A comment I want to make in general. Maybe it's a mistake to do this thing where we spread social actions around and try to "hit everyone". If we had consistently done a social action with Borek at every opportunity, he might well have given a better explanation before he left.
There's some merit in deciding who we need a deep relationship with and mashing that button over and over versus the idea that we've got to touch base on everyone at least once.
True enough. And for an example of that for the future...
I want to spend actions on Snorri.
Both because he strikes me as having been the most affected by Gotrek's death -
"We're three weeks out from the borders of Kislev," Snorri says, his voice distant. "If we turn back now and switch to half rations as we approach High Pass, we should remain battle-ready until we're out of the area where we're likely to encounter enemies."
by Borek's actions,
"None of those possibilities are the sort of thing that covers Karag Dum with glory," Snorri says darkly.
"I want to know what Gotrek died for," Snorri says. "If whatever's in there isn't boiling out of it to take a swing at us..."
"I'll make a note to warn Karak Vlag that a desert might knock on their door in the year thirty thousand," Snorri says wryly.
"I take it that means we're done here?" Sir Ruprecht asks.
"If that's definitely Morghur and those were definitely Beastmen, then that's all we need to know," Snorri says. "Karag Dum has fallen. Let the experts on Grudgelore argue over the exact degree."
Social actions can be spent not just to first get a first impression on people, but also on how they have changed after their experiences. And Snorri seems to have been the one most affected by Vlag, Gotrek, and Dum.
Also... Snorri is the only Dwarf leader here and now. Which means that his is the voice the Karaz Ankor -- and the more local Karak Kadrin (and now Karak Vlag!) -- will pay the most attention to.
Which means that any Dwarf politics and beliefs and reactions and thoughts and so on, will be most influenced by Snorri over... well, any of the other Councillors here, for natural reasons.
And finally, Snorri is the person most likely to have dealings with Karak Vlag in the future, what with its return. Since as one of the members of Clan Redmane, he's part of a clan that patrols the High Pass.
If he doesn't go Slayer over Vlag, Gotrek, and Dum, that is. Hopefully he doesn't.
And hopefully, if he's considering it, then Mathilde can prevent that.
... Also, I guess I just want to get the Dwarf POV on things, too. And Snorri is going to be that point-of-view, as he's the only Dwarf choice available.