And What a Dance it Was (NO SV, War is Coming, Prepare)

Oh and you have friends. Lots of friends in Westeros who might want to join you.
Unfortunately most of those friends are I'm the North or in the Vale, which is really fucking away from Dorne...

For Logistics sake we kind of want friends in the Reach or in the Stormlands...
Daemon is fully on the ride or die train right now, when it comes to war with Dorne.

Viserys less so. Though he can be convinced of a small insurrection as a show of force.

He will also not let you take part in it as you are a child
I wonder if the King would ever know that we have let our mother die rather than transfer the curse to an innocent woman (at least that is what the votes are saying now) and what would Viserys think of us if we do...
I wonder if the King would ever know that we have let our mother die rather than transfer the curse to an innocent woman (at least that is what the votes are saying now) and what would Viserys think of us if we do...
Well for one thing, he would apologize for the trauma we suffered.

Then he would say that he would not go to war for us. It is because he does not want to dishonor Jaeheryes final will and wishes.

But he would do anything in his power to get justice for us.

And our family.
[X]No. (Visanya will die. And her children may as well if Valaar cannot rescue them)
[X]Drop her: Daemon didn't kill her. The Fall did.

By the time we're done with dorne it'll be a field of glass. Damn this sucks, but forcing someone else do die in mom's place won't help. Also screw the martel girl, doing this and not expecting to have an "accident" is the height of arrogance.
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Well for one thing, he would apologize for the trauma we suffered.

Then he would say that he would not go to war for us. It is because he does not want to dishonor Jaeheryes final will and wishes.

But he would do anything in his power to get justice for us.

And our family.
Dammit... no way to transfer the curse to Saera?I mean she is basically a crimelord now...

And Viserys may not have to declare war on Dorne, but since Daemon is murdering the Royal Heir Dorne may declare war on us and save us the trouble...
[X]No. (Visanya will die. And her children may as well if Valaar cannot rescue them)
[X]Drop her: Daemon didn't kill her. The Fall did.

Well, ride or die. By the time we are done with the house Martell, their words will be Bowded, Bent, Broken.
[X]No. (Visanya will die. And her children may as well if Valaar cannot rescue them)
[X]Drop her: Daemon didn't kill her. The Fall did.

Either way, all aboard the trauma train... Man, this choice stings.
So I just rolled for two Targaryen reaction for this event and others:

D100 => 98

Turns out Viserys is not happy that Dorne broke guest rights using black magic in his own house.

But he also said in no uncertain terms... That Dorne had to leave the alliance of the Triarchy, or risk open war with all the free cities supporting the Iron Throne.

Viserys may be a shit king... but he has his moments.

D100 => 3

He got eaten by Cannibal.... And nothing of value was-

Maelors Sons':
D100 => 98


But his sons only walked away with Burns.

And the Cannibal...

And two hatched Dragon eggs from the Cannibals Den that weren't eaten.

We have wild cards.
[X]No. (Visanya will die. And her children may as well if Valaar cannot rescue them)
[X]Drop her: Daemon didn't kill her. The Fall did.
[x]No. (Visanya will die. And her children may as well if Valaar cannot rescue them)

[x]Drop her: Daemon didn't kill her. The Fall did.
[x]No. (Visanya will die. And her children may as well if Valaar cannot rescue them)

[x]Drop her: Daemon didn't kill her. The Fall did.

Now we have to get extra faithful and resurrect her eventually. Oh well.
[x]No. (Visanya will die. And her children may as well if Valaar cannot rescue them)

[x]Drop her: Daemon didn't kill her. The Fall did.
[X]No. (Visanya will die. And her children may as well if Valaar cannot rescue them)
[X]Release her: If you want to kill her… you will do it in time when you seek to rip everything away from her. You will rip everything she holds dear away from her... Then she will have your permission to die.

Dorne Delenda est. Then she can spend the rest of her life howling in the salted ruins alone. This is the vengeance we will exact for our Mother.
[X]No. (Visanya will die. And her children may as well if Valaar cannot rescue them)
[X]Drop her: Daemon didn't kill her. The Fall did.
D100 => 3

He got eaten by Cannibal.... And nothing of value was-

Maelors Sons':
D100 => 98


But his sons only walked away with Burns.

And the Cannibal...

And two hatched Dragon eggs from the Cannibals Den that weren't eaten.

We have wild cards.

Well these sons are gonna be brought into the fold of House Targaryen....or the Velaryons might try to get them on their side.

Though this event could have Viserys seriously consider allowing Lucien siblings a shot of hatching dragon eggs of their own.
[X]No. (Visanya will die. And her children may as well if Valaar cannot rescue them)
[X]Drop her: Daemon didn't kill her. The Fall did.
[X]No. (Visanya will die. And her children may as well if Valaar cannot rescue them)
[X]Imprison her: She may not have confessed to that crime, as she only had knowledge… but killing her would be wasteful. She's a good hostage.

Don't go full Jaime. Having a hostage of that caliber is already half the victory against Dorne.
And no... As painful as it is, we will at least know the person responsible for mother's death. To murder another innocent woman in her stead would make it a crime on our hands. No.