And What a Dance it Was (NO SV, War is Coming, Prepare)

Nice, but oh well, can our MC hire him self out as a merc to the free cities? killing dothraki would be a great way to make gold, instead of paying of the dothraki, they pay the MC and he deals with them
Eh... technically not, as while this was their largest force in the field, there are still armies trapped in two cities under siege and blockade. so it's not exactly the end, but they are really hamstrung, and without much in the way of projecting military power to defend the Stepstones.

But as for worse then the Field of Fire... Well... Yeah.
OK then, but it seems that since the Triarchy cannot deploy any additional forces in the Stepstones the only thing to do is to clean the Archipelago of the remaining troops stationed there...

But really after this massive victory the options we had in the previous update may still be valid, but they seem more like a way of socializing with some interesting people than it would be valid steps on a military campaign...
Unless you are willing to commit genocide on the city's inhabitants, they would never accept you as a ruler of the city.

Even with puppets, the city's would revolt, and they would try to remain independent.
It's not something I'm saying to be funny.

They hate Valyrians, their religion, the dragons and see them as nothing more then people who have enslaved them for thousands of years.

The century of blood was less than 200 years ago.

They aren't going back.
Well, if conquering it is not an option we can do the next best thing and make them pay a massive tribute and sing treaties so that they no longer be a threat.

If not we pluder the city and make sure that we steall EVERYTHING.
To us.

We're adventurers with no (Official) backing from the Crown.

They have to pay us.
In land, Money, Artifacts?

A lot.
Interesting... What would be the "unofficial" tithe that the kingdom would get for its "unofficial" support?

I kind of want to repeat this scene though...

You have to convince them...

But that most likely won't happen.
Yeah, let´s enjoy the relative peace of the next few years... Once the Dance starts we will have enough war for 10 lifetimes...
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OK then, but it seems that since the Triarchy cannot deploy any additional forces in the Stepstones the only thing to do is to clean the Archipelago of the remaining troops there...

But really after this massive victory the options we had in the previous update may still be valid, but they seem more like a way of socialising with some interesting people than it would be steps on a military campaign...
We're mostly going to be socializing, as many of the things that will soon be happening will... be magical.
If not we pluder the city and make sure that we steall EVERYTHING.
You can certainly try.

but even if you defeat them in a humiliating fashion... they will remember.

And the free cities have long memories.
Interesting... What would be the "unofficial" tithe that the kingdom would get for the unofficial support?

I kind of want to repeat this scene though...
"Prince of the Stepstones"

Or "King of the Narrow Sea"

Or my favorite one "Dragon Lord of the Storms"
Yeah, let´s enjoy the relative peace of the next few years... Once the Dance starts we will have enough war for 10 lifetimes...
Well for there to be peace, there will be much in the way of peace.

And it will be amazing.
We're mostly going to be socializing, as many of the things that will soon be happening will... be magical.

Good, I want to Lucien make more friends! I would be sad if we had just one opportunity to socialize with the new characters.

Edit: Ragnar I am looking at you, also its funny that Laenor is our brother in law but we didnt speak to him even once.
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Prince Lucien Targaryen of the Stepstones has a nice ring to it. Still got to get the fortifications and the men for said fortifications to hold onto the Stepstones. Oh and ships can't forget about that.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Magoose on Nov 13, 2022 at 12:07 PM, finished with 51 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] Plan Family and Networking
    -[X]Prince Daemon Targaryen
    -[X]Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen
    -[X]Lady Alicent Hightower
    -[X]Lady Lara Lannister
    -[X]Captain General Brandon "The Jolly" Stark
    -[X]Pirate Lord Spack Jarrow
    [X]Plan: Family Time and a Pirate!
    -[X]Prince Daemon Targaryen
    -[X]Lady Lara Lannister
    -[X]Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen
    -[X]Lady Alicent Hightower
    -[X]Ser Aegor the Black
    -[X]Pirate King Valaar Vaeltigar
    [X] Plan: Getting Around and Making Friends
    -[X]Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen
    -[X]Lady Alicent Hightower
    -[X]Lord Ragnar Farwynd
    -[X]Ser Aegor the Black
    -[X]Maegor "Brother of Aegor"
    -[X]Lady Lara Lannister
Seems we will be meeting with family, Lara, Brandon and the crazy Pirate Spack Jarrow.

Sad that Ragnar didnt win this one, but there's always next time, by the way shoulnt it be Princess Alicent Targaryen ? You know since she is Princess Consort to Lucien.
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The People We Love
The People We Love

-[X]Prince Daemon Targaryen Rolled:D100 => 72

Daemon was sitting at the edge of the camp, watching the ashes fall as the rain fell as well. The army was gone. Naught but ash and cooked bone and meat. There were some that, somehow, were still alive, cooking in the superheated ground, trying to escape from the horror, to run away to somewhere cool, to heal and to survive. So were you.

You sat next to him, not even feeling the heat as the great field of flame…. Or the Ashlands that were once the disputed lands continued to move. It was like the world was ending, and the doom came again, but this time the dragons were the ones who brought it.

"Daemon." You said his name as he stopped you, looking at the blade before you offered it to him.

"To think that it was taken away from me." He muttered. "And you brought it back."

"Daemon." You repeated his name to make him look at you.

He sheathed the blade and hugged you. "Good."

"I-" You

But instead, he held you. "Thank you."

When he let go, you could only stare. "What-"

"Thank you for showing me what I thought I never had."

And yet he said nothing more.

He didn't say a thing before he whistled to the Blood Wyrm.

Preparing to fly away, back to the Stepstones.

Reward: Daemon has… thanked you? You do not know what he means by that.

But something tells you that soon, you would understand. Someday.

-[X]Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen Rolled:D100 => 100

When you returned to her, she was only looking deeply into the sky, as if she was staring at nothing and everything. She had no relief when she saw you. She had no joy when she saw you, only sadness. Her entire face was covered in her hood as you came toward her

And then she saw you. You walk towards her, very slowly as if not trying to startle her. "Is everything-" You feared the worst before you realized the flicker on her face as she tackled you. She was extremely…

Well, you didn't know what she was exactly, but something told you that she was very happy to see you.

You were going to say something, but instead, she slammed her lips against yours. As tasty and relaxing as the kiss attack was, you didn't feel right, and just needed to know if she was okay. You used your strength to pull her back for a moment before you asked. "Rhaenyra." It was almost impossible to stop her, as she tried to continue.

But it wasn't like her to keep going when you weren't ready… when you had so much to say.

"RHAENYRA!" You shouted her name, rolling around to pin her down on her back, to stop her from continuing. Immediately, you saw tears beginning to stream down her eyes, as you finally saw how much that word did to her.

You let go and immediately cradled her as you saw her sob into you. "It's okay, I just…" You paused as you saw her look up at you.

Then a dagger was drawn and it stabbed into your chest, the only reason you weren't killed was that you were still in armor, and the blade this assassin was wielding was dull and the edge was blunted. You then saw her eyes… the eyes of this impostor that was wearing your wife's face

Then you heard a dragon's roar… but not Grey Ghosts.

Syrax came in and nearly crashed into you, her talons and claws almost turning you into a paste.

"The fuck!" You swore as you rolled away, pulling out the broken dagger from your armor as you looked to see Rhaenyra angrily looking at the woman there…

You then saw the very minute differences between the two ladies… Well, rather large differences considering Rhaenyra was on her dragon. She then slid down her dragon's wing. "Syrax, if it moves, kill it." She ordered as she walked over to you, watching you pull the rest of the dagger out.

"What the hell was that!" you demanded, as you looked at your wife, who only slapped you. "Ow!"

"Why did you come here?" She demanded.

"I saw you!" You replied.

"You think I would be sad, and sullen like a lady of the South?" She asked. "That I would not come to you and try to talk about our problems?"

"Oh, our problems?" you were flabbergasted. "You were the one who came! You were the one putting yourself in harm's way, with no training, no skillset to handle your bloody emotions, putting our child at risk!"

"Would you two shut up and get on with it!" The assassin complained.

"Shut up!" You both shouted in anger, enough for you to notice that Grey Ghost was also watching from above, though very much confused about what was going on, and he was looking for you for some type of order.

You took a deep breath and said. "Rhaenyra" You held her hands. "Why won't you talk to me?"

"Why won't you talk to me?" She asked back. "I need you." the weight felt too much for you, as you looked down to the ground, falling to your knees.

"And I ignored you." You said those words bitterly and brokenly. "Like some hero galavanting off on adventures expecting his wife to be happy and healthy."

That made you look at her, and she sat beside you. "Yet you did your duty, and… I was impulsive… I was angry that the world took away my mother. I wanted to stop hurting so bad that I didn't think that it would ever get better."

"For the love of the gods, have a heart to heart, after I'm dead." The assassin said. "You're going to make me puke."

Rhaenyra then shouted. "Be quiet!"

The assassin wisely shut up.

"Now where was I?" She asked.

"Hurt that wouldn't get better." You replied. It would be best to not interrupt this moment.

"But it did get better. First with being with you and Alicent and all the others… then it was this." She placed your hands. "Our child." She was quiet. "I was so scared that it would be… just like my mother. But instead, all I saw was that… I was being selfish."

"I didn't know how many people counted on me until I felt it kick me for the first time. And it gave me something to think about. Something that I want you to know."

You remained quiet to let her speak. "Build me a home for our children here Lucien. Build me a home worthy of a queen."

You then bowed your head. "As you wish."

Then you turned to the assassin. "Now… who hired you?"

Reward: Rhaenyra and you talk, and while there are some lingering movements… and doubts, you trust her, and she trusts you with everything.
-[X]Lady Alicent Hightower Rolled:D100 => 99

Alicent was writing letters as you came into her quarters. It was almost relaxing to see the well-lit room was filled with papers and quills and ink.

You were so used to a dirty, almost dusty, and destroyed… everything. But this was a sanctuary. "Alicent."

"One moment Lucien.' She said as she handed a few papers away. "To the King, Daemon, and Lord Stark. Tell him we may need another Weirwood arrow."

The assistant then carried the letters and then you were both alone. "I'm sorry about-"

"You are doing your duty and that would not purvey you from seeing me more." She replied, not looking at you, as she continued working. "I am not seeing any fault in your actions."

"But that is the problem. I have been neglectful to you, and Rhaenyra. I have abandoned you to be a foolish adventurer."

Alicent then looked up from the parchments. "No." She stated.

"Alicent, don't try to-"

"If you had abandoned us, you would have left us both with your children in King's Landing. You didn't send us back when you were fully within your rights to do so." She stated. "You made us part of this because you needed us, whether you knew it or not." She then placed her quill down and looked at you, turning her pregnant body to face you. "I am relieved you hold so much trust in our relationship that you would do that. It's incredible."

You were confused. "But I neglected you."

"You did. But the very fact you care that you have, speaks volumes about your character and that of yourself than simple actions never can simply call to question." She replied.

"You are a good man, and a good husband, and we both have our flaws. But it's wondrous that you have done so well in recognizing them."

You kissed her forehead. "We have a bed."

She groaned. "No please, I'm nowhere near as wild as you and Rhaenyra, let my poor back be saved from more sex."

Reward: You and Alicent speak, and come to a more… amenable understanding.

She also tells you the truth and it is quite refreshing.
-[X]Lady Lara Lannister Rolled:D100 => 42= 72

"Oh Daemon you have-" You looked at the lady waiting in her room and she was caught completely off guard. "My apologies Prince, I was expecting-"

"Yes, I've noticed... put down the sword." You asked as you tried to reach for your own. She did not.

"You know I must admit for a man who enjoys sex as any man, you commit to being completely open to others who might share your proclivities." She replied as she lowered it. "Do you not enjoy the finer things in life?"

"Only when the people I care about are with it." You replied.

"Exactly, frankly the men in my life are all the same, usually because they seem to know absolutely nothing about women and our desires or the simple fact that they always think I will grow out of being a fighter, a fucker and an artist." She chuckled. "I refuse to be constrained with such things."

She then walked past you. "I enjoyed this talk."

"We hardly talked at all." You stated.

"Yes, but you are illuminating to a mind I wish to see. Nothing more."

It seems that there was something involving Daemon that she wished to attend to. Whether it be fucking him or dueling him, you did not know, but the sword she had was more than enough to make you think it was both.

Success: Seems she's after a better prize than you…

Good Luck Daemon.
-[X]Captain General Brandon "The Jolly" Stark Rolled:D100 => 17

Captain General Stark has been wounded, Storming Sunstone, and is convalescing back in King's Landing.

He will return soon.

-[X]Pirate Lord Spack Jarrow Rolled:D100 => 51

Spack looked at the Peanut and ate it as he saw you walk in. "Valaars pup?" He then gave a small bow of his head. "I heard you fucked the Dragon?"

"Which one?" You asked as the pirate put his feet up.

"The princess, the one with the child." He replied.

"Every night it feels like." You replied.

That earned a chuckle. "Well, you must be wondering why we came back for your father?"

"Not entirely, I want to know you." You replied. "I heard that Spack Jarrow was a slaver?"

"A lie told by my enemies," he replied with venom. "Trying to turn my allies against me… never works."

"Well then… Why are you still fighting the fight to stop slavers?" You asked. "Curiosity."

Spack then looked deep into the flames. "When you're at the bottom of the ocean, drowning, dying… wondering how you're going to escape…" He paused. "You found out who you really are?"

You raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean by that?"

Spack shook his head and smiled. "A Bad dream… that's all. A Dream I don't want anyone else to suffer ever again."

"And you would destroy the world to see it?" You asked, the word leaving your mouth before you could think.

Spack twitched. He tried to look the same… but something about him was different for a moment. Blackness seemed to darken the room. "All are free, they just need to be reminded."

"And what if they want to serve someone."

"They better choose wisely."

Reward: Um.. well he's not as crazy as you thought he was.

He's worse.

The War was soon coming to an-

Enemy Will Roll:D100 - 40 => -13

Nevermind. The Peace Banner was seen a mile away.

The Surrendering Stepstone castles were evacuated… and the army of Adventurers, in six months, took over the Stepstones.

And the Spoils would soon be given… But you needed to choose your Seat of Power in the Stepstones.

Where do you go to make your seat:
(Choose 1)

[]Sunstone: You had long wished to be close to a home, and the Volcanic island of Sunstone has been a place that all would believe would be perfect for a dragon rider's seat. But the keep was damaged in the assault, and it would take years to rebuild and populate it.

[]Bloodstone: The Old Seat of the Saans, a ruthless pirate captain who fled to the Basilisk islands. It is the only one with a fully realized keep, and will not need to be developed.

[]Torturer's Deep (Port Tabasco): Home of the Tabasco sauce you love so much, it is the most fertile land. Some would say farming, a man of your talents would be impossible. You would like to try.

[]Grey Gallows: You think the only one who likes this one is Grey Ghost? The place is perfect with rolling hills and calm autumn storms. But nothing is here. Nothing at all.
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[X]Sunstone: You had long wished to be close to a home, and the Volcanic island of Sunstone has been a place that all would believe would be perfect for a dragon rider's seat. But the keep was damaged in the assault, and it would take years to rebuild and populate it.

The Volcano is a major boon because dragons REALLY need/want to be near them for good growth and the "negatives" aren't really all bad, as they allow us to determine what we want to make of our island.
[X]Sunstone: You had long wished to be close to a home, and the Volcanic island of Sunstone has been a place that all would believe would be perfect for a dragon rider's seat. But the keep was damaged in the assault, and it would take years to rebuild and populate it.

Yeah the "negatives" here are really positives. No pre-existing structures or loyalties to deal with, this will be our realm.
[X]Sunstone: You had long wished to be close to a home, and the Volcanic island of Sunstone has been a place that all would believe would be perfect for a dragon rider's seat. But the keep was damaged in the assault, and it would take years to rebuild and populate it.
Yeah the "negatives" here are really positives. No pre-existing structures or loyalties to deal with, this will be our realm.
The only thing I will say for this, is simple.

Nothing is there, save for a damage keep.

You will need to develop everything and put a lot of action into making the place livable. both for you, and the people who will live there.
[X]Torturer's Deep (Port Tabasco): Home of the Tabasco sauce you love so much, it is the most fertile land. Some would say farming, a man of your talents would be impossible. You would like to try.
Time to popularize our sauce
[X]Sunstone: You had long wished to be close to a home, and the Volcanic island of Sunstone has been a place that all would believe would be perfect for a dragon rider's seat. But the keep was damaged in the assault, and it would take years to rebuild and populate it.
[X]Torturer's Deep (Port Tabasco): Home of the Tabasco sauce you love so much, it is the most fertile land. Some would say farming, a man of your talents would be impossible. You would like to try.

You already know. You all know who and what I am. This is what I've striven towards for a while now. But to think of the actual practicalities, placing our seat on some of the most arable land in the Stepstones means we control the second largest food supply, and if we're lucky that gap will get smaller, or we can use plenty of that land for cash crops and spices (you know).

Can't say I'll be truly sad if sunstone wind but I will be disappointed. Either way I am obligated to vote for Port Tabasco, and nothing shall sway my vote.
[X]Grey Gallows: You think the only one who likes this one is Grey Ghost? The place is perfect with rolling hills and calm autumn storms. But nothing is here. Nothing at all.
[X]Grey Gallows: You think the only one who likes this one is Grey Ghost? The place is perfect with rolling hills and calm autumn storms. But nothing is here. Nothing at all.
[X]Sunstone: You had long wished to be close to a home, and the Volcanic island of Sunstone has been a place that all would believe would be perfect for a dragon rider's seat. But the keep was damaged in the assault, and it would take years to rebuild and populate it.

[X]Grey Gallows: You think the only one who likes this one is Grey Ghost? The place is perfect with rolling hills and calm autumn storms. But nothing is here. Nothing at all.

Sunstone seems obvious due to the Volano effects for the dragons. However, I have a feeling about Grey Gallow (and so does Grey Ghost, it seems). So I have difficulties choosing between the two.

The other too options, while they have advantages, seem less interesting to me.
Well, as I said before the whole Active Volcano thingy is extremely cool, and I want to do ask Viserys to design a new keep for us...

[X]Sunstone: You had long wished to be close to a home, and the Volcanic island of Sunstone has been a place that all would believe would be perfect for a dragon rider's seat. But the keep was damaged in the assault, and it would take years to rebuild and populate it.

And great interactions with our family, unfortunately we did not get too much on the other ones...

But @Magoose shouldn´t we have had like +40 or +60 bonus in all these social rolls? (20-10-10+30+10=40 or 60 if the Dragon Rider bonus applies here)

Court Diplomacy (Skilled): You know how to handle yourself in court, and how to act around the powerful and the low. (+20 bonus towards diplomacy/social rolls)

Dragon Rider: You ride a Dragon, a great beast native to Old Valyria. The greatest of all magical creatures still alive in the world. (All parties are interested in you, and you have a +20 to all social rolls when you are near your dragon)

Ruthless: You do not see anything that can stop you from achieving victory. Nothing will stop you from doing what needs to be done. (+10 to certain actions. +10 to combat rolls. -10 to certain social rolls)

Wrathful: You are angry, focused, and filled with a rage that cannot be controlled by simple means. It can only be unleashed in a fury of anger and rage. (+20 to combat rolls. -10 to social rolls.)

Ethereal: Your beauty is without question, the greatest in the world. You are the most beautiful man in the world. (+30 to diplomacy Rolls. This Trait is genetic, and can be passed onto your children)

Tall: You are very tall. Far taller then the Westerosi Noble Average (+10 to social rolls This Trait is genetic, and can be passed onto your children)

Because if that applies here we had either crit success or exploding crit in every interaction except for Brandon...
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[X]Sunstone: You had long wished to be close to a home, and the Volcanic island of Sunstone has been a place that all would believe would be perfect for a dragon rider's seat. But the keep was damaged in the assault, and it would take years to rebuild and populate it.