Still following this quest, even though I am mostly skipping strategic votes nowadays. I am too curious about what will be thrown at us, considering we haven't been properly challenged in a while, thought it could have been a matter of lucky dice rolls. With various villainous factions finally joining sides, I expect harder midboss encounters!
clearly the boss mech had taken a liking PJH's gift.
"a liking to"?
One fist tightened into a fist
You don't say. :D

Happy New Year, everyone.
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Well that update projection was a wee bit optimistic. Aiming for this weekend to get started on Highway Robbery. Appreciate your patience all!

@Nevill, thanks! And no worries - just glad you're still along for the ride. :)

I hope everyone's been staying safe in the early days of 2021 so far.
Deployment #4 - Hunting Grounds
0715, 24 July A.D. 2072
Base Camp

" yeah. Our plan is pretty much just 'wave the flag that the Beowulf is out there' and let Bandit rush in." Richard paused as he considered that. "You know, they told me back in basic that simple plans like this really shouldn't work." Richard was safely ensconced inside of the Beowulf, the K-Suit having long since grown onto him in terms of comfort. The momentary itches didn't even fully bother him anymore, and interacting with the world through the Beowulf was a lot more intuitive these days.

Granted, seeing the Beowulf in a sitting position beneath a tarp, with his hands resting on his knees, was probably an interesting sight. But there was also another basic, mundane reason for staying inside - like hell was he going to be outside when the temperatures were already starting to rise. Just glad everyone's got access to room control temperatures.

"Yeah, well, your overseers never dealt with a Kaus with a grudge."
Cavalier's face shimmered slightly, the holoprojection showing the Legionnaire's image from the shoulders up in a red transluscent tint. "Take it from me - warfare and combat with us tend to get pretty, ah, personal. You smashed his face in, and that's something that's probably been burning at his processor core for the last year or so. He won't send too many drones at you to start if you're seen as alone - he wants at you himself."

"Don't you mean, 'solar cycle?'" Richard asked, a wry grin on his face.

"Hey, not my fault everyone else here gets the terminology wrong. Chalk it up to me running into Jess earlier than anyone else." Cavalier shrugged. "Speaking of which, how is she?"

"Cavalier: focus on mission discussion."
The blank visor of Herald's face lightly chided the other mech. "Callaghan-operator. Verify: satisfaction with mission parameters?"

"I'm not exactly happy about it," Richard admitted. "You're sure you can't give me any other readout on what to expect?"

"Drones are supposed to come standardized," Cavalier said with a shrug. "But these are the Free Brothers we're talking about. For all we know, they probably now come with even better equipment now that they've had some time to consolidate dirtside."

"Cavalier: substantially correct. Free Brother movement - favors equipment from industrial applicables to illegally procured military equipment."
The visor on Oracle's face seemed to flicker with light slightly - though that could very well have been a trick of the holoprojector. "Drone quality: drastically varies. Some are simple - some are more formidable than parameters would suggest. Impossible to tell." Herald held up a hand in a placating manner. "That said: more accurate dispositions available on request upon initial scan."

"Fair enough. Either way, I think I can keep their attention until we draw out Bandit." That he would show up at all didn't seem to be in question - Oracle and Cavalier seemed pretty convinced that Bandit was the type to hold deep seated enmity towards those who 'wronged' him, and Richard now ranked highly on that list. "Then...what's your play?"

"We'll jump 'em. Bandit might have another high ranker with him, so we can either jump him or the small guy himself." Speaking of grudges...Richard noted a certain tone of glee in Cavalier's voice. Fair enough - they'd all encountered him after having lost a fight with Bandit to begin with. "Best case scenario, we nab them - online or not. But if we rush in with everyone too soon, he'll get cold feet and just throw more of those damned Drones at you."

"Better sneak in with the Pegasus and everyone else when they drop in the Longships." The Pegasus was not here - not yet anyway. Only the Phalanxes from Tellison's old gang, and they were under orders to stay hidden until the Free Brothers had committed hard. "Then we can-"

Richard - and the Beowulf - looked up as they saw something swoop in from the sky. Instinctively, he reached out an arm - and Ocular landed softly, perched perfectly on the proferred limb. "You got something?" he asked.

The avian-like mech tilted his head at what organics would call an unhealthy angle, promptly before a new transmission played back in the call. <"Shall we consider our next move?"> The map soon zoomed in on a particular patch of sand in the desert - wide enough to not really be definite, but far more specific than the information they'd had before.

"Huh. Scrapheap's with them."

"Scrapheap: Free Brother repair specialist. Wanted: nine counts of improper repair work, seven willful deception and misuse of salvaging Kaus parts, four counts of armed trespass and treason against the Dominion, one count of continuous repair practice with expired certification."
A holographic image of the mech in question appeared - Richard winced at the idea that someone like this could be counted as a medic. Aside from a single bright eye, every little bit of the mech seemed dilapidated, dirty, run down - some parts of his 'skin' looked bolted on hastily, rather than the smooth lines of the others.

"So this isn't a small operation then."

"Probably not." Cavalier shrugged, then grinned. "Good luck, buddy! Save some for me!"

"Filled with confidence all around," Richard grumbled. But his mind was already plotting out a waypoint path towards the possible area of engagement...

Callaghan - and Beowulf - are the bait in this operation. Support options - including Cavalier - will not be available until at least Round Four - the players will maintain discretion on when to summon reinforcements.

Defeat the Drones, and draw Bandit out. Enemy disposition and capabilities are unknown, but due to longtime familiarity with their enemy, Ocular will be able to provide more specific information when they arrive. The more focused Bandit is on Beowulf, the more likely reinforcements - when summoned - will gain a bonus to attacking him on arrival.

The goal is to defeat Bandit as your primary target. Scrapheap is a secondary target. An undetermined amount of Drones are on site, and will likely be your first skirmishes.

Richard Callaghan
Actions per Turn: 1 +1 (K-Suit)
Enhanced Reflexes:
- The K-Suit upgrade grants One Free Re-Roll per Combat Turn (Must be declared)​
Notable Character:
- Can make two attacks per turn at 2d6 for 1 HP each. Counts as a single Action.​
Instinctive Piloting:
- You may apply ONE of the following this turn:​
- Re-Roll One failed Strike or Agile Roll per Turn​
- Gain 'Deflection' this Turn - Applies on first enemy infliction of HP​
- Deflection - When an enemy attack inflicts HP on you, roll at Disadvantage (1d6, Threshold of 4-6). Negate all damage dealt to you, and inflict 50% of that damage to the enemy instead.​
Enhanced Reflexes:
- The K-Suit upgrade grants One Free Re-Roll per Combat Turn (Must be declared)​

The Beowulf
HP: 12 HP + 6 HP
Agile: May roll to avoid a successful enemy attack at 2d6, Threshold of 4-6.
Diminishing Returns: After two successful agile rolls, Threshold increases to 5-6.​
K-Scale Mesh: You may attempt to reduce damage at a 2d6 roll (Threshold of 5-6).
Reduce damage by -1 HP.​
Applies once per combat turn.​
Counts as One Action (Notable Bonus may apply).​
Roll 2d6, Threshold of 5-6, inflicts 1 + 2 HP on success.​
Ramming Speed: Counts as One Action. May roll to ram an enemy at high speeds at 2d6, Threshold of 5-6, inflicts 2 HP. Success may have additional effects if declared prior to attack, to be ruled by QM.
Follow-On Strike: May attempt a Free Strike at Disadvantage if Ramming Speed succeeds.​
Combine: May Combine with either the SV-10 Shepherd or the V-33 Falcon (See Combine Units)

First Experimental Support Wing
Heavy Weapons:
- Strike at Advantage (3d6 for 2 HP).
- Usable once every three turns.
Experimental Mecha Modes:
- After a Heavy Weapon Strike, V-33s can now launch a follow-up Strike.
- Roll 2d6, Threshold of 5-6, to inflict 1 HP.

Ninth Armored Reconnaissance 'Hoplites'
- Can Strike at Disadvantage, 1d6, Threshold of 5-6. Can inflict 2 HP per Strike. Can Strike every turn.
Heavy Weapons:
- Can make a Heavy Weapon Strike at Advantage every four turns. Currently can only deploy Conventional Heavy Weapons (3d6, Threshold of 5-6, Inflicts 2 HP). Counts as the Phalanx's Action. Can be upgraded in future turns.
Shield Wall:
- Can choose to absorb an incoming Strike for an allied Support unit. Will absorb -1 of the original Strike, but damage effects of The Backup will take effect. Can be upgraded in future turns.
The Backup:
- Can be targeted by enemies to delay Conventional Weapons Strike. Roll a 1d6 at Threshold 5-6; if successful, Enemy hit is negated. If Enemy successfully hits, Phalanx Squadron refresh is delayed by One Turn.
- When facing multiple enemies, Conventional Weapons may be used every turn instead of every other turn.

Bigger Guns:
- Every three turns, the Pegasus may initiate a Heavy Weapon Strike. Roll for hit and damage as normal.
- Automatically equips the most recent Heavy Weapon you have developed (such as the Energy Blaster); does not incur additional downtime post-battle.

Scramble Communications:
- Force one enemy to reroll attack roll. The enemy will keep the new result.
Predictive Algorithm:
- Select one enemy. Roll at Disadvantage, 1d6, Threshold of 6. Success will unveil upcoming intentions.
Tactical Analysis:
- Will reveal additional details of enemy forces over time. Passive skill.

I'm not entirely happy with how this update turned out, but better to have something than nothing. I hope everyone's had a good weekend so far.
"You know, they told me back in basic that simple plans like this really shouldn't work." Richard
I'll have you know Richard that the best plans are often the simplest! That way there's less chance of failure, and the plan here is pretty good draw our foe out with Bait(aka beowolf) and when he enters the field pin him down long enough for the rest of our reinforcements to arrive to then capture or kill him.

And with that said what is the initial plan besides destroy the drones as quickly as possible while preserving Beowulf for the main fight. And I thought we where bring more support then just Cavalier is there any other Super Robots or Kaus on stand by?
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I think we should start by having Callaghan deploy the timberwolf formation, but hold back on any of the abilities until Bandit commits fully. At that point, we switch to Foxhound and bring in all our reinforcements at once.
I think we should start by having Callaghan deploy the timberwolf formation, but hold back on any of the abilities until Bandit commits fully. At that point, we switch to Foxhound and bring in all our reinforcements at once.
So go into our tanking mode and turtle it out while clearing the chaff, especially while goading Bandit with the mode that kicked his aft plate last time, and then when he commits, bring in the cavalry, change to aerial mode and flip the game on him? Sounds like a good start.

Especially since the odds are good we can outfly Bandit in our dedicated aerial mode compared to his jury-rigged gravity glider.
Basically the point of this plan is to goad Bandit, and avoid attacking him except with heavy weapons, which he rather disliked the last time we fought him. Once Bandit is focused on Beowolf, we go all-in on him, aside from having Cavalier keep Scrapheap occupied and having our Phalanxes keep any remaining drones occupied.

[X] Plan Stacked Deck
-[X] Setting the Bait
--[X] Callaghan and Beowolf is to engage the drones to draw out Bandit
---[X] Callaghan's re-rolls should be used on failed defensive rolls (IE dodging or k-scale mesh)
--[X] Use of Timberwolf Formation is authorized, Callaghan can decide when to deploy it.
--[X] Prioritize taking down Bandit's drones, although use the Timberwolf's Heavy Weapons on either Bandit or Scrapheap as applicable.
--[X] Make sure to taunt and goad Bandit to ensure he is focused on Beowolf and thus at as much of a disadvantage as possible when the support arrives.
-[X] Springing the Trap
--[X] Once Bandit is utterly focused on Beowolf and the support is in position, spring the trap and bring in all support at once.
--[X] Callaghan should switch to the Foxhound formation and start using his re-rolls on attacks to ensure as much damage is dealt as possible.
--[X] At this point, Bandit is the number one priority for Callaghan, the First Experimental Support Wing, the Pegasus, and Ocular
--[X] Cavalier should focus on Scrapheap to keep Scrapheap from preventing Bandit's capture or death
--[X] The Ninth Armored Reconnaissance 'Hoplites' are to take down any remaining drones or to attack Scrapheap if there are no more drones.
[X] Plan Stacked Deck

This works for me our goal here is to capture or kill Bandit if we capture or kill Scrapheap as well that's just icing on our cake.
I'll probably wrap up the vote and get to rolling dice tomorrow.

The Kausen version of it, but yes. If you've ever watched Transformers Prime, it's very much along the lines of what Silas did with "Nemesis Prime." It just happens to be on himself.
I was thinking one part Lockdown (Animated) and one part Swindle, with other mad surgeon Decepticon personality traits thrown in.
Just a quick note to anyone following - my attempts to post have been stymied by work deciding to place four months' effort into the first month of the year. Until this gets resolved, I probably won't be able to push anything out - nothing that relates to mechanics anyhow.

To tide you over, this week I'll give you all a few sidebar stories whenever I can. Happy to take suggestions, but at the moment I just don't have the time needed to give you something worthwhile.
Scheduled vote count started by Basarin on Jan 10, 2021 at 10:42 PM, finished with 20 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X] Plan Stacked Deck
    -[X] Setting the Bait
    --[X] Callaghan and Beowolf is to engage the drones to draw out Bandit
    ---[X] Callaghan's re-rolls should be used on failed defensive rolls (IE dodging or k-scale mesh)
    --[X] Use of Timberwolf Formation is authorized, Callaghan can decide when to deploy it.
    --[X] Prioritize taking down Bandit's drones, although use the Timberwolf's Heavy Weapons on either Bandit or Scrapheap as applicable.
    --[X] Make sure to taunt and goad Bandit to ensure he is focused on Beowolf and thus at as much of a disadvantage as possible when the support arrives.
    -[X] Springing the Trap
    --[X] Once Bandit is utterly focused on Beowolf and the support is in position, spring the trap and bring in all support at once.
    --[X] Callaghan should switch to the Foxhound formation and start using his re-rolls on attacks to ensure as much damage is dealt as possible.
    --[X] At this point, Bandit is the number one priority for Callaghan, the First Experimental Support Wing, the Pegasus, and Ocular
    --[X] Cavalier should focus on Scrapheap to keep Scrapheap from preventing Bandit's capture or death
    --[X] The Ninth Armored Reconnaissance 'Hoplites' are to take down any remaining drones or to attack Scrapheap if there are no more drones.
    [X] Plan Stacked Deck + oculus scans bandit until he gets information, then scrapheap
A few stories about the average Joe's perception of the DFRI and its appearance at the battle of the Harbor when the Carrier got kiboshed would be interesting.