And What a Dance it Was (NO SV, War is Coming, Prepare)

I mean I have to make it a challenge now?

I'm not going to make it impossible, but certain things might be difficult… or worse, require you to stop and think for a moment. Cause dear god it may require such things.

We can deal with mundane and boring but magic may be EXTREMELY AWESOME BUT IT IS EVEN MORE EXTREMELY DANGEROUS.
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Or you know… be a smart horror movie protagonist.

I mean no matter how smart we are, being a handsome muscular teen with an active sex life in a horror movie is literally a death sentence... And the same applies to Alicent and Nyra, I don´t think that either of them would qualify for a Final Girl.

Let´s better be an invincible action hero of the 80s... We already have the muscles...
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And In the End, All Men Might Die
And In the End, All Men Might Die

Aemma's Funeral was a very quiet one, with only Viserys' family and the court in attendance. It was almost mythical the way the wind stopped blowing as the body was placed in the countryside, and overlooking the sea. How her body was softly placed onto the pyre that was there.

The Crying Babe, Baelon crying and weeping for something he could never truly have. Viserys were silent.

There was only silence as the Dragons danced above. Not in combat, but in mourning, flying overhead like it was a ritual that none could truly see.

Except for you of course. It was only you who saw it. Grey Ghost and Syrax were kindred, and dare you to say, bound together in that same dance as they landed. They understood each other. And so did Rhaenyra, as she held your hand as you watched them eye the body of the Queen.

Waiting for the orders that were to come.

Viserys couldn't look. He couldn't give the order.

It was instead left to Rhaenyra. "Dracarys." She said, nearly choking on her words.

And the dragons obeyed, as they let loose a stream of flames that lit the pyre. And then she was gone.

Naught but ash.

And dare you to say, so was the king in a way.

"That is all we need to do, secure the Stepstones. Let us earn glory ourselves." Corlys said as he poured more wine.

You were growing tired of the posturing, of the speeches and the many many… travels you made over the past few months with Corlys to gather more men to the cause.

Yet it seems that it has finally borne fruit.

Tens of thousands of men were ready, waiting, and preparing to join this conquest.

And they were ready to fight for gold, glory, and honor.

For the Rogue Prince, the Sea Snake, and the Silent Dragon.

You have 5000 BP

Unit Cost:
Raised Peasants: 1 BP
Armed Peasants: 2 BP
Men At Arms: 3 BP
Veteran Men At Arms: 4 BP
Green Knights: 5 BP
Skilled Knights: 10 BP
IronBorn Squadron (Ten ships): 15 BP
Vale Knight Retinue: 15 BP
Northman Pikes: 10 BP
Stormlander Heavy Infantry: 20 BP
Westerland Men At Arms: 25 BP
Sea Snake Ship: 30 BP
Catapult and Crews: 50 BP
Father's Old Friends (Can only be taken 5 times): 50 BP
Legendary Mercenary Company: 2000 BP

(Note: Each unit, except for Peasants, are varied in size., and the full complement and forces will be numbered after this turn.

[]Place Army composition here.

What Skills do you learn/Train:
(You have six choices)
[]Write in Skills here.

AN: Enjoy And vote in plan format please!
-[X]Father's Old Friends (Can only be taken 5 times): 50 BP x5 250 BP
-[X]Sea Snake Ship: 30 BP x33 990 BP
-[X]IronBorn Squadron (Ten ships): 15 BP x66 990 BP
-[X]Catapult and Crews: 50 BP x10 500 BP
-[X]Men At Arms: 3 BP x250 750 BP
-[X]Skilled Knights: 10 BP x50 500BP
-[X]Northman Pikes: 10 BP x51 510BP
-[X]Stormlander Heavy Infantry: 20 BP x37 740
-[X]Train Skill: Sword and Shield
-[X]Train Skill: Dragon Command
-[X]Learn Skill: Singing
-[X]Learn Skill: Lyre
-[X]Learn Skill: Self Control
-[X]Learn Skill: Qaathi (language)

Basic plan, I want big navy and bigger (non-peasant) army, we've got shock troops from the stormlands, spears from the north, and enough men at arms to hold down the entire fucking triarchy if needs be. Also Dad's calling in those favors so help me seven.

[J]Plan: Peasant Mob
-[J]IronBorn Squadron (Ten ships): 15 BP x133 1995 BP
-[J]Raised Peasants: 1 BP x3005 3005 BP

Meme plan, drown them in peasant blood, as the gods intended.

Edit: Skill plan, ok so hear me out fellas, sword and shield to get legendary, pump dragon command because we do have multiple here, singing, lyre, and self control to have less anger problems, and Qaathi to speak with some of those enemy captains that we will inevitably capture (singed as they may be).
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Fixed plan, I have put skills in my master plan to get Port Tabasco.
If we can ensure the Survival of Dragons, it and take the stepstones, a lot of opportunities will open up for our sucessors.

Smashing the Triarchy hard enough could open up the idea of client states.
Edit: Skill plan, ok so hear me out fellas, sword and shield to get legendary, pump dragon command because we do have multiple here, singing, lyre, and self control to have less anger problems, and Qaathi to speak with some of those enemy captains that we will inevitably capture (singed as they may be).
Ok, I like very much your Army composition (except that I would rather take a lesser number of veterans over more greenhorns) @Tabascoheath BUT, there are a couple of things in the training options that I find pretty dumb...

First of all, getting to learn how to play the lyre (when there are so many other instruments available) seems like a bad idea, Lyres are basically the most ancient and crudest of all string instruments (now we have lyres who sound awesome but they are a 20th Century invention)... If you want other string instruments less crude and that sound much better (and that was developed in medieval times) I would suggest something like the harp, the lute or the fiddle.

And second, learning Qaathi is pretty useless, High Valyrian is the de facto Lingua Franca of Essos, with that we don´t need another thing to communicate... I would rather Learn Poetry, Music and Dance, or Meditation...

So here is my alternative plan, If we go for the music route let´s go full and make sure that we can dance and compose, I am also picking harp because it was the favorite medieval instrument for minstrels for a very good reason... And besides that I would rather have less Men At arem but make sure that all those soldiers are veterans...

But if Tabasco listen to my suggestions I will probably just propose to fuse our plans

[X]Plan: FOR PORT TABASCO!!! (With better Chaff and Music)
-[X]Father's Old Friends (Can only be taken 5 times): 50 BP x5 250 BP
-[X]Sea Snake Ship: 30 BP x33 990 BP
-[X]IronBorn Squadron (Ten ships): 15 BP x66 990 BP
-[X]Catapult and Crews: 50 BP x10 500 BP
-[X]Veteran Men At Arms: 4 BP x190 750 BP
-[X]Skilled Knights: 10 BP x50 500BP
-[X]Northman Pikes: 10 BP x50 500BP
-[X]Stormlander Heavy Infantry: 20 BP x37 740
-[X]Train Skill: Sword and Shield
-[X]Train Skill: Dragon Command
-[X]Learn Skill: Singing
-[X]Learn Skill: Harp
-[X]Learn Skill: Self Control
-[X]Learn Skill: Dance

Besides that @Magoose can you tell us the difference between skilled knights and Vale Knight routine? And what about Veteran Man at Arms and Westlander Man at Arms?
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No option to have Bowmen/Archers units?

Also, is 10 catapults really enough, given the level of fortifications we're going to face? I know we have dragons, but still....
Omake: A little Prince bedtime stories part 2!

Galena singing: A mermaid kiss is full of sharp teeth.


Why the sea cannot ever touch the sky?
Why must my skin break and dry?
When I wait for you in the sun like this?
Yet neither I can go or you stay


My hearts hungers in my longing for thy
Whats the tithe of this love
That cannot be paid by you and me?
Come my love, let me put you to rest
In the watery graves of the sea

Once in a summer storm
I met a man as brave as he was a fool
For he was not afraid of me.

Once in a summer storm
I met a man as fool as he was brave.
For he loved me.


A ironborn song written by one of the many daugthers of House Fairwynd before the conquest

Notes: I didnt have the imagination for a whole song, hope everyone enjoys it anyway