[X] Stay and wait for Horra to go to his workshop

Like everyone has said, the daughter could have easily ratted us out, and yet she chose not to. That doesn't necessarily mean she has our best interests in mind, but I'd still like to see what her deal is. From what I can tell, she not only saw the owl instantly, but also recognised us too? That makes me want to assume that it's more than just high Hugr/perception that allowed her to see through our Twist... from what I understand, no one from Horra's family has seen our fylgja. The felagi could've told him, I suppose, but given that most of the valley doesn't like Horra, I don't see why they'd give that information to him, since we haven't openly moved against Horra or anything of the sort that'd force their hand and make them want to help Horra.
Tech also isn't really as threatening as strong Cultivators are either. It's just useful against Steinarr because he's *not* actually a Cultivator. If you hit him hard enough and at the right time, he will die.
And Horra's making ballistae, hm? That's not good and something we likely need to put a stop to. Also, something we need to keep an eye out for at the bandit camps.
I'd say one or more crossbows is more probable. Ballistae are siege weapons. They don't really have the accuracy or mobility to target a single enemy who's mobile. Crossbows, on the other hand, are quite decent at taking down tough mobile enemies. Many a knight in shining armor has been felled by a crossbow bolt.
I'd say one or more crossbows is more probable. Ballistae are siege weapons. They don't really have the accuracy or mobility to target a single enemy who's mobile. Crossbows, on the other hand, are quite decent at taking down tough mobile enemies.

The vibe I got was that they were bigger than that, but there's no reason not to ask:

@Imperial Fister how big are the weapons in question? Are we talking crossbows or ballistae in terms of size?

Many a knight in shining armor has been felled by a crossbow bolt.

Not often. It happened in major battles occasionally due to the law of averages, but no man portable ranged weapon was particularly effective against a knight in full plate before guns. That's even more true in this world with knights as actual cultivators with magic armor...it is not, however, true of mail-armored Norsemen who are indeed quite susceptible to arrows.
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If she has Seergaze she could have seen us before.

Also IIRC the people who fought on the Ice were

Lori Burisson (whom we killed)
Hod Horrason
Osborn Burisson

Maybe we should, uh, start off any war saga against Horrason by killing the Burrissons.
Maybe we should, uh, start off any war saga against Horrason by killing the Burrissons.
Just as a comment from me, fighting the Burissons might actually be harder than fighting the Horrassons as, while Horra has way more money and all sorts of whacky shenanigans, he doesn't have a whole lot of people willing to die for him.

The Burissons are rats, but even a rat will fight to the end when backed into a corner.
Maybe we should, uh, start off any war saga against Horrason by killing the Burrissons.

Nah, we paid weregild and there's no feud and no evidence they're involved in the outlawry. They are not our friends, and likely never will be, but we're not at the 'one of us must die' level of enmity either. They're opportunistic and greedy, so they'll come after us only if it looks easy and profitable...we can avoid it looking like that and thus likely avoid conflict with them entirely if they aren't involved in the banditry.

Also, from description and Imperial Fister's last comment, there are likely at least as many of them as Horra's little village here...doubling our enemy count unnecessarily does not seem like good tactics to me.
Did Abjorn ever figure out something like 'Giant Throw' to throw heavy things really far? Because at the rate things are I wonder if a better plan for dealing with the Ballista is one (1) Abjorn doing his best impression of a boulder-throwing giant at all of Horra's stuff. Outlawing him is also, well, going to be hard to execute.
Did Abjorn ever figure out something like 'Giant Throw' to throw heavy things really far? Because at the rate things are I wonder if a better plan for dealing with the Ballista is one (1) Abjorn doing his best impression of a boulder-throwing giant at all of Horra's stuff.

I mean, Abjorn's defenses aren't better than Steinarr's, nor are his ranged attacks...this seems like a good way to get him killed. We could stand beside him and protect him with Standstill, but we can do that with Steinarr, too. We should actually be able to protect both at once as well as ourselves given Standstill's level.

Outlawing him is also, well, going to be hard to execute.

Not really? We just gather evidence and have it done. We then have to take him and his people out, but as Imperial Fister just implied, some are likely to desert when he becomes officially outlawed and we may well be able to recruit additional forces at that point as well. We definitely want to take out his subsidiary bandit gangs first before going for him, but that should be doable.

Like, this is good info to have and shapes our tactics, but it doesn't invalidate the plan or anything. With some luck, we can lure him into town to defend himself in court and thus have him away from some of his more overt forces when he's outlawed and take him out before he gets back to them.
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Also, from description and Imperial Fister's last comment, there are likely at least as many of them as Horra's little village here...doubling our enemy count unnecessarily does not seem like good tactics to me.
Buri has five wives (well, 1 wife and a bunch of concubines). If each of them has the average amount of children for a Norsewoman, which is ~7, that's 35 kids. Now, not all will have made it to adulthood and not all of the wives will give birth to that many nor will all of the kids be adults. And not all will be men, but...

Well, that's still a stupidly large number of potential new enemies to make.
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Thinking about this more.. if we can track the bandits, intercepting one of their raids, then tailing survivors 'back' to Horra farm with other Norse warriors in tow might be enough to get us all the evidence we need to outlaw Horra there and there.
Buri has five wives (well, 1 wife and a bunch of concubines). If each of them has the average amount of children for a Norsewoman, which is ~7, that's 35 kids. Now, not all will have made it to adulthood and not all of the wives will give birth to that many nor will all of the kids be adults. And not all will be men, but...

Well, that's still a stupidly large number of potential new enemies.
Sigh, the babyspam method of making yourself established..
Thinking about this more.. if we can track the bandits, intercepting one of their raids, then tailing survivors 'back' to Horra farm with other Norse warriors in tow might be enough to get us all the evidence we need to outlaw Horra there and there.

Sadly, it seems like the bandits have their own separate camps and he delivers stuff to them rather than them coming here. Which still works if we catch them at it, but panicked survivors aren't likely to come here.

Sigh, the babyspam method of making yourself established..

*shrug* The Burissons aren't great, but like I said we paid weregild and are not at feud. If we avoid provoking them further they might even be friendly in a few generations. Horra needs to die, as do his sons in all likelihood (his daughter...depends on why she hasn't outed us), but the Burissons probably don't unless we borrow trouble.
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A Hearthroot seed has taken root in a patch of soil. It now bears 1/2 berries, which regrow every year. Three oil-slick fronds grow from the center stem. It has been fed 9 Odr and seems to want more.
Should we write-in 'Feed the Hearthroot up to 9 Odr, stopping early if it seems fine'?

This isn't an oil palm tree, is it?