And What a Dance it Was (NO SV, War is Coming, Prepare)

His mother would also not want him to throw away his entire life and future by transferring the curse onto a member of the Royal family.

[X]No. (Visanya will die. And her children may as well if Valaar cannot rescue them)

And condemning Mama and our siblings to death is any better?
Its sucks, but transfering it to another innocent person sucks even more. The transfeing of the curse is not guaranteed to even work anyways, we might even end up with our mother dead, and also the women we tried to transfer curse to dead as well, leaving us with another death woman, who was also innocent, with nothing to show for it
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And condemning Mama and our siblings to death is any better?
Not for us, no. But one, our Siblings aren't guaranteed to die. And two, again, WE WOULD FORCE THE CURSE ON ANOTHER INNOCENT LIFE, BRINGING HER DEATH BECAUSE OF OUR SELFISHNESS.

It sucks. Of course it sucks. But bringing death to an innocent Person that was not involved in this whole thing and never had a choice in it until we forced her to? That is EVIL. It would make us no better then the Mage who cursed our Mother or the Princess who arranged it. And I refuse to do it.
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Not for us, no. But one, our Siblings aren't guaranteed to die. And two, again, WE WOULD FORCE THE CURSE ON ANOTHER INNOCENT LIFE, BRINGING HER DEATH BECAUSE OF OUR SELFISHNESS.

It sucks. Of course it sucks. But bringing death to an innocent Person that was not involved in this whole thing and never had achoice in it until we forced her to? That is EVIL. It would make us no better then the Mage who cursed our Mother or the Princess who arranged it. And I refuse to do it.
Hear Hear! I for one will not let us become a villain. Visanya would not have wanted that for Lucien
[X]No. (Visanya will die. And her children may as well if Valaar cannot rescue them)
[X]Release her: If you want to kill her… you will do it in time when you seek to rip everything away from her. You will rip everything she holds dear away from her... Then she will have your permission to die.

There is a time for this, and it will come
@Magoose is there any chance in hell that Melissandre may help our mother?
She's trying her best, but its highly unlikely she can pull it off. Plus she's in Asshai of the shadows, and she is doing everything she can to save our sister and brothers.

Trying to save Visanya is asking far too much from her at her her current powerlevel.
Magoose-Dice, I beg you, do not kick us in the groin now...! (At least, I am taking this as conformation that there is a tiny, TINY chance she CAN MAYBE do it.)
She'd need a nat 100, and our mother having a will save to not murder her children.

Though she does have a bonus on the will save, considering her sons and husband are there.
[X]No. (Visanya will die. And her children may as well if Valaar cannot rescue them)
[X]Drop her: Daemon didn't kill her. The Fall did.

Innocent my ass. She was party to this fucking crime. She knew about it. Let the Gods decide her fate
Hear Hear! I for one will not let us become a villain. Visanya would not have wanted that for Lucien

I think that she would prefer to make sure that the rest of her sons did not die
There is a time for this, and it will come
Fuck that!!! I love revenge but let's kill this whore now that we have the chance, overly convoluted revenge plans always have more chances of backfiring than simply murdering the motherfuckers ASAP.
Innocent my ass. She was party to this fucking crime. She knew about it. Let the Gods decide her fate
INB4 that bitch survives.

I mean, the defenestration of the Red Keep is an epic-sounding thing and also metal as fuck.

But as much as she as guilty as fuck...

she's a princess of drone, and despite it being a foreign power commiting a crime on a subject of another nation...

It's a commoner, not even the mother of a prince. Only a few people would care.

Even Viserys would try to not allow this to become a war.:V
Fuck that!!! I love revenge but let's kill this whore now that we have the chance, overly convoluted revenge plans always have more chances of backfiring than simply murdering the motherfuckers ASAP.
i mean... the count of Monte Cristo tells us revenge has long-lasting consequences.

For all parties.
This is actually perfect. Nothing quells internal unrest and strife better than an external enemy or threat to focus on. This provides a golden opportunity for the targaryens to focus this external threat and vent all that pent up frustration from drgaonback. How many dragon riders does the Crown have under them?

And also, not like the Hightowers will mind, reachmen hate almost nothing more than the dornish. In fact, dare I say, it's the one thing almost every single kingdom under viserys can agree on, is that they hate the dornish

And if there is anything that would have a chance at mending the poor relations between the future blacks and greens, it would be an invasion of dorne

Cant have time to plot civil war if you are too busy invading dorne and turning it into ashes.
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[x]No. (Visanya will die. And her children may as well if Valaar cannot rescue them)

[x]Drop her: Daemon didn't kill her. The Fall did.
Honestly. Fuck being the better person. This bitch went after our mother and would have walked with little consequence and lost no sleep doing it. She can try and see if she survives the fall.
[x]No. (Visanya will die. And her children may as well if Valaar cannot rescue them)

[x]Drop her: Daemon didn't kill her. The Fall did.
[X]Yes: (The dice will decide who in the Targaryen Family's females, will be affected.)
[X]Drop her: Daemon didn't kill her. The Fall did.

No matter what choice we take, an innocent will die.
Saving our mother is a terrible choice, full of selfishness, and very cruel for condemning someone else with that curse.
...but we are young, naive and very protective of our love ones.
I don't see him becoming a Paragon, after what happened so far and everything after this crossroad.
We can't be te Heroe who sabes everyone, but at least we must be whe he sabes everyone he loves.

Edith: Regardless of the outcome of this vote, let's not rest until we find that Mage, and make him regret the day he decided to curse our, the very moment he was born.
Because. We. Will. HURT. HIM.
Until he begs for death, only to continue to live because we want him to suffer the same way we do.
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Yessssss I get to burn dorne I have foresee this several page ago yessss
But it is morally hard do we let our mother die or condemn an innocent.

I say we spent most of the time left with her
And we will make them die a painful death by burning them with holy fire.

[x] No. (Visanya will die. And her children may as well if Valaar cannot rescue them)
[x] Release her: If you want to kill her… you will do it in time when you seek to rip everything away from her. You will rip everything she holds dear away from her... Then she will have your permission to die.
Torching dorne is an activity baked into the targaryen bloodline
Currently, 11 combat ready dragon riders, 5 hatchlings, and over 30 eggs.

At the moment, we are about to have a lot more... if our brothers survive, and Viserys decides that its time to get a lot more firepower.

Oh boy. This will mean a repeat invasion of dorne will be very different from the first run, with almost tripe the dragon riders
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Friendly reminder that for Dantes, the titular count, "long-lasting consequences" were "gets to ridesail off into the sunset with his new lady-love, mission accomplished".
Yeah, but once Dantes got his fortune he would have probably gotten the same result significantly faster if he had hired some goons to shoot the fuckers who wronged him in their way to the opera or whatever...

But then The Count of Montecristo would have been just 30 pages long...
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