We could bluff him since he's more cautious now. We can evac Hasvir. Throw a fire-spinner behind us to cover the retreat. To get re-inforcements? So we can make sure he doesn't die.
Kay, how much faster is it than us as well? Do we have any idea how high its Hamr is?

We beat it on an opposed Hamr roll, though just barely, so not too much higher, especially with Frenzy down.

We could bluff him since he's more cautious now. We can evac Hasvir. Throw a fire-spinner behind us to cover the retreat. To get re-inforcements? So we can make sure he doesn't die.

Everyone else is also fighting these things, there are no reinforcements or safety to be had. Trying to Sickness Sear Hasvir is valid but evacuating is foolish.
This fucker hits like a train, and apparently gets two moves to our one if he's not under Mire Ward, the last thing we want to do is take our eyes off him long enough to use Sickness Sear. If we give him too much of a reprieve, his Frenzy will heal as well.

Like, he actually got to move first despite having an unloaded weapon, and got two shots off before we could do anything in turn, despite our opening move being a high speed gap closer. This thing is stupidly fucking fast
Did we have some Reinforce-Shield remaining from the Draugrfight, or is it not being counted?
This fucker hits like a train, and apparently gets two moves to our one if he's not under Mire Ward, the last thing we want to do is take our eyes off him long enough to use Sickness Sear. If we give him too much of a reprieve, his Frenzy will heal as well.

Like, he actually got to move first despite having an unloaded weapon, and got two shots off before we could do anything in turn, despite our opening move being a high speed gap closer. This thing is stupidly fucking fast

In fairness, it then got zero additional attacks while we got four, even if that was under Mire Ward. It's not twice as fast as us, I don't think, just slightly faster...and Sagaseeker should have blood on it now and be activated.

Did we have some Reinforce-Shield remaining from the Draugrfight, or is it not being counted?

Looks like it wasn't counted. Which is unfortunate, we had 2 layers which would've saved our armor a bit.
Kay, how much faster is it than us as well?
It's got a speed of 5.
Do we have any idea how high its Hamr is?
It is stronger than you, but not by much. That doesn't mean a whole lot for its health when considering all the grafted-on parts, though. You remember the Nisse well.
Did we have some Reinforce-Shield remaining from the Draugrfight, or is it not being counted?
It faded away after the fight and the subsequent talking to everyone. My bad for not making that clear, but I assumed that you would notice that you didn't have any on your combat sheet.
It's got a speed of 5.

It is stronger than you, but not by much. That doesn't mean a whole lot for its health when considering all the grafted-on parts, though. You remember the Nisse well.

It faded away after the fight and the subsequent talking to everyone.

Of course, of course, I was more asking with regards to Contested Movement.
The average Norseman with Hamr 7 is probably rocking 1-2 speed, since they don't have many shapeshifting slots and probably aren't going all in on speed. If there really are more of this thing, I am concerned for the people outside.
The average Norseman with Hamr 7 is probably rocking 1-2 speed, since they don't have many shapeshifting slots and probably aren't going all in on speed. If there really are more of this thing, I am concerned for the people outside.

They're all in groups of two or more, and several are scary folk indeed.

The groups in the Blacksmith and Workshop are gonna be fine in all likelihood (Steinarr is in the Workshop group and a bunch of people in the Blacksmith group are scary). The Brewery and Weavery may have a tad more trouble, but Gabrial and Abjorn together are a scary combo and Tryggr, Trausti, and Aki are not exactly a weak combo either. If either of those groups had to deal with more than one of these things they'd be in trouble, but either can probably take one of them.
You hesitate, not sure what to say or if you even should say anything at all — you were preparing to kill him just a few hours ago, after all.
Well it's basically the same situation as that Knight right-
"The only orthstirr in the air is Horra's, if they're dead, it's only bodily. They can be brought back."
That's an interesting claim to make, Halla.
However, there are no bodies to be seen and if there are no bodies, then there was no death. The only time somebody is dead — bodily or otherwise — is if there is someone there to confirm it, to serve as witness.
... Am I detecting a coping mechanism?
He reaches towards the latch and grabs it. Heaving it open, he's met with a gleam of iron and twin tri-pupiled eyes.
(Hasvir's Reaction Time: 4, 2, 2, 3, 1, 2, 4) -1 Successes, ouch. Can you save him? (Your Reaction Time: 4, 2, 4, 1, 2, 1, 6) Neutral Outcomes=1 Success. Holy shit.
Your hand darts out and yanks Hasvir back — his muscles freezing up as he came face to face with death. The arrow-machine fires and the arrow rips up through the air. You're quick on the draw, but not quite quick enough.
Hasvir, please, this js a horror saga, not a regular saga.
Hasvir screams as the arrowhead rips a heavy swath of skin from his face, the barbed edge carving out his eye as it thuds into the ceiling. You watch in open-mouthed horror as he writhes on the ground, palms pressing to his face and muffling his scream — you saved his life, but not his eye.
Well.. you're going to need a healer for that eye.

Your combat pool is 56d6.

This one should be 84 given Punching Upward.
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Alright. Here's my thoughts on basic plan. This is very preliminary and I'm very willing to hear suggestions and alternatives:

[X] Plan Keep Hammering
-[X] 50d6 Attack (50d6 tricks)
-[X] 34d6 Defense (16d6 tricks, technically...25d6 in practice)
-[X] 0d6 Intercept
-[X] Close near-instantly with Ember-Wing cloak (-6 Orthstirr). Do this again as needed to stay close to the creature.
-[X] Make four 15d6+3 (w/Hugareida) Lightning-Charged Firebomb Strike attacks adding 2 Orthstirr for accuracy (-5 Orthstirr each) as quickly as possible attempting to end this creature's existence. If it winds up trapped in Inertia-Arresting Throw or we've used up all the Firebomb-Strikes use a 17d6+3 Honed x3 Lightning-Charged Skewer-Flick attack using 2 Odr for extra damage (-8 Orthstirr, -2 Odr) to take advantage (not throwing it unless we have to, the idea is to rip it apart against the immobility of the IAT, done as our last attack while it's trapped in IAT if we get multiple attacks and can predict that).
-[X] In response to the first melee attack of any sort, use Contested Movement with Fight of Our Life (-3 Orthstirr, 12d6+3 Hamr roll) to set up a Honed x2 Lightning-Charged Skewer-Flick (-7 Orthstirr) as the counterattack, and use Halting Vortex (-4 Orthstirr) if that somehow doesn't work.
-[X] In response to the second melee attack attempted against us, use a 20d6+3 (w/Hugareida) Inertia-Arresting-Throw using 3 Odr for increased durability (-6 Orthstirr, -3 Odr) to stop it and freeze it in place for a moment, again using Halting Vortex (-4 Orthstirr) if that somehow doesn't work.
-[X] In response to any attempt to shoot us or any attempt to grapple us after those two, use Halting Vortex (-4 Orthstirr), and if something gets through that use up to one 14d6+7 Reinforcedx3 Honed x2 Defense (-5 Orthstirr). If we are attacked with a melee attack that isn't a grapple use those two defenses up then follow up with up to nine Reinforcedx3 Honed x2 Defenses (-5 Orthstirr each, 6d6+7 each) and if we run out of those or our armor is Pierced use Halting Vortex (-4 Orthstirr). If Hasvir is attacked use Halting Vortex to defend him (-4 Orthstirr).
-[X] Tactics – Charge in as quickly as we can and go to town with Firebomb-Strikes, using a jacked up Contested Movement to set up a powerful counterattack, then Inertia Arresting Throw to set up another big hit, and Halting Vortex to tank additional hits as needed.

Basically, with a speed deficit and a need for Halting Vortex in order to avoid grapples (which we do need to avoid with this thing), this is the best I can come up with. We use our more unique defense options to slow it down and allow for big hits and make smaller hits as we can and hope this is enough damage to finish this thing off (this is something like 34 36 damage total if all the attacks hit).

EDIT: Forgot Odr for a moment. Adding to the Inertia-Arresting Throw and the Skewer-Flick we make while the creature is trapped.

Added that we'll defend Hasvir if necessary.
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You've a fight on your hands and, from the sudden roar of combat raging beyond the walls of the home, it seems that you're not alone in this measure.

Well... shit.
Well.. if it's one Threaded Man per group..
[ ] Head to the Blacksmith with Torsten, the Elephant Merchant, Haleikr, and Sten
[ ] Head to the Woodshop with Stigmar, Steinarr, Folkmarr, and Audrikr
[ ] Head to the Weavery with Abjorn and Gabriel
[ ] Head to the Brewery with Tryggr, Trausti, and Aki
Torsten's group has a ton of heavy hitters (or rather everyone in his group is a heavy hitter), they're fine.
Steinarr's group has Steinarr and Audrikr, they're fine.
Abjorn and Gabriel are in for a fight of their lives.
Tryggr and Trausti are in for a fight of their lives. Aki might be collateral.

Speed 5 is no joke man, we would need everything on Attack Speed to match that.
Well.. if it's one Threaded Man per group..

Torsten's group has a ton of heavy hitters (or rather everyone in his group is a heavy hitter), they're fine.
Steinarr's group has Steinarr and Audrikr, they're fine.

Yeah, these groups will be fine.

Abjorn and Gabriel are in for a fight of their lives.

I think Abjorn and Gabriel together are more badass than we are by a fair bit. They'll probably be fine if they can avoid the poison...but that is an 'if'. Either of them having to fight it alone while the poison works away at the other would be a problem.

Tryggr and Trausti are in for a fight of their lives. Aki might be collateral.

This is the one I'm most worried about, honestly. The twins are pretty hardcore and Aki isn't helpless, but I think it's probably the weakest group.

Speed 5 is no joke man, we would need everything on Attack Speed to match that.

And even then only by cheating with the Rune we're using, since the Fylgja's slot can't improve our own speed.

Let's maybe cure that poison, while it's not acting as aggressive. Just a thought.

It's too fast. It can go from not aggressive to aggressive more quickly than we can get the poison cure done with. Our best bet for a quick cure is to kill the damn thing.