- Location
[x] [BELEGAR] Greater Daemon
[x] [COLLEGE] Nothing
[x] [COLLEGE] Nothing
Dwarven soul confirmed!I have progressed past this, and now I want to live solely for reasons of spite.
There is an advantage to telling the Colleges about the dubious intel on an incoming Everchosen. The rest of it? Not nearly as evident. At all.So there is an advantage to telling the Colleges about it. Nice to know, I definitely think we should do so. Our reputation is pristine, we can tank the loss.
This wasn't "a daemon." It was one of the Eyes of Tzeentch. The difference between "daemon" and "Greater Daemon" is highly salient, and absolutely nobody thinks that the least threatening thing a Greater Daemon of Tzeentch can do is talk.Also, I think it's worth remembering that Regimand frequently pretends to be a black magister / blackmailable without telling anyone. Not mentioning a demon encounter -- a normal risk of being a wizard -- where the demon could only talk -- is comparatively mild. We're a lord magister; we have discretion out the wazoo for this kind of thing.
Boney literally just told us how telling people would help. And Mathilde won't be blurting random stuff about Choas, she's a highly competent LM expert in that kind of creative presentation of the truth.I cannot think if any way in which talking about this will help anyone, that includes but is not limited to 'secret dwarfish methods of strengthening against things no dwarf could do' and 'super-special Grey Wizard demon checking'. I think we should aim to minimize the loss of reputation and and general danger than comes with blurting out random stuff about chaos. The fewer people who know what a demon has to say the better.
You're certainly not going to be able to command any sort of mobilization effort based on 'a Lord of Change told me', but you can add the information in more general form to the greater intelligence apparatus, which will be accumulating bits and pieces like that and will, eventually, reach the point where the omens are unmistakeable and the Empire - hopefully - will get its ducks in a row before half of Kislev is aflame. And if it turns out to be nothing - there's nothing to say that an Everchosen will always attack the Old World, and several theorists in the field believe that Naggaroth and Cathay have received the brunt of at least a couple - then those armies can go and proactively stamp out a few nascent lesser threats. There's always something out there that could use a taste of steel and gunpowder.
most Dwarves would agree that courtesy dictates that you report the presence of a Greater Daemon inside a Karak, or the wounding of the barrier between said Karak and the realm of Daemons. Likewise, the Grey Order likes to be kept abreast of this sort of thing so they know to be on the lookout for any sudden penchant for feathers and coloured flames.
So if you ignore the names that were so heavily dropped, where does that leave you? You're certainly not going to be able to command any sort of mobilization effort based on 'a Lord of Change told me', but you can add the information in more general form to the greater intelligence apparatus, which will be accumulating bits and pieces like that and will, eventually, reach the point where the omens are unmistakeable and the Empire - hopefully - will get its ducks in a row before half of Kislev is aflame. And if it turns out to be nothing - there's nothing to say that an Everchosen will always attack the Old World, and several theorists in the field believe that Naggaroth and Cathay have received the brunt of at least a couple - then those armies can go and proactively stamp out a few nascent lesser threats. There's always something out there that could use a taste of steel and gunpowder.