...because facing a sorceror in his sanctum when you're at a fraction of your power is dumb. If he figures out that our fylgia is there, we're good as dead, because we can't leave until he voluntarily opens the door again, and the owl alone doesn't have nearly enough power to take him down.

Honestly, at this point the owl has almost as much chance as we do (as long as it has its current trick loadout, and compared to us when we have those tricks instead). Its attacks are limited to mundane attacks and Hugareida-based fire, but I wouldn't bet on us in any fight the owl is gonna lose. Which is not to say I think we'd win a fight with Horra in his sanctum if we were there in person (IMO, we'd be in real trouble) but with the amount of orthstirr we've got the owl can beat almost anyone we can. My vote for going in is based on the assumption we can likely remain hidden, not that fighting him is a good idea, but being in fylgja form is not the main limiter here.

Wanting to go home and prep more or bring more people is totally defensible, but it shouldn't be because we're in owl form. At the moment, with these tricks loaded, that's just not a major enough downgrade in our combat prowess to lose us a fight we'd otherwise be likely to win. Like, it's a power down, but not enough to change whether we win any fight where either side is already favored (it might lose us an otherwise even fight, though, it's true).
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Wanting to go home and prep more or bring more people is totally defensible, but it shouldn't be because we're in owl form. At the moment, with these tricks loaded, that's just not a major enough downgrade in our combat prowess to lose us a fight we'd otherwise be likely to win. Like, it's a power down, but not enough to change whether we win any fight where either side is already favored (it might lose us an otherwise even fight, though, it's true).
Personally? I want to break into his sanctum and search the place when he's not in it. Again, facing a sorcerer in his lair isn't real wise.
Personally? I want to break into his sanctum and search the place when he's not in it. Again, facing a sorcerer in his lair isn't real wise.

Totally reasonable. Like I said, my vote for heading in is predicated on avoiding that as well, just not because we're in fylgja form. The idea is to sneak in, not fight him. That said, it's an admittedly risky idea and going home definitely looks like it's gonna win this one as we play it safe.
[X] Dive in after him

YOLO. But seriously, I want to capitalise on the chance we have now. There's no guarantee we'd be able to find a way inside, and we wouldn't have to deal with traps either. It's risky as hell, sure, but I don't think it's hopeless.
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I wonder if Horra could be working on gunpowder weapons. The clay jars would be consistent with that.

It's not impossible, but it's more likely some sort of less incendiary chemical concoction launchable by the scorpions (Acid? Glue? Something like that). I dunno exactly what, but I think Horra is probably gonna stay away from incendiaries given his adversarial relationship with our family. Trying to use gunpowder when you have someone who throws blasts of flame around as a personal enemy is not the sort of life choice hardened survivors are likely to make, IMO.
[X] Dive in after him

It's not impossible, but it's more likely some sort of less incendiary chemical concoction launchable by the scorpions (Acid? Glue? Something like that).
Would be one possible use of the glue trees.

@Imperial Fister
Does putting things into our fylgja require our main body/some other help, or can the Fylgja do it alone. (Halla probably know the details how she puts stuff there)

What happens to stuff in our Fylgja when we die? (Halla might have heard something about it offscreen/Halla might have some intuition)

What kind of Action would be necessary to teach Stig about explosive pottery runes and ask about his bows runes?

Or to teach him about hone, which iirc was ruled to be usable for ranged weapons as long as there are projectiles that could reasonably be affected?
Honestly, at this point the owl has almost as much chance as we do (as long as it has its current trick loadout, and compared to us when we have those tricks instead). Its attacks are limited to mundane attacks and Hugareida-based fire, but I wouldn't bet on us in any fight the owl is gonna lose. Which is not to say I think we'd win a fight with Horra in his sanctum if we were there in person (IMO, we'd be in real trouble) but with the amount of orthstirr we've got the owl can beat almost anyone we can. My vote for going in is based on the assumption we can likely remain hidden, not that fighting him is a good idea, but being in fylgja form is not the main limiter here.

Wanting to go home and prep more or bring more people is totally defensible, but it shouldn't be because we're in owl form. At the moment, with these tricks loaded, that's just not a major enough downgrade in our combat prowess to lose us a fight we'd otherwise be likely to win. Like, it's a power down, but not enough to change whether we win any fight where either side is already favored (it might lose us an otherwise even fight, though, it's true).
From my understanding the Owl would have a maximum combat dice of 3d6 from our Command rank, which would basically make it a curb stomp battle (not in our favor).
Frankly, it would make following him an absolute shit show.

If you weren't an owl dressed in rags, that is.
Also I can just hear the 'you would have needed 10 successes on Wildcraft to track down Horra, plus a bajillion successes to not be seen doing so' from behind the DM screen. Just one random idiot indeed. Instead we don't even have to roll for stuff in these updates so far, where we might have had to make increasingly obscene rolls.
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From my understanding the Owl would have a maximum combat dice of 3d6 from our Command rank, which would basically make it a curb stomp battle (not in our favor).

This is incorrect. I actually asked how that worked and we and the owl share our normal combat dice pool. It's plausible that our equipment wouldn't apply remotely, but we're not this badly off.

If it was based on Command it'd also almost certainly be 8d6 since that's our actual Command dice pool, but that isn't how it works.
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The Truth of the Enemy (mastigos)
@Imperial Fister
The Truth of the Enemy

Bad Horse
Bad Horse
Bad Horse
Bad Horse

He rides across the nation
The thoroughbred of sin
He heard your revelation
You should just give in

He saw the cultivation you tried to do today
But your civilization means he still votes neigh
And now stagnation is just the only way

Bad Horse
Bad Horse
Bad Horse
He's Bad

The Evil League of Evil
Is watching so beware
The strength that you received
Will be your last we swear

So make the Bad Horse gleeful
Or he'll make you despair

You're saddled up
There's no recourse
It's Hi-Ho Silver
Signed, Bad Horse
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