruction.
For a few seconds my steps slowed.
Put that way, it almost sounded a little crazy of me to be rushing into this. I mean, I was basically opting for a cage match with a collection of demons, and one that I would have to win within a matter of seconds or not at all-and I hadn't been all that impressive against the Denarians when I'd had relatively few constraints on what power I could wield against them.
I did some mental math. If the symbol the Denarians were using was approximately the same size as the one at Marcone's place, it would be big enough to encompass only the Oceanarium itself in the pentagram at its center. Murphy and the others, if they'd stayed where we'd come in, would probably be safe. More to the point, if they'd stayed where they were, they would have no way to enter the Oceanarium.
That meant it would be just me and Ivy and maybe Kincaid-against Nicodemus, Tessa, and every Denarian they could beg, borrow or steal. Those were long odds. Really, really long odds. Ridiculously long odds, really. When you have to measure them in astronomical units, it probably isn't a good bet.
So, going in there would be bad.
See what Harry did there.
Harry uses the term magic interchangeably for a bunch of related things depending on context, from actual spells to the energy source being channelled.

1) We see Broken Seeker teach people magic basically on screen in this quest - his cultists were taught shapeshifting by him.
2) Direct quote from Turn Coat, chapter 29:
Naagloshii taught magic to mortals.
1) Broken Seeker =/= All naagloshii.
Not all naagloshii have a knack for teaching, or bothered to learn; teaching was not in their original skillset.

2) No you are wrong. From the quote you posted, I will highlight the relevant parts:
Turn Coat c29 said:
"You're using the English word, which doesn't really describe them very precisely. Most skinwalkers are just people—powerful, dangerous, and often psychotic people, but people. They're successors to the traditions and skills taught to avaricious mortals by the originals. The naagloshii."

"Originals like Shagnasty," I said.

"He's the real deal, all right," Bob replied, his quiet voice growing more serious. "According to some of the stories of the Navajo, the naagloshii were originally messengers for the Holy People, when they were first teaching humans the Blessing Way."

"Messengers?" I said. "Like angels?"

"Or like those guys on bikes in New York, maybe?" Bob said. "Not all couriers are created identical, Mr. Lowest-Common-Denominator. Anyway, the original messengers, the naagloshii, were supposed to go with the Holy People when they departed the mortal world. But some of them didn't. They stayed here, and their selfishness corrupted the power the Holy People gave them. Voila, Shagnasty."

I grunted. Bob's information was anecdotal, which meant it could well be distorted by time and by generations of retelling. There probably wasn't any way to know the objective truth of it—but a surprising amount of that kind of lore remained fundamentally sound in oral tradition societies like those of the American Southwest. "When did this happen?"

"Tough to say," Bob said. "The traditional Navajo don't see time the way most mortals do, which makes them arguably smarter than the rest of you monkeys. But it's safe to assume prehistory. Several millennia."
The naagloshii were originally messengers. Bike couriers, as Bob put it.
The Holy People were the teachers.
And they taught the Blessing Way, which is more or less religion/shamanism/healing for the Dine.

Thats why Shagnasty taunts Listens to Wind about not following the Blessing Way and having no power over him:
Turn Coat c45 said:
The naagloshii bared its fangs. Its growl prowled around the hilltop like a beast unto itself.
Lightning flashed overhead with no accompanying rumble of thunder. It cast a harsh, eerily silent glare down on the skinwalker. Listens-to-Wind turned his face up to the skies and cocked his head slightly. "Father says you are ugly," he reported. He narrowed his eyes and straightened his shoulders, facing the naagloshii squarely as thunder rolled over the island, lending a monstrous growling undertone to the old man's voice. "I give you this chance. Leave. Now."
The skinwalker snarled. "Old spirit caller. The failed guardian of a dead people. I do not fear you."
"Maybe you should," Listens-to-Wind said. "The boy almost took you, and he doesn't even know the Diné, much less the Old Ways. Begone. Last chance."
The naagloshii let out a warbling growl as its body changed, thickening, growing physically thicker, more powerful-looking. "You are not a holy man. You do not follow the Blessing Way. You have no power over me."
"Don't plan to bind or banish you, old ghost," Injun Joe said. "Just gonna kick your ass up between your ears." He clenched his hands into fists and said, "Let's go."
My thought process here is that something is going to happen because of our presence that will provoke a change.

One of my big problem with going with that reasoning is that the advantage of not being known the exaltation container had is already invalid.

Leaving it aside seems like a great way to learn it has been stolen and we could have stopped it by acting sooner.
One of my big problem with going with that reasoning is that the advantage of not being known the exaltation container had is already invalid.

Leaving it aside seems like a great way to learn it has been stolen and we could have stopped it by acting sooner.
Hey the exalted problem it's one that solves itself it's not like Uriel releasing our exaltation essentially sounded Ezekiel horn on the coming of another age no just leave them there they won't move I'm sure that is a problem that won't come back to bite us if we just let it sort itself out. I'm sure Odin won't look in the ocean that he definitely doesn't know of an exaltation is there and find either a lunar or Abyssal shard and release the solar or not in the process I'm sure it'll be fine. If we do anything we might release it on our terms or have some level of control over it to make sure none get released and that would be bad. /S
Exalted Craft has come up twice: once in making a body for Tiffany/Lash, and twice in making splendors for Harrowmont and Lily. These were all cool things, but they have all been stretch goals thus far.
Even where we've used splendors as bargaining chips, we could just as easily have used Favors instead.
We've paid in promised splendors and the charm probably did a lot of lifting with the hope plague. A significant portion of the value of our favors comes from our ability to bottle miracles.

They're one of our best tools for changing the world even if you discount our personal use.

One of my big problem with going with that reasoning is that the advantage of not being known the exaltation container had is already invalid.

Leaving it aside seems like a great way to learn it has been stolen and we could have stopped it by acting sooner.
We don't know what they know about what the statue has. What we do know is that they only made their move when the city was weak and haven't done so since.

It's worth remembering that we learned about it after the black court guy did, probably significantly so too.

Further, that when a powerful servant of people who definitely know what a solar is had run of the town for months she didn't take the dragon to the temple, raid the place, and either release two solaroids or blow up North America without even bothering to fuck with the portal.

If the argument is that they know and are prepared to take it, why was the attempt that they actually made a single middle weight blampire sent in at the last minute? Why not strike the temple the month before we were even thinking about doing anything? The blampire certainly didn't think he needed to wait for the portal thing to go off to take his prize.

Hell, I'm tempted to draw a line between when that vamp got deployed and when we took divinable actions indicating we'd be in town. That's tinfoil hat level speculation though.

They're not idiots. If they didn't do so it's because they didn't think they could. Their odds have not gotten better since they lost two major agents with near absolute local control.
2) Yes crafting reagents are fungible.
We can go looking for crafting reagents whenever we choose. We even know at least three spots:
=The Cleveland Dragon Nest to harvest tass monthly; we have clones who can do this
=The NeverNever fields we passed through on the way to the Mother's cottage, as long as we get permission
=The Scarlet Road in Yomi Wan for yangstones

And thats aside from the fact that Molly's blood(and Lydia's. And Tiffany's.) all counts as crafting reagents.
Or the fact that once finished, the Arcane Forge gives a discount to making Exalted trinkets, so you can make a 5-dot with ingredients for a 4-dot.

Gossamer is nice and valuable, but we frankly dont NEED gossamer unless we are making 5-dot artifacts of a particular type.
Or bargaining with the Fae.
We cannot craft Splendor using Tass that is not a thing. Using Dragon Nest turns them dormant for intermittent periods of time only with the construction of Mance would they be stable enough to use repeatedly. We can only use any of our Circle mates three times per year total and there's only two Circle mates that are of the caliber necessary at best that is six and it takes us a long time to get through even a single month.
Needing to request favors from the mothers of the fae courts not good I do not feel the need to elaborate any further on that for how not good that is.
Yang stones are nowhere near powerful enough for splendors even one dots.
The stairs don't end after the number Dad had guessed
His carpenter experience speaking?

The Knight of the Stone Heart has leaned the lesson its defeat at your hand had taught. Even He is not free of your sight... Only that which lies unwritten in the Book of Ages, only that which is for Man to decide.
He totally knows that we precogged him then. I'm betting he's aware we have the Crown now if not he knows enough about its reach that it may not matter. This is another reason why we don't want the mechanics of the Crown getting out.

If he wasn't aware we would've gotten the full plan. In regards to Nemesis the Crown has effectively been nerfed.

I'm guessing there wasn't a roll here because the question target wasn't Nemesis itself.

@DragonParadox Errors
Sophia chooses to go with, in her words the island is 'too freakin' loud', though you aren't sure what he means, not then.
tower.It's more of the same empty of signs of habitation and filled to the brim with dark power.
Looks like it could also use a comma after "same".
Sure Harry, going into the terrifying magical containment of the island you didn't ask for is just that anyone would do, Average Joe behavior.
Harry has the grace to looks sheepish
Missing period.
though the stone of the island, below even the lake floor you're pretty sure.
He doesn't complain again until at last after another more stairs than you care to keep counting there's a door made of the same magically neutral granite as the tower far above.
Extra word?

Eyes in Darkness, Ears of Stone
The Knight of the Stone Heart has leaned the lesson its defeat at your hand had taught.
Why bind all these horrors instead of killing them so that they may never trouble the world. That sounds like a question I'm uniquely suited to answer...
Question mark and "I'm" should be your.
English translation of something, I'd be willing the bet the Mal is meant to be 'evil' in some estimation, but
I can't think of a reason why talking to one of these demons though prison bars
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His carpenter experience speaking?

He totally knows that we precogged him then. I'm betting he's aware we have the Crown now if not he knows enough about its reach that it may not matter. This is another reason why we don't want the mechanics of the Crown getting out.

If he wasn't aware we would've gotten the full plan. In regards to Nemesis the Crown has effectively been nerfed.

I'm guessing there wasn't a roll here because the question target wasn't Nemesis itself.
No it hasn't because we still know all his goals and anytime we meet any Nemesis infected either kill them or don't and just capture them and then ask questions later we can scry more of them he can do nothing to actually stop us using the crown on him. We don't care about the intimate details of the internal life of Nemesis we care about the actions he's taking and as long as he keeps taking actions while being an insanely magical STD will keep getting sources on which use the crown on him with.
No it hasn't because we still know all his goals and anytime we meet any Nemesis infected either kill them or don't and just capture them and then ask questions later we can scry more of them he can do nothing to actually stop us using the crown on him. We don't care about the intimate details of the internal life of Nemesis we care about the actions he's taking and as long as he keeps taking actions while being an insanely magical STD will keep getting sources on which use the crown on him with.
We didn't get the full details of his plan. Before he learned of our precog we would've just got the full details right out the gate. So yes, in regards to Nemesis, the Crown has effectively been nerfed.

We now only get part of his plans from a single question instead of the entire thing.

All of it a distraction meant to draw power away from the island, meant to make the powers that watch it from afar turn their guard aside while the Walker Beside does his dark work, you cannot see the end of it not because it it warded, but because it has not been decided yet.
We didn't get the full details of his plan. Before he learned of our precog we would've just got the full details right out the gate. So yes, in regards to Nemesis, the Crown has effectively been nerfed.

We now only get part of his plans from a single question instead of the entire thing.
Okay how does he prevent us from scrying more of him out. That is really the only part I care about because he only works when he's an infiltrator and as long as we can find more bits of him we can kill him eventually or drive him completely out of reality either works. You are correct we don't have that particular bit of the plan but we know his goal is to destroy reality we know how he's doing it we know the process by which he melds with other people we know all of that and we have a list of Nemesis infected already so how does he prevent us from killing more of him. It's an information Nerf because he's not going to be taking active steps on that plan that aren't people making their own decisions but we know the broad Strokes of the plan and we know how to get more information on it how can he stop us?
I think our interference is more likely to cause it than prevent it at this point. I genuinely think this series of actions will result in the quest moving away from the DF fusion plots that are one of the most interesting parts of the premise.

I want to mess with the vampire war, set up the paranet, and get human civilization up on its feet again. Playing footsie with a solar or whatever just pushed that out of the quest.
As we have discussed previously, we disagree fundamentally on the likely impact of more solaroids. I'm not reiterating that argument right now.
No, thats not true either.
Citation provided:
This is not citation I asked for. You said "wizards", and you said Harry was objectively correct about that. You provided citation from Harry, who isn't an authority on what collective wizards consider magic, and you haven't provided a quote about it being objectively correct.
1) Broken Seeker =/= All naagloshii.
Not all naagloshii have a knack for teaching, or bothered to learn; teaching was not in their original skillset.

2) No you are wrong. From the quote you posted, I will highlight the relevant parts:
You are, as almost always, trying to twist the words to fit your interpretation ignoring parts of the quote, and quest canon. Naagloshii taught people. They were teachers. Same as missionaries sent to various native tribes were also often teachers and messengers of the church. The analogy is quite clear.
And thats aside from the fact that Molly's blood(and Lydia's. And Tiffany's.) all counts as crafting reagents.
No they don't. Soul, yes, but it gives the user direct ability to control us. Simple blood isn't anywhere near potent enough.
@DragonParadox Last few
you cannot see the end of it not because it it warded, but because it has not been decided yet.
The Knight of the Stone Heart has leaned the lesson its defeat at your hand had taught.
Why bind all these horrors instead of killing them so that they may never trouble the world. That sounds like a question I'm uniquely suited to answer...
Question mark and "I'm" should be your.

I don't know why your asking me all these questions. My claim was that the Crown has effectively gotten a nerf since we don't get his full plans immediately due to an action Nemesis has taken or in this case he's going out of his way to not have solid plans to successfully partially dodge the Crown.
I don't know why your asking me all these questions. My claim was that the Crown has effectively gotten a nerf since we don't get his full plans immediately due to an action Nemesis has taken or in this case he's going out of his way to not have solid plans to successfully partially dodge the Crown.
But that's not a Nerf on our end that's Nemesis taking a Nerf so he can at very least not get pre-called but there's something we're not using the crown for precog mostly we don't actually care about the contents of his plans Beyond how can we murder him. Him explicitly slowing down his plans to avoid our Crown is brilliant because we don't care about them we want to kill him and he's done nothing to avoid us murdering him other than make his agents less obvious but we already have a list. Every corpse we put on the pile from that list we get more sources to discern nemesis from. His plans are not even a tertiary concern of ours Beyond killing him so we've suffered no actual nerf.

Though that might be me speaking out of my ass but other than knowing his plans in a moment when we are intersecting with them do we care about them at all, because we want to just kill him right and because he's a magical STD he can do nothing to avoid us doing that no amount of not making plans that will make it harder for us to discern who else is on the infected by Nemesis list.
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No they don't. Soul, yes, but it gives the user direct ability to control us. Simple blood isn't anywhere near potent enough.
Sure I'll put up some options in the next turn vote

Also @uju32 brought up in PMs that it is odd exalted cannot use anything of themselves and their companions as foundations for a splendor. I think that was meant to incentivize going out and killing monsters instead of spending all one's time crafting, but IC that does not make a lot of sense as a limitation, at least the companion part. One should be able to ask one's incarna level companions for minor body parts and blood to invest in things of legendary power. At the same time for game balance reasons it cannot be something that happens too regularly so I was thinking you can harvest a reagent from an appropriate living donor three times per year. I was originally going to make it once, but that felt a bit restrictive at the rate at the rate this quest is updating IC.

So in conclusion congrats you do have two reagents after all, turns out the reagents were inside you your companions after all. :V
It's a very limited amount but they are indeed correct that we can use some of our Circle mates to make Splendors.
But that's not a Nerf on our end that's Nemesis taking a Nerf so he can at very least not get pre-called
You say tomato I say tomato. The effect is the same. The Crown in regards to Nemesis is nerfed. If we ask for his plans we can expect it to give only partial results.

We do care about Nemesis's plans. He wants to destroy reality, or something to that effect, as the Outsiders all do. The details of how he plans to go about that as well as the end goals of his various schemes are important.
You say tomato I say tomato. The effect is the same. The Crown in regards to Nemesis is nerfed. If we ask for his plans we can expect it to give only partial results.

We do care about Nemesis's plans. He wants to destroy reality, or something to that effect, as the Outsiders all do. The details of how he plans to go about that as well as the end goals of his various schemes are important.
His plans without his active Direction are largely ephemeral without his active guidance how does he further the goal of destroying reality and the second he gives active guidance there's a plan and the second there's a plan we can precog him so it's a purely defensive play that actively cripples his Effectiveness for an effect that largely doesn't stop us from targeting him in his totality to slowly chip away at his entire existence until he dies. When your enemy makes a play that actively reduces their effectiveness to avoid your capabilities it's not really a Nerf you have actively caused your opponent to Cripple their own strategy to avoid your gaze and they have done nothing to actually prevent you from killing them it's so good that I literally have to argue about calling it a Nerf.

Maybe I'm wrong for seeing it that way but I fail to see why it's a Nerf.
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Maybe I'm wrong for seeing it that way but I fail to see why it's a Nerf.
This is a strange thing to argue over. I don't have to prove anything you just read it. We do not have unlimited Nemesis Crown foci. This tactic of his has already proven effective once. Nothing is to be proven.

I think what you're trying to say is that the nerf is inconsequential.
So, what is our list of projects that we'll need and don't have resources for?
Of the things we need
Tiffany/Lash: Shaping Protection/Hoard background
Olivia/Daniel: Armor/Familiars/Equipment
Harry: Trenchcoat replacement/upgrade

Then our outstanding commitments to the Archive and Odin.

We dont need anything else at the moment.
Molly certainly doesnt need a 5-dot splendor. Lydia could use Flight, but that appears to be in Tiffany's bailiwick to confer with Flesh 5, or she could buy up her Familiar rating.

Several issues here:
1) We are currently limited to 1 and 2 dot charms from Fifefold Courts. Higher tiers are gated behind conquering the Labyrinth.
2) Despite it being our own custom charms, they are not currently counted as favored. I am guessing that it is also gated behind the conquest of the Labyrinth.
Custom charms arent Favored.
Unlocking new ones wont suddenly make them Favored; thats not how the mechanics work.

I'm not enthused at more counter magic for Molly. We have good defenses already, so it's really for active stuff. We have a recipe for spell breaking his alchemy and an another that lets us infuse potions into mist if we really need it. Even without that I'd rather make an Arcana to sit on our shoulder and counterspell for us. It's way more action-efficient and would layer with our defenses instead of introducing another competing option.
Molly is the best counterspeller in our warparty; Lash is probably second.

And with regards to the next turn, we are going after an experienced, if not elder wizard, with potential Outsider Investments and the canon history of deploying Outsiders in combat.
We do need both Human and Spirit counterspelling at a minimum.

As for the idea of automating counterspelling with an Arcana, I'll remind you of what happened when Lydia was trying to use Open The Way in Yomi Wan and we discovered that Mikaboshi could contest her. But not Molly.
Who does the magic matters.
It's early and all the plans haven't been posted yet, but I'm not voting for anything that doesn't include Molly learning Sand Strike Blast.
Probably means we have to drop Unbound Eschaton Shintai for this month, then, because we will need Counterspelling when going after a wizard with Outsider connections.

On the subject of Eschaton Shintai. Optimization vs. flavor. From the optimization viewpoint, it makes the most sense to put all aspects into Hardened Devil Body and use By Rage Recast for actual features. The features being Extra Limbs, Energy Projection and probably Keen Sight. But that's boring, to be frank. I am torn.
Energy projection is a trash feature, and we don't even have the build to fully use what it does offer.
When we voted on Shintai the first time around there was a lot of talk about doing the optimal thing for base and the super monster many of us wanted with the second version. If we follow through on that flexibility would be a good alternative.
BronzeTongue is right.
Energy Projection is a useless Feature.
Terrible range, you can only use it 4x a scene, and it does nothing that Sandstrike Blast cant already do better.

I'm going to update the design I posted back then to reflect how the quest has evolved.
Too alien for me.
And I would argue too alien for Molly.
Dammit, you stole the name of my plan!
*shakes fist*

We cannot craft Splendor using Tass that is not a thing.
Right there in the crafting document:
One and two-dot Prodigies can be awakened with nothing more than this infusion of Exalted
power, but stronger Prodigies require additional reagents. They must be tinged with the power of the modern nights, the power of the world-that-is to ground the power of the world-that-was.

In game terms, this means that some emblem of substantial supernatural power must be consumed in the course of awakening a three dot-Prodigy. Examples include the blood of an elder vampire, magic mushrooms plucked from the center of an extremely powerful Dragon Nest not controlled by the Chosen (in Mage lingo, tass from a 4 or 5-point Node), a minor faerie treasure or sorcerous Wonder, or the offering of a spirit or ghost captured in an Essence Vessel (see below).
We're already using elder vampires for crafting.
Harvesting tass is pretty straightforward.
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This is a strange thing to argue over. I don't have to prove anything you just read it. We do not have unlimited Nemesis Crown foci. This tactic of his has already proven effective once. Nothing is to be proven.

I think what you're trying to say is that the nerf is inconsequential.
Okay I think it's the word Nerf it caught my attention in a weird way or rather what that implies it implies our ability to get information on him is weakened when he has actively just generating less information but generating less information actively cripples his plans so he's taken an actual real Nerf he's generated less plans and less momentum and less ability to carry out his goals to avoid the occasional glance in his Direction most of which are going to be spent on Discerning more of him not on his plans.

I can't think of a real life scenario I'm sure it it happens a lot but it's like someone being worried about a town in enemy territory being bombed when they're losing the war front. His plans are secondary to him, he's the infiltrator, the enemy, Nemesis we're not going to spend any of the rare focuses for him on his plans were going to use them on him, we want his his head on a spike and generating less plans doesn't make it any harder to put said head on a spike. As we already have a list it's not a complete list but it is a list that exists and every person on that list is another Focus for nemesis.

Right there in the crafting document:

We're already using elder vampires for crafting.
Harvesting tass is pretty straightforward.
Okay let me rephrase myself there's no naturally occurring tass that isn't Corpses or magical being parts.
This is not citation I asked for. You said "wizards", and you said Harry was objectively correct about that. You provided citation from Harry, who isn't an authority on what collective wizards consider magic, and you haven't provided a quote about it being objectively correct.
Harry was taught for two years by Ebenezar McCoy, the guy who wrote Elementary Magic, which is the basic introductory text for apprentice wizards.
I went to the door set in the iron grille and unlocked it, then rolled open the cage door. Bock kept all of his valuable texts in the cage. He had an original first printing of Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll, autographed, on the highest shelf, carefully sealed in plastic, and several dozen other rare books, some of them even more valuable.
The remaining shelves were filled with serious texts on magic theory. A lot of them were almost as occluded with opinion and philosophy as their more modern counterparts on the shelves in the front of the store. The difference was that most of them were written by members of the Council at one time or another. There were very few volumes that addressed magic in its most elemental sense, as a pure source of energy, the way I'd been taught about it. One of the notable exceptions was Elementary Magic by Ebenezar McCoy. It was the first book most wizards ever handed an apprentice. It dealt with the nuts and bolts of moving energy around, and stressed the need for control and responsibility on behalf of the wizard.
Though now that I thought about it, Ebenezar hadn't handed me a copy of the book when he'd been teaching me. He hadn't even lectured me more than a couple of times. He told me what he expected, and then he lived it in front of me. Damned effective teaching method, to my way of thinking.
I drew out a copy of his book and stared at it for a moment. My stomach fluttered a little. Of course, he'd been lying to me, too. Or at least not telling me the whole truth. And the whole time he'd been teaching me, he'd been under orders from the Council to execute me if I wasn't perfectly behaved. I hadn't been perfect. The old man didn't kill me, but he didn't trust me enough to come clean, either. He didn't tell me that he was in charge of dirty jobs for the Council. That he was their wetworks man, the one who broke the Laws of Magic with their blessing, who betrayed the same responsibility he wrote about, talked about, and had apparently lived.
He IS a reliable example on what collective wizards consider magic.

You are, as almost always, trying to twist the words to fit your interpretation ignoring parts of the quote, and quest canon. Naagloshii taught people. They were teachers. Same as missionaries sent to various native tribes were also often teachers and messengers of the church. The analogy is quite clear.
No, thats not what the text says.
They were messengers for the actual teachers, not teachers themselves.
AFTER they fell, some naagloshii taught mortals to become skinwalkers.

No they don't. Soul, yes, but it gives the user direct ability to control us. Simple blood isn't anywhere near potent enough.
Yes they do.
I've asked about this before, and the QM has explicitly posted on this subject before around February this year.
Sure I'll put up some options in the next turn vote

Also @uju32 brought up in PMs that it is odd exalted cannot use anything of themselves and their companions as foundations for a splendor. I think that was meant to incentivize going out and killing monsters instead of spending all one's time crafting, but IC that does not make a lot of sense as a limitation, at least the companion part. One should be able to ask one's incarna level companions for minor body parts and blood to invest in things of legendary power. At the same time for game balance reasons it cannot be something that happens too regularly so I was thinking you can harvest a reagent from an appropriate living donor three times per year. I was originally going to make it once, but that felt a bit restrictive at the rate at the rate this quest is updating IC.

So in conclusion congrats you do have two reagents after all, turns out the reagents were inside you your companions after all. :V
Party members of sufficient metaphysical weight like Exalts can donate reagents 3x a year
You can also harvest tass from Dragons Nests(not under your control) at the same rate.
Harry was taught for two years by Ebenezar McCoy, the guy who wrote Elementary Magic, which is the basic introductory text for apprentice wizards.
I went to the door set in the iron grille and unlocked it, then rolled open the cage door. Bock kept all of his valuable texts in the cage. He had an original first printing of Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll, autographed, on the highest shelf, carefully sealed in plastic, and several dozen other rare books, some of them even more valuable.
The remaining shelves were filled with serious texts on magic theory. A lot of them were almost as occluded with opinion and philosophy as their more modern counterparts on the shelves in the front of the store. The difference was that most of them were written by members of the Council at one time or another. There were very few volumes that addressed magic in its most elemental sense, as a pure source of energy, the way I'd been taught about it. One of the notable exceptions was Elementary Magic by Ebenezar McCoy. It was the first book most wizards ever handed an apprentice. It dealt with the nuts and bolts of moving energy around, and stressed the need for control and responsibility on behalf of the wizard.
Though now that I thought about it, Ebenezar hadn't handed me a copy of the book when he'd been teaching me. He hadn't even lectured me more than a couple of times. He told me what he expected, and then he lived it in front of me. Damned effective teaching method, to my way of thinking.
I drew out a copy of his book and stared at it for a moment. My stomach fluttered a little. Of course, he'd been lying to me, too. Or at least not telling me the whole truth. And the whole time he'd been teaching me, he'd been under orders from the Council to execute me if I wasn't perfectly behaved. I hadn't been perfect. The old man didn't kill me, but he didn't trust me enough to come clean, either. He didn't tell me that he was in charge of dirty jobs for the Council. That he was their wetworks man, the one who broke the Laws of Magic with their blessing, who betrayed the same responsibility he wrote about, talked about, and had apparently lived. He IS a reliable example on what collective wizards consider magic.
No he isn't. Harry is very ignorant about a lot of fundamental things, and the nature of magic is something he works out for himself, over the course of the books, and still hasn't come up with the final answer, as far as I know.
No, thats not what the text says.
They were messengers for the actual teachers, not teachers themselves.
AFTER they fell, some naagloshii taught mortals to become skinwalkers.
NO, that's not what the text says. Naagloshii taught magic to mortals, and they were messengers of Holy Ones.
See above.
This has previously had QM input on this thread.
See what above? That we use physical trophies instead of souls / energy for splendors doesn't mean that prodigy components work as splendor components. That's not how it works.