That's interesting....

There was mention of a valkyre (even if as a made up excuse)... and draugrs are a fact of life.... does that mean the Norse gods are also a thing? Could we, theoretically, find Yggdrasil?

Also, do we, In Character, know/heard about whats the difference between the Norse and the Christian beliefs/cultivation?

(And do the Norse people still get bonus for seduction due to higher standard of personal hygiene? :V)
Also, do we, In Character, know/heard about whats the difference between the Norse and the Christian beliefs/cultivation?
In character, you know that it's something weird involving 'God's plan' and... and cannibalizing their own God?!

Frankly, you find the idea of your fate being taken out of your hands a little disturbing.
Just look up hard enough and you'll see the branches :V
(And do the Norse people still get bonus for seduction due to higher standard of personal hygiene? :V)
Towards other Norse, yes. If you offer someone filet mignon when all they've ever had was round steak, they're probably not going to be able to tell at first glance that they're different cuts of meat. Now, after they've been... 'sampled' — this meat analogy is going places, man — and the word is spread that these strangers from the north have... good meat...


Once word gets around that you're way more hygienic than other people, especially in a place that isn't super familiar with Norse antics, is when the bonus really kicks in. Problem is is that it'd probably be more difficult to maintain that level of hygiene in a place not familiar with it.

I took this question way too seriously, lmao.
Towards other Norse, yes. If you offer someone filet mignon when all they've ever had was round steak, they're probably not going to be able to tell at first glance that they're different cuts of meat. Now, after they've been... 'sampled' — this meat analogy is going places, man — and the word is spread that these strangers from the north have... good meat...


Once word gets around that you're way more hygienic than other people, especially in a place that isn't super familiar with Norse antics, is when the bonus really kicks in. Problem is is that it'd probably be more difficult to maintain that level of hygiene in a place not familiar with it.

I took this question way too seriously, lmao.
So, what you are saying is:
If we have the partly christianized sample our meat we could have them remember what they are loosing and thus seduce them back to heathenry?
Spreading heathenry by letting others sample our meat!
i mean, we do have records about it, hence the question that was asked for fun and got an unexpectedly serious reply.

So, truly, its a double edged sword. although.... i could see it used as a tactic to convert the christian youths....
"Hey, young man, yes, you, do you wanna know the ancient secrets of the Norseman to get laid? There is a simple trick for a sample that the Christians hate and don't want you to know..."
i mean, we do have records about it, hence the question that was asked for fun and got an unexpectedly serious reply.
AFAIK, "records" and "chroniclers" are an exaggeration. It's one single source (Chronica Joannis Wallingford) which isn't confirmed except in the most general terms of Vikings liking nice clothes, but people love to quote it because the writer has this kind of funny language. Thirteenth century clickbait. ;)

The same chronicle further claims that when the Danish seduction became intolerable, the English hatched a cunning plan of "Ambush them on Saturday and kill them all while they're in the bath" and this plan was so effective, only 12 Danes escaped in all of England, because apparently all the Danes bathe at the exact same time on every Saturday. This chronicle is not a good source for Danish bathing habits or their effects on English relations, to put it mildly.

The chronicle further describes the 12 escaping Danes like they're movie protagonists who steal a rowboat in London, flee down the Thames, steal a sailing ship once they get to the coast, flee to Denmark, and report to King Sweyn Forkbeard. Sweyn then calls upon his many allies, from "the Alans, the Scits, the Swatheds, and the tribes from the Hyperborean mountains, and the country which is first blown upon by the north wind" to form an army and march on England. These all unanimously agree to help Sweyn because they're bloodthirsty and greedy people. :thonk:
Alrighty, voting is now closed. That was a close one!
Scheduled vote count started by Imperial Fister on Feb 4, 2023 at 5:31 PM, finished with 28 posts and 14 votes.
Summer 1/Turn 3.2
[X] Plan Dog time
-[X] (Seasonal) Check and reset the animal traps.
-[X] (Dog) Try to win the dogs trust
-[X] (Training) 2d6 Hugr
-[X] (Training) What in the heck is a 'fylgja'?
-[X] (Orthstirr Usage) 2 to Hugr
[X]Demand that he come with you to Steinarr. (Easy Hugr (Silver-Tongue))
Eric, like all Norsemen, knows that he will one day meet his fated end, ready or not.

Eric, like many Norsemen, also knows that rushing to meet it is a fool's endeavor. That even if you don't die, you can still suffer a great deal from making a mistake.

Which is why you reckon that you have a good chance of stopping him now. Before his blood makes him do something foolish, something that he'll later regret.
(Hugr (Silver-Tongue): 6, 6, 5) 3 Super-Successes, 1 Success needed, rewards granted
Eric starts to move and you don't hesitate.

"Eric, wait!" He looks over his shoulder as you call out to him. They say that the eyes are the windows to the soul and when you lock gazes, it's clear as day to how he's feeling. He's conflicted.

Anyone who spent any amount of time with Eric would know that he's not a warrior. Sure, when pushed he's shove, but he's not one to go out looking for violence. Never has, never will. It's simply not in his nature.

He's going after the thief because of the future risk to his family, not out of a desire to extract vengeance for what's been done already. He doesn't want to fight anyone, but he'll do it to keep his family safe.

In your most private of thoughts, you might think less of him for it. But here and now? When you want nothing more than to keep your brother safe?

You couldn't be happier with how his nature guides him.

"Come find dad with me," you hold out your hand, "so we can hunt this thief down together, as a family."

He stares at your hand for a long time, his eyes cloudy with inner turmoil. He's a man, a part of him whispers, he shouldn't be listening to a woman in matters of battle. Yet, his better senses point out as they reassert themselves, there is strength in numbers, especially when fighting an unknown villain.

Reaching out, Eric takes your hand and his eyes clear up. "You are a good sister, Halla. Thank you," he grimaces, eyes glimmering with realized relief, "I fear I would've done something stupid had you not stopped me."

"It's what little sisters are for, Eric."

"Then you must be the wisest of them all."

(+1 Relations with Eric)
(+1 Hamingja for showing wisdom beyond your age)
(+1 to earning Boon: Little Sister's Wisdom. Little Sister's Wisdom added to Incomplete Boons)


Finding Steinarr took no time at all and explaining everything took even less.

He looks down to the wood axe in his hand and frowns. He can't just *leave* such a valuable tool here, not with a thief around, but he also can't just take it with him, he needs both hands to fight.

An idea occurs to him. You can tell by the way he suddenly straightens up, like he sat his bare-bottom on a block of ice.

"Halla," Steinarr begins slowly, "can you please take the axe back home?"

You don't hesitate to agree and he carefully hands you the axe.

"It is very sharp, so don't cut yourself, alright?" You nod, hardly listening as he and Eric begin heading off. "Be careful, and make sure to tell your mother and Asva what we're doing!"

You have an opportunity here, you realize as you clutch the wood axe in hand. It's not a weapon, no, but it could still split a skull if used correctly... As your father is fond of saying, 'an axe is an axe is an axe.'

What do you do?
[ ] Heed your father's instructions and take the axe home
-(Ends the encounter, Steinarr and Eric will both be fine, even if they didn't catch the thief)
[ ] Follow behind them, axe in hand and ready to pounce
-(Proceeds to combat, chance for the thief to have already gotten away)


AN: Weapons add additional dice to your combat dice pool, but wood axes are tools, not weapons though they are still axes. As such, they do not grant you any additional dice.

If you get good at using, for example, improvised weaponry, then you can get weapon dice from non-weapons. There are instances where Norsemen discarded their weapons in favor of grabbing things like sled runners, which sometimes proved to be especially effective, more so than even their actual weapons.

Additional important thing to note, named and important characters won't die 'off-screen' in combat scenarios, with certain exceptions to this rule. On-screen, however, all bets are off.

I'll give you a 15-minute moratorium on this one
Alrighty, voting is now open. Another update might be in the cards, if we cut voting a bit short.
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That was an awkward dinner.

But regardless, it looks like you're off to battle. Was it a good idea? Was it a bad idea?

I suppose you're going to find out soon enough.
Scheduled vote count started by Imperial Fister on Feb 5, 2023 at 5:15 PM, finished with 8 posts and 7 votes.
Summer 1/Turn 3.3
Follow behind them, axe in hand and ready to pounce. (Timing: 6)
You smell the thief before you spot him, such is the stench of his unwashed body.

You weren't quite quick enough to catch the pre-battle posturing, but you arrive just in time to see the moments immediately following.

You don't recognize the thief, so they weren't a local. He carries a battered-looking shield in one hand and a surprisingly well-cared for axe in the other. Dark eyes glint as they dart about, a frantic, wild look to their movements.

He's looking for a way out, the coward.
(Attack: 4 vs Defense: 6, Defender wins)
"Die with dignity, you thieving dog!" Steinarr growls, eyes full of righteous fury as he sees the same as you. His crimson orthstirr whips itself into a frenzy as the thief barely manages to deflect his sword, Crowfeeder — an heirloom passed down through several generations.

The shield holds up, if only just.

"Thieving dog!?" The thief grits his yellow teeth. "I'll show you a thieving dog!"
(Attack: 3 vs Defense: 2, Attacker wins. Intercept: 6, Intercepted)
The thief bashes Crowfeeder aside and throws Steinarr off balance. The axe sails straight towards Steinarr's unprotected side, only to catch on Eric's spear as he intercepts the blow.

There's a clatter of wood on wood as the axe meets spear. The axe is nearly wrenched from the thief's hand, only saved by the thief backing off at the perfect moment.

Eric takes a step forward, face a mask of determination, both hands holding the spear as he thrusts.
(Attack: 1 vs Defense: 3, Defender wins)
The spear punches through the shield, but stops before making any headway. The thief roars and throws his now broken shield to the side, taking Eric's spear with it.

"That's it!" The thief grips his axe with both hands, his own pale yellow orthstirr climbing up the weapon. "I'm ending this!"

Eric, now weaponless and his own shield dropped on the ground behind him, trips as he backs away. He stumbles to the ground, wide-eyed as the thief advances. The thief's axe rises high, sickly yellow orthstirr pouring off of it in thick droves. There's sadistic glee in the outlaw's murderous eyes.
(Trick Attack: 18 vs Shieldless Defense: 4, Attacker wins. Trick Intercept: 22, Intercepted. Endurance damage dealt)
A crimson-coated shield slams into the outlaw's jaw. There's a sharp cracking sound as bloody teeth sail from his mouth and he stumbles back. A wordless scream of pain rips its way through his throat as Crowfeeder carves its way down the thief's side.

A heavy wound, but not enough to take the thief out of the fight.
(Attack: 6 vs Trick Defense: 7, Defender wins)
Blood coats Steinarr's furious face as he brings Crowfeeder around for another strike. He swings with a blow that would've taken the thief's head clean off, had he not managed to bring his axe up in time.

The thief stumbles back, but stays on his feet. He wheezes, drawing ragged breath as the two warriors on their feet stare each other down.

Steinarr moves first, putting himself between Eric and the thief. He stands there, shield held before him as blood drips off Crowfeeder, prioritizing the safety of his son over securing the death of the thief.
(Hugr: 5, 2, 6) 2 Super Successes, 1 Failure
The thief is looking to run, he's likely not expecting to be attacked by a little girl like yourself. Which means he won't be defending himself, not from you.

Which leaves an opening for you.

You came all this way already, you'd be a fool not to take it!

You have 1 combat dice and 2 points of reserve orthstirr.
[ ] Write in
[ ] Wait, redistribute orthstirr


AN: And here we are, your first combat encounter. Combat mechanics will be added under Turns and the Passage of Time

This time, to let you gain a better understanding of combat and because it's rather important to this quest, I've temporarily given you an extra two orthstirr to spend as you will.

Remember, orthstirr can be freely put into things, but cannot be freely taken out.

Please feel free to ask any questions you may have.

Take a look at the invisitext to get an understanding of how combat breaks down.

15-minute moratorium again.
Combat works thusly; you have a pool of dice (gained through putting orthstirr into hamr (and hugr, if utilizing magic) and your skills. You also get dice from equipment) that you divvy out amongst offensive, defensive, and trick options.

Tricks always have a cost attached to them, which is paid with orthstirr. You don't so much use a trick as you tap it to be used automatically by your character. You can use more orthstirr than is required, which gives you additional dice for that action.

Lets say you have a combat pool of 12 dice, plus 8 orthstirr held in reserve. A basic plan might look something like this;
[X] Plan name
-[X] 3d6 to Attack (This means that you'll make three attacks, each with 1d6)
-[X] 5d6 to Defense (This means that you'll be able to defend yourself five times, each with 1d6, before your defenses are overwhelmed)
-[X] 1d6 to Intercept (Intercepting means that, should you see something happening to an ally, you try to stop it)
-[X] 1d6 to Trick1 (3 Orr (shorthand for orthstirr))
-[X] 2d6 to Trick2 (5 Orr) (You can dedicate multiple dice to a trick, though it will still only be used once. The same trick can be used multiple times, though you have to make another line for it.)
-[X] (optional write in) General tactics. No need for a blow-by-blow, just give me the basics. This is simply for flavor so I know the vibe you're going for. If you want to pick something up or any other option, or putting more orthstirr into a stat or skill, you say so here.

Dice dedicated to Attack go up against the dice dedicated to Defense by the enemy and vis versa. Winning the contest means you deal Endurance damage to your opponent. NPCs can take multiple points of Endurance damage in a single round while PCs can only take a maximum of 1 Endurance per round (with the exception of certain Tricks). Your defenses being overwhelmed means that you take a point of Endurance damage.

When an opportunity presents itself, the readied Trick is used, which uses all the dice assigned to it (including orthstirr cost and any boosting) in a single attack or defense. Tricks can either be defensive or offensive, sometimes both. When an offensive Trick is used, the only thing that can counter it is a defensive Trick or through sacrificing your shield.

Shields have a certain amount of hits they can take before they're broken. You can sacrifice your shield to save you from a Trick. Shields are automatically replenished the next turn in a season.

While I would not recommend burning through all of your reserve orthstirr in a single round, you could definitely do it.

At the end of every round, the combat pool is refreshed. Spent orthstirr, however, is only regained at the end of combat.

Also at the end of every round, you make a hugr roll to see if you can glean any insight into what they're planning next. This isn't going to be a perfect breakdown of dice usage (not unless you get an absolutely crazy roll) but it will tell you how they're going to act in the next round. Who they're focusing on, defense or offensive priority, or if they're readying a lot of tricks. Things like that.
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