Much appreciated. I still want to finish this quest and I still have ideas for it, but time and energy have been my constraints.

So clearly I need to take the upcoming weekend to binge watch Gridman or rewatch Pacific Rim. One or the other anyway. This is logical somewhere I'm sure.
I need to get around to finishing that too. Not very far in it at all - I have this compulsive need to keep levels relatively balanced, but that never quite works in most SRW games. Someone's always going to be left behind because I was too busy maining Gridman alongside the Braves.
Posting will resume this weekend. This will be setting up the mission in support of the Yukimura Institute.

Also, when people offer you a promotion at work? Consider very carefully what the duties and responsibilities are and if the added paycheck is worth the pain and suffering. (Granted, depending on the job, you might not have a choice)
Deployment #5 - Day of Destruction! Arrival before the storm.
1220, 22 November A.D. 2072
Outskirts of Kyoto, Japan

"'Ensure you are worth the investment,' he says."

The once-human face pulled itself back into a sneer, her formerly hazel-colored eyes now a yellow and black reptilian shape and coloration narrowing into a frown. Rows of too-sharp teeth exposed themselves in too wide a grin, the hands gripping on the 'controls' of the Titanosaur momentarily exposing sharp, bone-white claws where fingernails once were. A tail swished back and forth behind the figure, as if betraying the body's agitation like one would see in a house cat.

"'Destroy Mercury V or else, he says.'"

The world seemed to shake as the Titanosaur finally made landfall. Giant footprints gouged themselves into not just the sands of the beach, but into hardened concrete. Buildings visibly shook, some even dislodging themselves slightly from their foundations as millions of the sheep below her simply fled. The pilot barely paid any heed to the hundreds of lesser monstoids dislodging themselves from the Titanosaur's body and legs, or even the 'bigger' ones that were already marching ahead of her to the Institute. The doc could always make more, and she sure as hell wasn't going to lose any sleep over any of the fates of the mindless drones the Union called citizens.

"Tch. Fine. Fine. Not like all the other raids or bullshit I've done for the doc's counted for anything," the pilot continued to grumble. "Aaaaaanyhoo." The organic control grips responded nicely, and she had to give it to Sheol, even the outer layer that kept the cargo and the creature protected during their stint as a living submarine (he hadn't taken it well when she tried to paraphrase that song at him - no taste, some people!) wasn't really slowing her down much at all. Probably didn't even need to eject it for awhile in case they ran into Mercury V.

The smile widened. If they ran into Mercury V.

"If you want something done right, plan it yourself," she chuckled. The old man was going to have his own share of problems before they could even think about launching the damned thing...

She was momentarily distracted by the impact of a... " friggin' serious?" The creature's head turned towards a nearby building that was doing its best to imitate the Leaning Tower - a frantic group of soldiers were desperately trying to attack her with...a machine gun. Wat.

"Idiots," she grumbled, barely paying attention as a fat, massive fist swatted the building, sending giant pieces of debris and bodies flying off into the distance. "Right, any more idiots who haven't watched a single movie in their lives...? Oh, yep. There's a few." The road to the Yukimura Institute was being blockaded, a mixture of Ground Defense Force and...actual Japan Self Defense Force trying to set up a firing battery?

"Okay." The pilot laughed. "Just for that? You get my attention."

The ground shook, as screams and deflected rounds echoed loudly in the distance...

1222, 22 November A.D. 2072
Mainframe, Yukimura Institute

"Diana, what's the situation?"

"Wait one-" The avatar paused as additional data flowed into her makeshift 'command center.' "Ms. Hamakawa, you have additional incoming from the bottom floor. Recommend you bolt the doors shut until you can deal with your current situation." Another pause as more information came in, the avatar swiping additional screens to the side as she refocused on more of them in front of her, the rest of the mainframe nothing but digital static all around her. "Dr. Yukimura, we have friendlies arriving - I'm pausing to get them briefed, standby."

Finally turning her attention back to the incoming call - what felt like an hour to her in reality only took a few seconds by human perceptions - she responded. "Looks like Dr. Sheol was planning this for awhile, sir. But before I start diving into the weeds, let me get you up to speed."

She glanced up at the impromptu video conference - Lieutenants Tellison and Zhang were present, as expected, but Major Devin was also observing. No pressure or anything. Shaking that thought aside, Diana produced an aerial overview of the Yukimura Institute. "Kaiju just made landfall two minutes ago and it's marching towards the Yukimura Institute right now. At its present speed, I give it about an hour before it gets here. That would be fine, but..."

Diana waved her hand, and additional red pings began to highlight hostile marks. "...kaiju-converted foot soldiers are making a move on the Institute itself. Ms. Hamakawa is handling ground security and the techs are working overtime to get Mercury up and running, but we're getting slowed down by that. And on top of that..."

The image of another kaiju appeared - smaller and more diminutive than the standard kaiju, and certainly smaller than the Dragon that they all had fought almost a year ago, but it was there. "Two of these were apparently sent ahead of the big one. Likely objective is to wreck as much as possible to prevent Mercury V from launching at all. They just didn't reckon with the fact that this time Dr. Yukimura had help arriving - we should have just enough time to land the Pegasus and downgrade all equipment before they arrive."

"Any luck with preparing the battlefield ahead of us?" Major Devin asked.

Diana grinned. "This time, we were able to make some changes that Dr. Yukimura agreed to sir..."

Due to good relations with the Yukimura Institute and arriving in time to help with the present crisis, Diana was able to get something ready ahead of time. Choose one:

[] "...we were able to do some good old fashioned mine laying. And, um, mine laying this time refers to pallets of old artillery shells that Ms. Hamakawa was able to get her hands on from her friends. I have no guarantee how much damage it will do, but it will do something even to kaiju." On the first turn this deployment, roll 4d6, Threshold Unknown. For each success, inflict 3 HP damage on each kaiju.

[] "...Dr. Yukimura had an old prototype from when he was building Mercury V rigged up as a cannon of some kind. It's been set up, but he can't promise it will stay stable - it wasn't developed much further for a reason apparently." Every two turns, roll 2d6, Threshold Unknown. Counts as a Heavy Weapons Attack. Can be targeted by kaiju.

"Good job," Major Devin nodded. "Diana, you're already on ground, you have command and control. Tellison, Zhang, get the Seekers and the Perseus ready as soon as you touch ground." He glanced at all the participants at the call. "We got lucky with the Dragon, but if our recent scuffle with the Free Brothers proved anything, it's that we can't assume that we're the top dogs anymore - and we're dealing with Mercury V's enemies. Our objective is to buy Mercury V as much time as possible to get online and help push back the kaiju. Anything else we can manage after that is just a bonus. Understood?"

When all confirmed, he nodded. "Let's get to work."

QM Notes: Vote by plan as per usual.

And as a reminder of what you all brought to the field:

Actions Per Turn: 1 + 1 (K-Suit)
Enhanced Reflexes:
- The K-Suit upgrade grants One Free Re-Roll per Combat Turn (Must be declared)​
Notable Character:
- Can make two attacks per turn at 2d6 for 1 HP each. Counts as a single Action.​
Psychic Unison: For One Turn, All Rolls gain +1d6
- Duration: 1 Turn (ends at the start of Perseus's next Turn)
- Can only be used Once per Combat
Inspiring Leadership: Inspire Support Units to fight harder!
Seeker Formation:​
- Can refresh Disrupt if on cooldown. Can only be applied once per target.​
- Can grant one friendly unit a re-roll to any Action for free once per combat turn! Cannot use this on himself.​
2LT Zhang Xiu Ying
Actions Per Turn: 1+1 (Psychic Theater)
- Can use Zhang's Actions for the Perseus
Co-Pilot: Can only be deployed in the Perseus.
Terrain Mastery: You may sacrifice this pilot's Action this turn to hinder enemy action. For the cost of 1 Action, delay an enemy's cooldown by 1 turn. This can only be used once every three turns. NOTE: pilot must be aware of what the actions are prior to using this.
Synchronize: Once per turn, Perseus may re-roll a failed Defensive save. You must keep the new roll.
Assigned to: 1LT Tellison / 2LT Zhang
HP: 15 + 6 (Anti-Gravity)
- Can Strike at Disadvantage, 1d6, Threshold of 5-6.​
- Can inflict 2 HP per Strike.​
Heavy Weapons:
- Can make a Heavy Weapon Strike at Advantage every four turns. (3d6, Threshold of 5-6, Inflicts 2 HP). Counts as the Phalanx's Action. Can be upgraded prior to missions.​
Combat Shield:
- Free Action. Can take refuge behind a deployable combat shield mounted on the left arm.​
- Can be used once per Combat Turn. Roll 2d6 at Threshold of 5-6; a success will reduce incoming damage by 3 HP. A failure will still reduce the damage by 1 HP.​
- Dispersion Shield, Prototype - Costs 3 RP to deploy in combat. Can deploy a limited Dispersion Field mounted on the left arm that overlaps the Combat Shield. Will automatically negate all damage that combat turn. Has a maximum use of twice per deployment. Upon depletion, automatically resort back to Combat Shield.​
Shield Wall:
- Can choose to absorb an incoming Strike for an allied Support unit. Will absorb -1 HP of the original Strike. Roll 1d6, Threshold of 4-6 to negate damage entirely. Can be upgraded in future turns.​
K-Scale Production Type:
- You may reduce damage at 2d6. Reduces damage by -1 HP. Applies once per combat turn.​
Arc Blade: A collapsible sword that can be supercharged with electromagnetic force.
Electromagnetic Field:
- Reduces the damage of one attack by 2-5 HP. Any enemy attempting to attack is struck with electromagnetic backlash, inflicting 1 HP for each attack.​
- Electromagnetic Field stays online for one turn of combat, can be activated as a free action.​
- Refreshes every three turns.​
- Can be used to make basic Strikes. If used this way, can inflict +1 HP per Strike.​
- Notable Bonus applies.​
- If K-Circuits are applied, use new baseline for added damage.​
Lightning Blade:​
- Finishing Strike requiring the deployment of the Spark Caliber. Test roll situational. Can inflict up to 8 HP of damage.​
- Target-able - Enemies can make a called shot to disable the weapon if deployed. If successful, will be unavailable for two turns.​
- Basic Model - Perseus by itself cannot support the Spark Caliber's energies; requires a Combine Unit to realize the Arc Blade's True Potential. Lightning Blade can be used, but not safely.
Upgrades: K-Suit (applied to Pilot), Anti-Gravity Treatment, Psychic Theater+, K-Scale
CR-11 Seeker Squadron
Twenty-Fifth Marine Air Wing 'Chimeras'
- Can Strike (Roll 2d6, Threshold of 5-6). Can inflict 2 HP per Strike. Can Strike every turn.​
- Additional Weaponry: Can Re-Roll one failed strike against Enemy Target at disadvantage (1d6). Can be applied once every turn.​
Attack Runs:
- Attempt to disrupt next Enemy Action. Inflicts negative status on Enemy, scales according to target.​
- Chance to Succeed (roll 1d6, Threshold Varies)​
- Counts as One Action​
High Velocity Agility:
- May roll to avoid a successful enemy attack at 2d6, Threshold of 4-6.​
- Diminishing Returns: After two successful agile rolls, Threshold increases to 5-6.​
The Backup:
- Can be targeted by enemies to delay Strike. If Enemy successfully hits, Seeker Squadron refresh is delayed by One Turn.​

As an OOC admin note as well: I'm in the middle of moving, both from my job and my current location, so my responses are going to be much slower. Additionally, I'm also shaking off the dust of this quest, and just getting back into writing in general. So do please bear with me as I continue. For whoever's been keeping up with this - my heartfelt thanks.
And we're back!

And hmm is this the first Kajiu that's being piloted? If so that's a big change here along with the foot soldiers it brought along.
And we're back!

And hmm is this the first Kajiu that's being piloted? If so that's a big change here along with the foot soldiers it brought along.
we've known about the foot soldiers but the piloted Kaiju is a new one. And honestly I'm exited since we may very well get a chance to screw Sheol over. I just can't decide whether or not we should go with the Minefield or the experimental cannon.
we've known about the foot soldiers but the piloted Kaiju is a new one. And honestly I'm exited since we may very well get a chance to screw Sheol over. I just can't decide whether or not we should go with the Minefield or the experimental cannon.
Huh been awhile must of forgotten they had foot soldiers since it seems new to me. And yes if we could possible capture this pilot for interrogation that would be a wonderful way to screw with Sheol.
So they have on the field:

2 Mini-boss Kaiju
? Teams of foot soldiers

With a big boss incoming.
Do we get to know how many 'teams' of foot soldiers they have for dice purposes and if the mines would hit all the foot soldiers together? If not definitely the cannon.
Okay I've made my decision.

[X] "...we were able to do some good old fashioned mine laying. And, um, mine laying this time refers to pallets of old artillery shells that Ms. Hamakawa was able to get her hands on from her friends. I have no guarantee how much damage it will do, but it will do something even to kaiju." On the first turn this deployment, roll 4d6, Threshold Unknown. For each success, inflict 3 HP damage on each kaiju.

The Pegasus already provides us with a HWP and the cannon is unreliable at best. The minefield is at least useful in taking off 3HP.
mine option sounds like a good idea.
not sure a heavy weapon that fires one ever 2 turns going to help lots...

then again if they have regen or something those mines might do a lot long term.
[X] "...we were able to do some good old fashioned mine laying. And, um, mine laying this time refers to pallets of old artillery shells that Ms. Hamakawa was able to get her hands on from her friends. I have no guarantee how much damage it will do, but it will do something even to kaiju." On the first turn this deployment, roll 4d6, Threshold Unknown. For each success, inflict 3 HP damage on each kaiju.
I disagree, we arrived with the Perseus which has

Shield Wall:

- Can choose to absorb an incoming Strike for an allied Support unit. Will absorb -1 HP of the original Strike. Roll 1d6, Threshold of 4-6 to negate damage entirely. Can be upgraded in future turns.

We're well specced for a fire support cannon.

[X] "...Dr. Yukimura had an old prototype from when he was building Mercury V rigged up as a cannon of some kind. It's been set up, but he can't promise it will stay stable - it wasn't developed much further for a reason apparently." Every two turns, roll 2d6, Threshold Unknown. Counts as a Heavy Weapons Attack. Can be targeted by kaiju.
Last edited:
[X] "...Dr. Yukimura had an old prototype from when he was building Mercury V rigged up as a cannon of some kind. It's been set up, but he can't promise it will stay stable - it wasn't developed much further for a reason apparently." Every two turns, roll 2d6, Threshold Unknown. Counts as a Heavy Weapons Attack. Can be targeted by kaiju.


Also, the Perseus is A) a tank and B) not as strong as the Beowulf. Fire support is very appreciated. We must also remember that our biggest goal is to buy time-Mercury isn't any god if it can't get moving, so we need to initiate maximum distraction. At the absolute worst, the Kaiju have something else to shoot at.
[X] "...Dr. Yukimura had an old prototype from when he was building Mercury V rigged up as a cannon of some kind. It's been set up, but he can't promise it will stay stable - it wasn't developed much further for a reason apparently." Every two turns, roll 2d6, Threshold Unknown. Counts as a Heavy Weapons Attack. Can be targeted by kaiju.
[X] "...Dr. Yukimura had an old prototype from when he was building Mercury V rigged up as a cannon of some kind. It's been set up, but he can't promise it will stay stable - it wasn't developed much further for a reason apparently." Every two turns, roll 2d6, Threshold Unknown. Counts as a Heavy Weapons Attack. Can be targeted by kaiju.
[X] "...Dr. Yukimura had an old prototype from when he was building Mercury V rigged up as a cannon of some kind. It's been set up, but he can't promise it will stay stable - it wasn't developed much further for a reason apparently." Every two turns, roll 2d6, Threshold Unknown. Counts as a Heavy Weapons Attack. Can be targeted by kaiju.
Yeah, let's get a second tarbaby.
[X] "...Dr. Yukimura had an old prototype from when he was building Mercury V rigged up as a cannon of some kind. It's been set up, but he can't promise it will stay stable - it wasn't developed much further for a reason apparently." Every two turns, roll 2d6, Threshold Unknown. Counts as a Heavy Weapons Attack. Can be targeted by kaiju.

Maybe the kaiju will target the cannon instead of the vulnerable ground forces
[X] "...Dr. Yukimura had an old prototype from when he was building Mercury V rigged up as a cannon of some kind. It's been set up, but he can't promise it will stay stable - it wasn't developed much further for a reason apparently." Every two turns, roll 2d6, Threshold Unknown. Counts as a Heavy Weapons Attack. Can be targeted by kaiju.

No idea....
[X] "...Dr. Yukimura had an old prototype from when he was building Mercury V rigged up as a cannon of some kind. It's been set up, but he can't promise it will stay stable - it wasn't developed much further for a reason apparently." Every two turns, roll 2d6, Threshold Unknown. Counts as a Heavy Weapons Attack. Can be targeted by kaiju

Time for us to shake things up with some fire support. The 3hp isn't assured but keeping up fire on them is worth it if we have more than 2 rounds
[X] "...Dr. Yukimura had an old prototype from when he was building Mercury V rigged up as a cannon of some kind. It's been set up, but he can't promise it will stay stable - it wasn't developed much further for a reason apparently." Every two turns, roll 2d6, Threshold Unknown. Counts as a Heavy Weapons Attack. Can be targeted by kaiju.
Perseus is going to draw this one out via all those defensive moves, and that will buy enough turns for the cannon to out-do the mines, which unfortunately are down to a single roll.
The Mines sounds like they'll maybe wipe out the mooks but...The problem is as I understand it there's more mooks and at least one other big guy on the way, so the mines are good if we want to have the Pegasus 1v1 the mini-boss until Mercury gets online. The cannon's better if we want that to fight the big guy and whittle down the enemy, but risks the Perseus against the mooks...
while the Perseus has a variety of defensive toys at it's disposal I think they're better used in a 1v1 scenario versus a 1v many.