And What a Dance it Was (NO SV, War is Coming, Prepare)

So if the Kinguard comes we still have 1 in 6 chance of Cole coming, plus Harwin Strong. ( Uncle Vaegon will appear at some point)

But that's only two people, can we get a hint of who else is on reserve?
Lucien: starts singing.

Everyone else: oh no, you made him mad.
The Silent's song,
his voice so sweet.
Mine soul long gone,
you'll never meet.
Dragons refrain,
and fight on storm,
till grave in vain,
a black red mourn.
-The Silent and The Ghost,
Daemon Targaryen on the eve of war with the stepstones.

(Inspired by @Ghost in the sun and their characterization of daemon as a tired, tired man. I figure that as angry as he presents himself to be wit the others he cant fill every waking moment with anger and might pick up a hobby outside of killing people, especially now that Lucien has found a new facet to his voice)
Inspired by @Ghost in the sun and their characterization of daemon as a tired, tired man. I figure that as angry as he presents himself to be wit the others he cant fill every waking moment with anger and might pick up a hobby outside of killing people, especially now that Lucien has found a new facet to his voice)

Great song Tabasco I honoured you found inspiration in my omake! And yes I think that Daemon cant be angry all the time, specially with his family and in a lesser scale in the lull moments where nothing is going on.

However how good would Daemon be if he learned to sing @Magoose ? Can you roll it just for the chaos? (Jk)
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Great song Tabasco I honoured you found inspiration in my omake! And yes I think that Daemon cant be angry all the time, specially with his family and in a lesser scale in the lull moments where nothing is going on.

However how good would Daemon be if he learned to sing @Magoose ? Can you roll it just for the chaos? (Jk)
I had posed it as a poem of sorts but the given how Daemon sung in Episode 10 of HoD I believe that it being a song fits better, good catch Ghost.

Maybe this is when he really starts practicing his Valyrian Lullaby's in private.
However how good would Daemon be if he learned to sing @Magoose ? Can you roll it just for the chaos? (Jk)
well lets see.

D100 => 76

He's actually fairly decent, though compared to us he is not nearly as good.
Scheduled vote count started by Magoose on Nov 4, 2022 at 12:07 AM, finished with 97 posts and 16 votes.
The Masters of the World 1
The Masters of the World 1:

Maegor shivered as he climbed off the Grey Ghost, trying his best to remain stoic, despite his uncomfortable situation, looking at the great beast that had carried him on for so long on his back, while his own dragon remained so painstakingly behind. You understood the feeling that the dragon felt, far too well.

You looked at the dragon that was close by, a dragon of Black and yellow scales like a bee that produced honey, or a wasp or hornet. In fact, that was where it found its name… by those that did not think it a dragon. A Dragon was not a bee, nor was it a hornet.

Yet in your respect, you also allowed yourself to feel pity for the boy, whom you helped off the saddle of the Grey Ghost, and watched him run towards his boned creature.

Groku, the tiny thing was barely taller than a dog and had been clinging to the back of the Grey Ghost for much of the trip, sometimes even stealing a fish or two when the ghost went diving above the ocean to get something to eat, as you rested on the islands just beyond the magics of Valyria.

Just beyond the terror that lay just beyond the Smoking sea. You were lucky that both Dragons seemed to understand just how dangerous the place was. Just how dangerous the feeling that you all felt was.

Valyria was dead. And you would not die today trying to see its ruins and sights.

Yet even then, the older man was dismissive but clearly focused on what needed to be done.

"That boy doesn't seem to understand what he is doing." Edwyle said as he stood behind you, speaking in his nasally, but controlled voice, as he watched the dragon wrap around the child, enjoying the company its rider had, as well as, as you learned from Daemon, grow more comfortable with the rider's temperament.

But ever clinical, Edwyle did not see the need for that, not now, not in this place. He himself was cold, and no longer adoring his heavy cloak with Frey Towers, he shivered in the cold winter air. "He's going to get us killed."

He wasn't. And a small dragon he may have, but it was a dragon nonetheless. Your hand went closer to the whistle that you had gotten from the dragon keepers. The whistle to call the dragons. "He's far too protective of it. He doesn't understand what he may need to do to keep himself safe."

You scowled at the blunt and dismissive observation of the Frey, instead asking. "Then what should he have done? Leave his dragon alone?"

"Dragons are a beast to be controlled, he will not be like that if he coddles it like a pet." he replied with a tone that sounded condescending.

You frowned. "Have you ever ridden a dragon?"

Edwyle knew what was coming. "Everyone of you riders seems to think they are pets. Only Daemon truly knows what these beasts are." You narrowed your eyes at him. "They are weapons to be used and controlled."

You were reminded of Viserys saying that controlling Dragons was an impossibility. That there were things in this world that no man should control.

You disagreed. "Perhaps, to some, but not to me. Or to him."

A moment later, the young Dragon and his rider were back, standing on the sands and rocky mountainside, as they looked out. "Are we close to Astapor?" He asked as he walked over to the large saddlebag of the Dragon, grabbing his sword.

"Yes." You replied. "We will walk the rest of the way on foot."

Mejor did not seem enthusiastic about that statement. "But why?"

Edwyle agreed. "I must say that I am agreeing with the boy. We have come this far on dragon back, and they will have seen us on the patrol ships, as you were flying quite low, and you made no effort to hide us above the clouds."

That allowed you to look at the Grey Ghost, and smile, rubbing his neck as he made a purring sound, letting out a puff of smoke in elation as you removed scales that were chafing against the Saddle and the chains. "Grey Ghost needs to rest, we've been flying for a fortnight, with hardly any break for him to eat." As you pulled another scale out there was a yelp from Maegor, whose dragon jumped onto the Grey Ghost, before perching itself onto his head. "And an Angry Dragon is not one we can control."

Grey Ghost was annoyed and looked at you.

"No, do not eat Groku." You ordered, and the Grey Ghost seemed utterly incensed that you were not allowing him to discipline the tiny dragon.

Or eat him.

Edwyle rolled his eyes at the subject before he began to think. "The Astapori do not like dragon lords or dragons. They see them as nothing more than bringers of the End times, as they were when the Harpies still roamed the world." He seemed to think more as he nodded. "Quite smart actually, to leave the Dragons here for now. Allows us to work more quietly, or better yet, hide out true advantage."

You nodded. "Anything else? Should we know more about Astapor before we stride in with Dragons, demanding princesses?"

"It would be wise if we spoke only Valyrian. Westerosi Common is more likely to get us enslaved than it is to keep us safe." He replied as he pulled out his sword from the Ghost's giant saddlebag, and then a hood and cloak… and pieces of his plate mail. "A sellsword protecting Valyrian merchants will raise fewer suspicions."

"You know how to speak Valyrian?" You asked Maegor, who nodded.

"Yes, but…" He paused as he tried to think of his words. "Why shouldn't we just announce ourselves and demand they release the princesses?" Maegor asked as he caught the cloak Edwyle gave him.

"Cause that will get them killed, and we are on a rescue mission my young Maegor." He replied as the Frey took a deep breath, realizing that he was speaking to a child. And that his annoyance was temporary at best. "Can't save the princess if they are dead."

He nodded and strapped the sword to his side, and put on the cloak and hood. "This is comfy, where did you get these?" He asked.

"Daemon knows a tailor on the Street of silk who makes him fine cloaks for when he wants to be discreet." You said. You loved his little hoods and cloaks he wore trying to make himself look mysterious and dangerous. It was laughable… but somehow he always seemed to pull it off, to make himself look more threatening than he did. "He owed me a few favors, so he made some for me."

As you looked at the Ghost, and Groku, you whistled and managed to get both the dragons' attention. "Do not come." You then showed them the whistle. "Until you hear this."

Both dragons seemed to understand your statement, as you then turned back and grabbed your sword and shield. "Come on. To Astapor."

All you could see, besides the Pyramids, were the slaves that were wandering the city, carrying out their master's will. All had collars, whips, and chains.

And it sickened you.

Deception: D100 + 50 => 118

But it seems that no one noticed you. And the forged papers that were provided by your father were perfect.

Enough to get an audience with the Great masters themselves.

What Part should you play?:

[]The Pirate Lord

[]The Warlord

[]The Corsair King's Brother

[]Write in

What Tale do you Spin as to why you are here?:
[]Write in

AN: Enjoy.
[X] Flesh and Steel
-[X]The Warlord
-[X]We are here to look for Mercenaries or slaves to increase our warbands numbers as well as weapons and armor to equip them with.

Putting our Guard captain experience to good use
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Well I think I favor the The Corsair King's Brother cover, we have the skills as a sailor and a fighter, and while it is relatively easy to dispute that we are a Pirate Lord or even a Warlord, it is much more difficult to dispute that we are family of one of them...

[]The Corsair King's Brother

But what should we say about the story?

We can be mostly sincere here, saying that some slaves in their possession have certain parties interested and that we have been sent here to retrieve them...

Or that we have been here to expand our capabilities for land combat by buying Wnsullied... Because to be honest their premium product are the Unsullied.
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Well I think I favor the The Corsair King's Brother cover, we have the skills as a sailor and a fighter, and while it is relatively easy to dispute that we are a Pirate Lord or even a Warlord, it is much more difficult to dispute that we are family of one of them...

[]The Corsair King's Brother

But what should we say about the story?

We can be mostly sincere here, saying that some slaves in their possession have certain parties interested and that we have been sent here to retrieve them...

Or that we have been here to expand our capabilities for land combat by buying Wnsullied... Because to be honest their premium product are the Unsullied.
I'm glad you proposed that Fanhunter, because have I got the speech for you.
[X]Plan: Sleazy Lucien
-[X]The Corsair King's Brother

[] "Good masters of Astapor, I come before you with vengeance and hate in my heart, My brother has cast me aside as reward for my services in his rise. For all the things I've done, all the blood I've spilled, and spoils I've given, HE CAST'S ME OUT! Good men of the most august Red City, I ask for the legacy of the Ghiscari, the legions that once conquered the fertile plains of Essos, Good Masters I ask for the Legions to march with me to Claim what is mine, and throw down those that should not be."

And in that last bit we're not even lying!


[] "My Brother hears many thing Good masters, he hears of a particular prize you hold in anticipation of the wars end. The Corsair lord is willing to sell his services to The Red City, for a fair price of course, and turn his fine ships and captains loose on the Westerosi fleet. He is also willing to transport the lost Princess's back home, into the well waiting arms of loyal Dornishmen who remember the dragons gifts when Aegon flew south, and he wishes to insure that as many people avoid such gifts in the future. He sends me here to offer this... alliance shall we say, and snub the dragon lords and their petty ambitions in the Stepstones. Savvy?"

@Fanhunter696 requested suggestion for less edge and more deception! and a Pirates of the Caribbean reference too.

Edit 2: I'm doing plenty of wrtine tonight. Is any of it class related? HELL NO BABY!

-[X] "The Corsair lord has heard of something very interesting, oh Good masters of Astapor, my brother hears that you have in your possession specimens of royalty! The last Free princess's of Westeros, never touched by the Dragons fire, here in this city. My brother, Gods preserve him, has always wished to know what it is like to have a Princess at his side, a boyhood dream you understand, and with he is abound himself to have heard of these. I am here to acquire these princess for my brother, I told him I'd bring him back something nice after all, and I would very much like to buy the whole set."

Meet sleazy Lucien, he's cringing at himself inside the entire time he does this by way, actually his most hate performance. @Fanhunter696 You asked for no Astapor in politics and this is what I can do.

I am endorsing Plan: Sleazy Lucien specifically, please vote for this plan with only the sleazy option and not the others.

[]Plan: Sleazy Lucien
-[] "The Corsair lord has heard of something very interesting, oh Good masters of Astapor, my brother hears that you have in your possession specimens of royalty! The last Free princess's of Westeros, never touched by the Dragons fire, here in this city. My brother, Gods preserve him, has always wished to know what it is like to have a Princess at his side, a boyhood dream you understand, and with he is abound himself to have heard of these. I am here to acquire these princess for my brother, I told him I'd bring him back something nice after all, and I would very much like to buy the whole set."
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Use that theatric skills!
Something else to train once we get regular turns
I'm glad you proposed that Fanhunter, because have I got the speech for you.

[X]The Corsair King's Brother

[X] "Good masters of Astapor, I come before you with vengeance and hate in my heart, My brother has cast me aside as reward for my services in his rise. For all the things I've done, all the blood I've spilled, and spoils I've given, HE CAST'S ME OUT! Good men of the most august Red City, I ask for the legacy of the Ghiscari, the legions that once conquered the fertile plains of Essos, Good Masters I ask for the Legions to march with me to Claim what is mine, and throw down those that should not be."

And in that last bit we're not even lying!
I don´t know maybe it would be more effective to present ourselves as doing business in our brother´s behalf, if only because it is less likely that they will try to sell the info of our conspiracy to our "bother" and because it will make us look like we can pay significantly more.

And I think that we could present ourselves (and our bother by extension) as brokers trying to get a good deal out of some VIPs... Kind of "Some are looking for these three girls to crown them, others to slay them, we plan to sell them to the highest bidder, or even better sell them to both"
Something else to train once we get regular turns

I don´t know maybe it would be more effective to present ourselves as doing business in our brother´s behalf, if only because it is less likely that they will try to sell the info of our conspiracy to our "bother" and because it will make us look like we can pay significantly more.

And I think that we could present ourselves (and our bother by extension) as brokers trying to get a good deal out of some VIPs... Kind of "Some are looking for these three girls to crown them, others to slay them, we plan to sell them to the highest bidder, or even better sell them to both"
What could we offer for the girls you think, maybe act as a messenger for our "brother" who seeks to betray the Targaryen's? Offer an alliance for the girls to put back in Dorne with promises of a restoration in their favor?
Edit:I'll write something up
What could we offer for the girls you think, maybe act as a messenger for our "brother" who seeks to betray the Targaryen's? Offer an alliance for the girls to put back in Dorne with promises of a restoration in their favor?
Well, the easiest way would be to offer them an upfront payment in gold and if that is not enough a percentage of the gold we would make for the deal... I don´t think that we have to present ourselves as part of a great conspiracy @Tabascoheath

I mean the Slave Cities are neutral parties that are mostly interested in filling their pockets through the suffering of others, we may want to avoid getting them into politics.
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Well, the easiest way would be to offer them an upfront payment in gold and if that is not enough a percentage of the gold we would make for the deal... I don´t think that we have to present ourselves as part of a great conspiracy @Tabascoheath

I mean the Slave Cities are neutral parties that are mostly interested in filling their pockets through the suffering of others, we may want to avoid getting them into politics.
Shit, my write in asks that they pay us to betray the Targaryen fleet, welp. guess I'll reword that then.